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Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:17 pm
by Schot
Ah ok, I see Dinoguy. Well it looks as though you've been very involved here and certainly you have some experience with the process. Now I'm not sure if I just didn't notice it before but I just noticed a link unit near the top of the site. It's interesting that the ad type is a link unit. That link unit is exactly why we initially stopped using google. It is probably the worst paying of all of them and is exactly why it's at the bottom of the list of units to choose from. What's important to know is that each and every unit pays differently. Google won't share exactly how each unit pays but within the list there is the Recommended units.

I assume Mouse is reading this topic so here's what I would recommend to get comfortable. I didn't want to do this at all when we started so what my partner and I did as a compromise was that we put a Leaderboard unit at the bottom of all pages on our sites. That way it wasn't too intrusive and we could watch results. The results were good enough that we wanted to add more in a smart way. Keep in mind that while unit types pay differently so does the placement of the ad. Naturally, top side pays more than bottom. There's a grid that Google supplies depicting the value of several locations within a page.

As for my experience. Leaderboard, Text and Image units are the best.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:32 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Yes, I am reading this with interest. I will take a good look at it, because I too feel we can make more of GoogleAds.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:49 am
by Schot
Very nice. Give it a month to do it's thing. Oh and set yourself up for direct deposit. We lost a check in the mail and there was no way to get the lost money back. Some scoundrel intercepted our cheque. It's a regular problem... Google cheques are not a good idea, heh.

Back on the topic of donations I thought I'd donate a little something. While working I tossed together a favicon for you guys. I noticed you didn't have one and thought you might like one.


If you'd like to preview it then have a look at my dev forum:

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:14 am
by Dinoguy1000
We do actually have a favicon, as seen on - Image, but it hasn't been readded to the forum or wiki since we were attacked a few months back (and I'm not sure if it was created specifically for XeNTaX or picked up from somewhere, since I've seen it used on one other forum, completely unrelated to us(though I don't remember what forum that was)).

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:14 pm
by Captain
Dinoguy1000 wrote:We do actually have a favicon, as seen on - Image, but it hasn't been readded to the forum or wiki since we were attacked a few months back (and I'm not sure if it was created specifically for XeNTaX or picked up from somewhere, since I've seen it used on one other forum, completely unrelated to us(though I don't remember what forum that was)).
I think that favicon was included with the theme I based the homepage on. I don't remember designing that.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:33 pm
by Mr.Mouse
I've changed it. It's our logo now.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:51 pm
by Captain
Mr.Mouse wrote:I've changed it. It's our logo now.
That will do.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:55 pm
by Captain
I talked to someone who has experience with this type of thing and have plastered some key areas with Google text ads. Only for non-registered users of course. I have good expectations, but we'll see.

As an aside, this required a core hack in phpbb, which is completely ridiculous.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:18 pm
by Captain
It is impossible to work with phpbb. It has a cache that you need to clear twice before your changes become viewable. There isn't an option to disable caching, so development becomes an unnecessary pain in the ass. "Plugins" are all core hacks that overwrite key files, just like they used to be when we had to manually edit the core. The only difference is that they automated that process, which of course doesn't work because it depends on search & replace, which ties them to a specific version of phpbb.

The thing I don't get is that instead of learning, they opted to stick with their shitty code and expand it. I swear to God I have never seen a group of people pursue a bad software design strategy as aggressively as the people behind phpbb.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:36 am
by Dinoguy1000
Maybe that would explain why development has seemed to slow exponentially over the last few (all bugfix >_> ) releases (or is that just me, and their development pace has always been slow as hell)?

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:01 am
by Captain
Dinoguy1000 wrote:Maybe that would explain why development has seemed to slow exponentially over the last few (all bugfix >_> ) releases (or is that just me, and their development pace has always been slow as hell)?
That would be a likely explanation. It's definitely not a project I would want to contribute to.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:01 pm
by Teancum
Do donations of a decent size (don't want to state publicly how much for fear of Mr. Mouse getting flooded with requests) merit a bit of priority on research for specific games? I'm a long time modder, but now that I have a career and a family I have resources to donate towards research - game archive research specifically. I know money talks in the sense that I'm sure this question is asked fairly often, but I just wanted to throw it out there in case I get to make a request with a higher donation.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:12 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Teancum wrote:Do donations of a decent size (don't want to state publicly how much for fear of Mr. Mouse getting flooded with requests) merit a bit of priority on research for specific games? I'm a long time modder, but now that I have a career and a family I have resources to donate towards research - game archive research specifically. I know money talks in the sense that I'm sure this question is asked fairly often, but I just wanted to throw it out there in case I get to make a request with a higher donation.
Well, no. At the moment, higher donations will not prioritize any specific game to be researched. That's the way donations work. However, there will be some pros here probably that may be "hired" to take a peek at a specific game. However, if those tend to be more frequent, we might be considering to ask for a share, or donation in return. Might.

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:03 pm
by ElseWara
Hello mouse i have donated 10 euro :)

when can i have MultiEx Comnmander

Here's the transaction id: 9CC72564PR890094U

many thanks :)

Re: We need your donations. Campaign 2011

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:43 pm
by Mr.Mouse
For some reason, that did not show up in our list. daniel frusin right? You will have it soon.