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Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:00 pm
by Weegill
Ty Knyazev for the new launcher. Starting to get annoyed at the standard one due to the fact ive got to put in the edited files after the launcher has done it checks.
Out of interest, does this one of your's check for updates?

I've also noticed i cant run tdu2.exe directly anymore, well with the launcher running of course. The game will load but it wont ever seem to actually log in. I've tried it with older versions of the exe but all of them seem to do it. But if run through the launcher it'll work first time. Not sure whats been changed as there are no additional launch parameters. Then again its not very important...

Nice tutorials there folks, should help some people out :)

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:02 pm
by eNsLaVe
Jessica wrote:
Knyazev wrote:All games from steam are started with parameters in shortcut: -steam appid XXX (where XXX - number)

TDU2 steam id - 9930 ? Right?

I will try to hack original UpLauncher.exe in which I disconnect the check of game files)

All launchers (PC and Steam) are identical :-)


But I am afraid that you will be banned in VAC =(



Thank you very much :-)


Check the files of game is carried out through the server.
I think, if to forbid access to this server - checks of files won't be.

Source code of UpLauncher.exe contains the next servers:
I think, it is necessary to forbid access to this server ->

Thank you very much for the hack launcher :) it worked on my non steam version (I forgot i had a non steam version on another folder) !!!!

Thank you heaps.


Knyazev wrote:mordax

I know. I this already made. Launcher hangs =\


Results of hacking UpLauncher:
Cracked UpLauncher.exe changes on original if the server is accessible...
The original file is downloaded from server and replaces the cracked file....

I will try to fix it.
How do i bypass physic.cpr check ? lol they are now disabling any acceleration if anyone edit this file.

@Jessica: if you have steam version, be careful what you doing. i know this is offtopic, but steam says VAC is enabled on tdu2. it seems impossible and bullshit to me, but never know. as far as i know steams VAC can only ban you from STEAM VAC ENABLED SERVERS, but tdu2 doesnt even use steam servers. i dont understand this.
what i do is quit steam like Sethioz suggests on his forum (kill steam.exe after launching game using task manager).

I am not playing it not using steam any more lol thanks though. Now ummm i am still trying to play with all extracted files I think i am doing something wrong because when trying to play with extracted files the launcher launchers the game then i see black screen but then it crashes back to desktop.

I think it's trying to find a file to launch but cant find it therefore i am thinking something is missing from the file move and rename.
I seriously doubt that VAC will ban for editing that physics file, if VAC would be active then ALL TDU2 PC copies would use steam...

Code: Select all

//___________________ Chassis __________________________________________________________________________________________

// Km/h - LinearDamping			
// Off-road vehicles
OffRoadDirtLinearDamping		= 	
OffRoadGrassLinearDamping		= 	

// Not off-road vehicles
NotOffRoadDirtLinearDamping		= 	
NotOffRoadGrassLinearDamping	= 	

OffRoadAngularDamping			= 	

SecureAngularDamping			= 	
SportAngularDamping			= 	
HyperSportAngularDamping		= 	

//___________________ Braking control _________________________________________________________________________________
// Km/h

TractionControlActivation		=	
TractionControlVelocityMin		=	
TractionControlVelocityMax		=	

//___________________ Steering control _________________________________________________________________________________
// Km/h-Deg/s						
SteeringVelocity				= 	

// Km/h-Deg				                
SteeringMaxAngle				=	

// Km/h-Sensitivity					
SteeringSensitivity			=	

// Force feed-back					velocity	% at stop		% at velocity
BasicSteeringFeedbackFriction	=	
PowerSteeringFeedbackFriction	=	
SteeringFeedbackSpring			=	

// Vibration						rubber		pavement
SteeringVibration				=	
and these are the only editable parameters in the physics.cpr file. they work ONLINE and OFFLINE

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:27 pm
by Knyazev

My "Light Launcher" don't checks the updates.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:57 pm
by Chipicao
Here's an even faster way to unpack the game. Just extract this archive to your game folder and run the cmd, which will automatically do the following:
- extracts all .big archives, including updates, regardless of their name (RU, EU...)
- renames all resulting .bin files and moves each one in its corresponding folder (us, ru, fr, de, it, es languages are supported)
- moves all .big and .map files to a backup folder (otherwise the game will crash)
- moves all remaining .bin files to an unused folder (most of these are not even used by the game, but some are related to online aspects ex. clubs)

Important note: The game launcher will re-download the updated .big and .map files if they are not found, resulting in a CTD. To overcome this you can simply block it from your firewall or use Knyazev's launcher.

I for one am done wasting time with this pathetic excuse for a game. Sorry vagos, I know I said I'll help you "crack" that XMBF format, but I just don't see the point anymore. I think it will always have arcade handling and poor physics no matter how much we tweak it.

For those of you interested in what you can do by editing GamePC.cpr, here's my list of "tweaks" link (requires registration).

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:09 pm
by eNsLaVe
That is sad news Chipicao :(
oh well.... lets go back to the atariboards and complain some more lol

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:14 pm
by Knyazev

Thank you very much for all)

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:30 pm
by mordax
dont want to break it to you guys, but you are making mess here.
it took me nearly week to figure out HOW THE FUCK does this fucking "bin" renamer work or better yet, WHY doesn't it work for me. and ofc ppl are ignoring my questions and saying read again, well i fucking did read the whole thing and tested EVERY tool, so here's explanation IN DETAIL why it doesnt work for me.

that GUI bin renamer..
well first of all. WHY THE FUCK is it called BIN renamer??? i dont understand why BIN?? where are you getting this from?
there are no freaking bins when i extract the files, i have .wav/.bnk/.ige few are .bin and some others, so where are you getting those BIN files from? once extracted, only few of them are BIN files. like WTF?

so another thing in that filelist.log that you guys made. here is one specific example:

Code: Select all

0A5A4511C4F31831 "euro/bnk/ig2/tesseven.ig2"
i just took a look into it and found out that my file is called "0A5A4511C4F31831.ige"
who was the smartass and tought that its a really good idea to rename .ige to .ig2 ????
i mean like .???@!@? !@??! ??
so it should be:

Code: Select all

0A5A4511C4F31831.ige "euro/bnk/ig2/tesseven.ige"
execpt that this stupid tool does not read anything but .bin
in order to get it working, i had to rename "0A5A4511C4F31831.ige" >to> "0A5A4511C4F31831.bin"
and then tool renamed it to 0A5A4511C4F31831.ig2 and moved into euro/bnk/ig2/ folder.

why not simply make it rename any file WITHOUT the extension? its not like those numbers repeat anyway.
0A5A4511C4F31831 > it exists only once, so why not make it rename 0A5A4511C4F31831.ANY, where ANY means any extension?

ugh im so frustrated over those false posts ... i keep like fucking testing and all this time i tought that im the one doing something wrong

almost forgot, i used .cmd file and replaced .bin with .xxx
where .xxx is the file extension i wanted to rename and move ... a simple thing made SO HARD ! why? just to piss readers off or scare them away?

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:19 pm
by mordax
i got them renamed with my own method but i still have about 2200 files left
how did you made filelist.log? where did you got it from?
once again, i did read and i did not understand. ppl just saying that drive and files will load, load where?
i have discovered 100% of both islands i also have clothes, furniture and all cars

i would help you out with updated list if i would know how

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:25 pm
by vagos21
before flaming over the goddamn process that's been explained so many times, you could read my post on page 28 and get ALL your answers like jessica did. and don't tell me you can't follow these SIMPLE STEPS, with ALL THE FILES AND SCRIPTS IN THERE! it's all explained CLEARLY and in STEPS!

JESUS people use your brains! i never imagined i'd read a post like this after the clear explanation i wrote! damnit i won't set foot on this thread again! and when i say BINARY values i mean BINARY floats, not values in ASCII text! am i speaking english or what?

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:34 pm
by Jessica
just follow page 28, even a noob like me understand the instruction.

i couldnt get those tools to work either but the instructions vegos gave me on page 28 is the best one and it worked just make sure you move every single .big and .map files into a spare folder or a new folder.

Thanks Vagos it worked for me, i found out why i got ctd it was because i didn't move away every single .big files.

Knyazev'S launcher is awesome :) saves me from copying over the cpr files after the launcher.

Has anyone got the id for clothings yet?

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:38 pm
by mordax

Code: Select all

5. now your folder is full of bin files, with strange names like "01B65ABC1748B7E5.bin"
you are not talking about binary, you are talking about .bin files. as SAID BEFORE, i have downloaded all and tested. i just downloaded again your stuff.rar just so you stop suggesting shit to me
filelist.cmd contains the following:

Code: Select all

@echo off
for /F "tokens=1*" %%A in (filelist.log) do if exist %%A.bin ( md "%%~pB" & move %%A.bin %%B)
this renames and moves ONLY fucking.bin files NOT .bnk or .wav or .xmb ...etc

so NO you are not speaking english. i do not understand where are you getting those .bin files!!! i do not have more than 50 .bin files. i have total of 10621 files and only like 50 are .bin files!!!
im not blaming, but telling me to use brains. even monkey can read out that this command only renames .bin files.
look in the fucking filelist.cmd file, it says .bin there and it only works on .bin and there is NO EXPLANATION whatsoever that you need to replace .bin with .wav (.bnk ..etc) in order to get it working with other files.

> what about renaming .ige into .ig2 ? whats up with that?

@Jessica, i dont think you understand what i mean. i was talking about renaming and moving those extracted .bnk / .wav / .2db / .ige / .xmb / .xmb2 files into right folders.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:45 pm
by Jessica
mordax wrote:

Code: Select all

5. now your folder is full of bin files, with strange names like "01B65ABC1748B7E5.bin"
you are not talking about binary, you are talking about .bin files. as SAID BEFORE, i have downloaded all and tested. i just downloaded again your stuff.rar just so you stop suggesting shit to me
filelist.cmd contains the following:

Code: Select all

@echo off
for /F "tokens=1*" %%A in (filelist.log) do if exist %%A.bin ( md "%%~pB" & move %%A.bin %%B)
this renames and moves ONLY fucking.bin files NOT .bnk or .wav or .xmb ...etc

so NO you are not speaking english. i do not understand where are you getting those .bin files!!! i do not have more than 50 .bin files. i have total of 10621 files and only like 50 are .bin files!!!
im not blaming, but telling me to use brains. even monkey can read out that this command only renames .bin files.
look in the fucking filelist.cmd file, it says .bin there and it only works on .bin and there is NO EXPLANATION whatsoever that you need to replace .bin with .wav (.bnk ..etc) in order to get it working with other files.

> what about renaming .ige into .ig2 ? whats up with that?

@Jessica, i dont think you understand what i mean. i was talking about renaming and moving those extracted .bnk / .wav / .2db / .ige / .xmb / .xmb2 files into right folders.

OK Let's start Over !!!

Delete all the extracted files you got and delete all the tools you got as well (they didn't work for me either worse of all they were the source of so much more confusion).

See the quote I am posting below? Just follow that :)

I cant attach the file for but go to page 28 to get the download link.

Lastly after you followed his instructions, don't forget to move all the .big and .map files (and i mean ALL) away to a new folder on a desktop or somewhere safe for backup.

vagos21 wrote:ok, that's a better polite way of asking for some help, so here is the process, one last time, for running the game with the extracted files, not needing the big/map ones

here are some useful working files:

<a href=""></a>
and here's the process:

1. download the latest version of quickbms (0.4.1b) found here

2. make a folder somewhere (with enough disk space to extract all files).

3. drop in there quickbms and all the files included in the zip file.

4. right-click extractAll.bat and select Edit. the commands will pop up, which extract all big files.
a line is like this:
quickbms.exe "c:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\TDU2\" .
all you need to change (if needed) is the path to your map files -> "c:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\TDU2\"
for example if you have TDU2 installed in "c:\games\TDU2", it will become "c:\games\TDU2\"
save the changes and then run the extractAll.bat. this will take a while, extracting all big files into the folder you have created.

5. now your folder is full of bin files, with strange names like "01B65ABC1748B7E5.bin"

6. run filelist.cmd. this will rename all the bin files and build the folders with the right structure to be used by TDU2. after it's finished, you'll have a folder called "euro", and a few bin files left. since the process is still in development, we ignore them for now they don't seem to be in use yet.

7. move your "euro" folder to your TDU2 installed dir. actually you'll see that there's already a Euro folder in the TDU2 directory, so you'll want to MERGE them.

8. after this you're ready to play TDU2 with the extracted files. all you have to do now is MOVE your big and map files to another place, i don't suggest deleting them since they're too big for the default recycle bin size, so they'll be permanently deleted and if you mess up you'll have to re-install the game.

9. you can now run the game with the extracted files working.

that's all someone needs to do, if you can't follow this then i'm sorry there's nothing more i can do. and before going on asking questions like "how do i do this, how do i add that", this is ALL the progress that's been made, the game cannot be modded yet, hopefully if more ppl help it will happen soon too. this means there's NO packing files back to big/map files. this thread is about files modding and researching, not memory hacking the exe to get more money or changing positions and stuff like that. clear enough now?

good luck everybody.
This thread is really messy because the original poster is too lazy to edit his post and add all the links and tutorials I think i will create another thread because adding to this thread is not a good idea due to the original poster's laziness and lack of care.


Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:05 pm
by mordax
no Jessica, it doesnt work :)
because i do not have .bin files, this is what i tried to explain like 10 times, but nobody listens to me. i have .bnk .wav and such. if quickBMS script was changed to extract as .bin, why no1 said so? also why make mess why not extract original files. as .bnk .wav .xmb .xmb2 .ige ..etc and add few more lines into .cmd file to rename them too? instead of .bin only. i dont understand why take long way, but i guess "why take short way, if there is long way"
long way FTW ... i guess

also no1 answered why it is good idea to change .ige into .ig2?

anyway forget about it how can you get filelist.log? i want to update your list here becuz i have discovered 100%

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:16 pm
by Jessica
mordax wrote:no Jessica, it doesnt work :)
because i do not have .bin files, this is what i tried to explain like 10 times, but nobody listens to me. i have .bnk .wav and such. if quickBMS script was changed to extract as .bin, why no1 said so? also why make mess why not extract original files. as .bnk .wav .xmb .xmb2 .ige ..etc and add few more lines into .cmd file to rename them too? instead of .bin only. i dont understand why take long way, but i guess "why take short way, if there is long way"
long way FTW ... i guess

also no1 answered why it is good idea to change .ige into .ig2?

anyway forget about it how can you get filelist.log? i want to update your list here becuz i have discovered 100%

Like i said start over (forget the tools you have downloaded before forget the bin files forget the bank files) this has nothing to do with a bin files ok? forget the bin files and forget the bank files all together.

The thread is a whole load of mess and confusions unstructured. You are not the only one that got led astrayed :) but forget everything just unclog your mind.

Unclog your mind with what you have read, take a deep breath and exhale.

Now follow the quote i gave you previously.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 [2011/BNK]

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:32 pm
by mordax
no i wont delete anything becuz i got it working using my method

this still does not eplain how .ige becomes .ig2
original file is .ige, but renamer makes it .ig2 i had to replace all .ig2 with .ige inside of filelist.log in order to get correct results.
i think this is why some ppl had issues with running game with "open" files, because game tries to load .ige while this stupid filelist.log makes it .ig2 so game cant find it and crashes.

any ideas on how to make my own filelist.log?