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Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:45 am
by DevilZ
acbx wrote:
Disabling wheel blur does wonders though. :)
Would you be kind enough to tell how to do it please? (: The wheel blur is really fugly

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:32 am
by madmax
You'll need to decrypt GamePC.cpr and edit this file, then encrypt it again. I don't remember where did I get tdudec from, but that's the program you need to decrypt/encrypt cpr files.
There's a line: MV_RADIAL_BLUR = 1, change it's value to 0 (zero).

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:51 am
by DevilZ
Mhhhhhh :| I thought it would look like in TDU1.
Why did they put this ugly wheel blur in game :cry:

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:00 pm
by madmax
DevilZ wrote:Why did they put this ugly wheel blur in game :cry:
There's a lot of shit in TDU2 and missing several great features, not to mention that stupid encryption on game files. The 1st TDU was better though. Now I'm playing TDU1 again lol. :D

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:56 pm
by zuckbin

Is someone can edit bnk files or not again ?


Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:19 am
by Knyazev
Use my Universal launcher for TDU2 :wink:


TDU2: Universal Launcher v1.0
// by Knyazev
12 July, 2011

Universal launcher for game start in two modes on a choice, online/offline without check for game files/updates.
Written in C++. Requires .NET Framework 4.0!

How to use?
1. Unpack TDU2_Universal_Launcher.exe file in any folder.
2. Run TDU2_Universal_Launcher.exe
3. Select the necessary game mode for you: Online or Offline.
4. Click on "Run Game!".
5. Game will be started in few seconds.

P.S: Select the "Texmod", if you want to run game from Texmod utility.

Image Image Image

Mirror #1:
Mirror #2:
How to launch TDU2 from Texmod, using Universal Launcher?
1. Run TDU2: Universal Launcher (next - UL)
2. Select the game mode (Online or Offline)
3. Select the check on "Texmod"
4. Click on "Create Mutex!" button
5. Click on "Launch Texmod" button *
7. Run TDU2 from Texmod utility.
At all don't close UL!

* - if in settings have path to Texmod.exe file

In new v1.0 version:
v1.0 - 12 July 2011
* Changed the algorithm of launching TDU2
* Now launcher doesn't change a main game registry key
* Launcher uses own registry keys for storing settings

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:41 am
by Weegill
Wow i was surprised when i saw this thread was still going...

Nice update on the launcher there Knyazev, will test it later on.
I have to say thou i've not been on TDU2 in over a month or so now. Might start up again if it becomes more moddable

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:01 am
by Coco
I'm still impressed, how it's going on here.
Great stuff, Knyazev and all the others. :)

What I, and I guess many others, still need is a new bnk-(re)packer.
Unfortunately I'm an absolutly noob in programming. :cry:
Does somebody know about an updated version able to handle tdu2 bnks?

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:19 pm
by Xarlith
We all are waiting for a bnk packer :). It is possible to write such BMS script since we have an unpacker but it will be much harder for a programmer. We also need a script to decrypt/unpack some config files which are not supported by tdudec.

@Knyazev Is it possible in future Universal Launcher releases to select desired TestDrive2.exe without modifying registry key? For example if somebody have both unpacked and packed game in different directories and he wants to run packed game with the help of original TDU2 launcher to check for updates he have to re-edit registry key. With light launcher there was no such problem.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:54 pm
by Knyazev
Xarlith wrote:We all are waiting for a bnk packer :). It is possible to write such BMS script since we have an unpacker but it will be much harder for a programmer. We also need a script to decrypt/unpack some config files which are not supported by tdudec.

@Knyazev Is it possible in future Universal Launcher releases to select desired TestDrive2.exe without modifying registry key? For example if somebody have both unpacked and packed game in different directories and he wants to run packed game with the help of original TDU2 launcher to check for updates he have to re-edit registry key. With light launcher there was no such problem.

Okay. In the next version I will do this. Thanks)
Will be created a new registry key ( HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Atari\\TDU2 - "GameFolder" line ), ok?

and then U.L will be use this new registry key. it's good)
without change the main registry key of the game!

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:16 pm
by Xarlith
I think this will be better. Thanks!

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:10 pm
by Knyazev
Xarlith wrote:I think this will be better. Thanks!
Finished! :wink:
New version is available now!

This version of launcher (v1.0) will be very useful to those who uses two and more versions of game! (packed/unpacked/without patches)

v1.0 / 12 July 2011
* Changed the algorithm of launching TDU2
* Now launcher doesn't change a main game registry key
* Launcher uses own registry keys for storing settings
Works on "Game updates" section finished on 30%.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:08 pm
by Koce
I was try to convert Jaguar XKR Black and uv map of body is wrong and i can't put vinyl on side.Did any one have same problem?

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:33 pm
by Koce
I found problem it was UVmap.TDU 2 have 2 on this car.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:37 pm
by Taka
I've got a problem now. It worked fine but suddenly it stopped working after a while.
It comes up with a msg when I try to import the file. Even though it's the same file I imported earlier.
--Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined

readVB f geoms.prims[j].vboffset geoms.prims[j].numverts varr UVWarr
I'm using the TDU2_mesh_import v2.1