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Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:21 pm
by Zerox
Looks fantastic! Thank you very much. As for textures I'm don't believe Barburary has ever "demanded" credits on anything. You could always ask him if your concerned, but there are people submitting models and stating they got the texture from the textures portion of the site and they are allowing it.

Besides the thing about ripped textures is that pretty much anyone could rip it themselves and get identical results.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:11 pm
by Mirrorman95
I had to heavily modify the mtl to map to the textures correctly, and that OBJ is the only one that will apply the textures.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:49 pm
by SoftIce
Thanks for the feedback you guys! I posted a message on the model resource comm, so I'll see what they say as well. I'm thinking that including a readme.txt crediting Barburary with originally ripping the textures will be fine. I know that anyone can get them, but since he was the one that got them for me I wanted to give him credit (because I only was able to get crappy quality jpegs when I tried *facepalm*)

Mirrorman, could you tell me what happens when you try to load the model? Were the UVs messed up, or was it that the program wasn't able to find where the textures were located? Also, what program are you using, and which version?

I exported them from maya 2011, student or learning edition (whatever it's called.) Not sure if that makes a difference. I can try loading them into max 2009, which I also have.

Sorry for asking like 20 questions.

Edit Again: Re-uploaded the model pack. This time there's fbx ascii files, 1 opencollada dae file, and an obj with an mtl. Had to manually edit the files so that they would stop trying to link to my desktop. lol. fbx is still the only version that I can get transparency to work on. Although, I fixed the mtl file so that it should load the materials now, but, it doesn't load any transparency.

New link:

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:00 am
by Mirrorman95
SoftIce wrote:Thanks for the feedback you guys! I posted a message on the model resource comm, so I'll see what they say as well. I'm thinking that including a readme.txt crediting Barburary with originally ripping the textures will be fine. I know that anyone can get them, but since he was the one that got them for me I wanted to give him credit (because I only was able to get crappy quality jpegs when I tried *facepalm*)

Mirrorman, could you tell me what happens when you try to load the model? Were the UVs messed up, or was it that the program wasn't able to find where the textures were located? Also, what program are you using, and which version?

I exported them from maya 2011, student or learning edition (whatever it's called.) Not sure if that makes a difference. I can try loading them into max 2009, which I also have.

Sorry for asking like 20 questions.

Edit Again: Re-uploaded the model pack. This time there's fbx ascii files, 1 opencollada dae file, and an obj with an mtl. Had to manually edit the files so that they would stop trying to link to my desktop. lol. fbx is still the only version that I can get transparency to work on. Although, I fixed the mtl file so that it should load the materials now, but, it doesn't load any transparency.

New link:
The mtl file didn't point to the actual texture files. I had to find which ones went where, but after that it looked fine.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:25 pm
by Tazuka
SoftIce wrote:
Tazuka wrote:To SoftIce,
First, thanks you very much for your answer. :)
So, I tried with NSBMD files of Mario Kart DS on NSBMD.exe and when I rip with 3dvia, I don't have UV. :(
With Ogle and 3D ripper DX, I can't get the result I should have ( No UV ).
I have tried with ConsoleTool, but It doesn't open my NSBMD files. :-(

Thanks you very much for your futur answers.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french. 8D
Don't worry, your english is fine. :) I think it's very cool that you can speak two languages. I wish I could. lol.

And oooh, I see you're trying for a different game than KH days. Mario Cart. Hm. The best I can say is that you might get more luck with the link I posted below, which deals with mario cart ds and ripping stuff from it. I used their guide to help with ripping xion's model.

Ripping 3d models from the nitendo ds

Let me know if you get anywhere. lol.

Oh also, with nsbmd, sometimes I would get UVs and sometimes I wouldn't... so it could just be that you have bad luck with the model you're trying to get.

Console Tool acts strangely on my computer, so if the model isn't loading it could be that the program is acting weird again. I know the most recent version doesn't support the model format we're using anymore, so you need to use version 2.0.

Here's a link to the version I use, with Xion's model included. See if you can get it to load her model. If it doesn't, then it's something with your computer since she loads on mine.

The version of Console Tool I'm using:

What operating system do you use, by the way? Xp, Vista or Windows 7?

Oh - if you notice the model dissapears if you turn off things like joints or the grid, try switching users on your computer so it goes back to the start logon screen, wait a few mins, and then switch back to your user account. It fixes the display for me 7 times out of 10.

No clue why that helps. lol.

Edit: HAHAHHA. Under my username it says I'm a 'veteran' now. That's ironic, since I know almost nothing about programming.
Thanks for your answer,

I tried with metasequoia, but, the object file is really messed up, and not uv-mapped.

With ConsoleToolv2.0 :

Render : ... 96d978.jpg
I don't have a good UV rendering
3DVia Printscreen don't print 3D Model :(

With NSBMD Viewer :

Render : ... 97e898.jpg
I have a good UV rendering
3DVia Printscreen print 3D model but not UV data :(

I use Windows XP x86

Thanks. :]

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:37 pm
by SoftIce
Mirrorman95 wrote:The mtl file didn't point to the actual texture files. I had to find which ones went where, but after that it looked fine.
Oh that's a big relief. I was worried the data was corrupted or something. Did you try with the updated pack? The obj mtl file lists all the materials, and it loads correctly in maya for me. (Maya generates incorrect mtl files, I discovered. For me, anyway.)
Tazuka wrote: Thanks for your answer,

I tried with metasequoia, but, the object file is really messed up, and not uv-mapped.

With ConsoleToolv2.0 :

Render : ... 96d978.jpg
I don't have a good UV rendering
3DVia Printscreen don't print 3D Model :(

With NSBMD Viewer :

Render : ... 97e898.jpg
I have a good UV rendering
3DVia Printscreen print 3D model but not UV data :(

I use Windows XP x86

Thanks. :]
No problem. :) I usually can't help out here at all, so when I get the chance to try to i'm always happy. You also have the same operating system as me. haha.

And sorry! I wasn't clear before. Console Tool doesn't let you rip any 3d data. I only mentioned it because it displayed the model I was trying to rip correctly, while the NSBMD viewer did not.

It looks like nsbmd and console tool both display your model geometry the same, which is good. It also looks like they pick up the same texture files. I can see they both also miss the same ones (rainbow, I believe...?)

It looks like you're trying to rip a race track of sorts? Is it a model the world/level/race track/whatever? And you say that nsbmd doesn't rip the UV data? Oh, that's harsh because making new UVs is a great pain (as I have learned.)

How is the model you ripped messed up, besides for no uv data? Is the geometry actually screwed up... like are the vertices in the wrong area, or is it just that there are no textures? If your model's geometry is messed up, that adds a new problem. For me, I was working with one individual model. If you have an entire race track that has screwed up vertices, it'll take more time. If the geometry of the ripped model IS screwed up, let me know and I'll tell you what I did in my case. (it's a cumbersome and not streamlined process, so if you don't have that issue, I won't bother cluttering up the post with it lol)

Oh, is there only one Mario Cart game for the DS? Which level or model are you trying to get? If it is a race track, is it a track that has been used in other Mario Cart games? If it has, you still have more options than trying to fix messed up vertices or making all new UVs.

If it's a whole new race track, and it's just that the UV and textures are gone, then I'd suggest trying this: See if any other of the race track models pick up UV data when you rip them, and if they do, use those UVs as a guide of sorts for when you go to make your own UVs (eg, how they map out the road and the cars etc.)

Let me know if you get anywhere or if I wasn't clear somewhere. (I know I tend to ramble on and on :P )

Oh, could you post a screenshot of what the model looks like when you rip it? What 3d editing program are you using? You know, you can get the educational or whatever version of maya 2011, for free!! Just tell them you are a student (I am lol), and then you can use a fully functional version of Maya, that just has a screen saying this is for educational purposes don't use this for profit, and all that.

For me, I have maya 2011 student edition, 3d max 09, blender, and milkshape. I use maya the most now though. And max if maya is acting wonky.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:40 am
by Mirrorman95
The new OBJ looks all black in P3DO, but the DAE looks fine now in GLC Player, except it doesn't detect the transparency.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:14 pm
by SoftIce
lol. let me try using that program. And 3dmax 2009. Maya2011 might be acting strangely for me or something.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:46 pm
by HeartofFire
Umm.... do you mind if I use this to make a model for MMD? There isn't an official one yet. I would totally credit you.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:44 pm
by BakameExcalibur
Okay, I have a ROM for Re: coded and am using Tahaxan to peek inside... and I'm completely lost on what to do to extract everything. Furthermore, is there anything available to view models/whatnot if I get this ROM extracted?

(Old topic is old, I know, but I figured a little help is better than none.)

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:07 am
by Mirrorman95
Assuming you actually have the Re:coded game legally and you just downloaded an identical ROM, you would use dslazy to extract everything, but then use and in alternation to unpack and decompress the models and other data. The models are bmd0 files in NSBMD format, and although there are many model viewers that can read that format, only Version 2.0 of the ConsoleTool at can actually display the game's character models properly. I think it's because Re:coded and 358/2's NSBMD format uses different bone opcodes than that of most other NDS games. You can only export them with other NSBMD viewers, but any model with a posable armature converted this way will be completely off. At ... #msg190237 , LowLines has given specific documentation on the model and container formats used in 358/2 and Re:coded, as he hopes to reincorporate them in a later ConsoleTool release.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:57 pm
by BakameExcalibur
Mirrorman95 wrote:Assuming you actually have the Re:coded game legally and you just downloaded an identical ROM, you would use dslazy to extract everything, but then use and in alternation to unpack and decompress the models and other data. The models are bmd0 files in NSBMD format, and although there are many model viewers that can read that format, only Version 2.0 of the ConsoleTool at can actually display the game's character models properly. I think it's because Re:coded and 358/2's NSBMD format uses different bone opcodes than that of most other NDS games. You can only export them with other NSBMD viewers, but any model with a posable armature converted this way will be completely off. At ... #msg190237 , LowLines has given specific documentation on the model and container formats used in 358/2 and Re:coded, as he hopes to reincorporate them in a later ConsoleTool release.
Yeah, I own a copy of Re:coded, but I must point out that DSDecmp seems to crash a lot on my computer. Still seem to have managed to extract some stuff, but it's really slow going, not to mention the only stuff I've found definitively seems to be the character "pictures" used in cutscenes since digging through all those directories is a bit of a pain. Really wish this were easier, but oh well.

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:27 pm
by BakameExcalibur
Shameless bump with another question: Would it just be easier to drag the unpacked game's main folder onto each decomposer, or do I really need to dig into the subdirectories and do it? It seems like it'd be a lot quicker to just drag the main folder itself onto them, but I dunno whether that would work. :?

Also, which directory are the character models in? All my digging for them has proved relatively fruitless right now...

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:04 am
by dragicorn
where do I find the ntsb viewer?

Re: Kingdom Hearts MDLX and Re:coded File Viewer (Request?)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:57 pm
by Escope12
SoftIce wrote:
Mirrorman95 wrote:Those look correct to me. Great work! I for one would love to have a Xion model out there in a format that Noesis or Blender can understand. Does it have bones?
Yay I'm glad I could help out with something or other here. A once in a lifetime chance. lol. And no sorry, no bones. :[ I was able to get her only because 3dvia and ogle both worked with ntsb.exe, so all it did was capture the geometry.

But... I don't think it would be hard to add bones manually. After all, now that I have rigged versions of the typical org robe, I can just use that as a template. Plus, Xion is so darn low poly, so even less work. I'm planning on adding bones myself once I make sure I have all her vertices in correct postion, and have the UVs made up. When I do that, I'll upload her as an attachment.

Really though, what I ultimately want to do is just use xion's low poly model as a template, and modify larxene's robe, and use kairi's kh2 face and other parts as a base, and kairi's kh1 hair as a starting point, so that I can create an edited high poly version of xion.
Krisan Thyme wrote:I definitely would be. I'm interested in all the models in this series, and the fact that this is probably the most elusive of all of them.. Yeah, I think there's definitely an interest in it.
Awesome. I'm kinda confused about why anyone would be interested in any of the models that we can find in the other games, because the polycount is soooooo much lower. Like for the others like axel or marluxia or namine or roxas, we already have those models in much better quality, so why would someone want the low quality ones from 358 days?

Is it just a collection type of thing? That we have the models from that game, even if they're lower quality? Cause I can understand it from that angle cause I like to have complete collections of things myself. lol.

Xion is just so.. like you said. D@mn elusive! Her actual model only appears in one game, and then we get teased by seeing a higher quality version of her model that was pre-rendered, but not actually included in any game. Square. You teasers! :P
Zerox wrote: Looks correct to me. I'd be happy if you were to upload that and post the link here or pm it to me.

You can get textures for unhooded Xion here: ... index.html

If you unscramble the mess of vertex on her unhooded model then I would be happy to see if I can correct the UV maps.
Thanks for the help with the UVS! It's more that they just don't exist... :? They like aren't there at all. lol. So it's starting from scratch. But, since other models like namine have working uvs, I'm planning on using her as a template for part of it. But any help is appreciated!

I just discovered that console viewer 2.0 shows Xion's model correctly (and with textures.) Before I was using the 3.0 version and was wondering how the heck people were viewing the models in 3d. lol fail. While I can't capture the 3d data, it does have a wireframe only view, so I can take some screencaps of her model from the front, side and top, and then use that with maya to make sure I got the arm and robe verteies in the right area. Cause honestly, I was just winging it and hoping it looked vaguely correct. :oops:

If anyone wants to mess with the 3dvia snapshots I've made, you can get them here:
unhooded w/no UV or Tex:

Hooded w UV and Tex: ... m-ntsb-exe

Unhooded with the ntsb player that makes them explode more (horrors!!! - no UV or text, not that it makes a difference ohgodmyeyes): ... zoomed-out

I found another version of the ntsb viewer that seems to show the models slightly better (as in, they don't look like a bomb went off inside of them quite as much.) I'll upload that too as soon as I find what folder I saved it in. I can also upload the progress I made in a dae and obj format. But maya isn't open right now and it takes its god awful time loading for me. Next time I open it I'll export what I have so far. :roll:

Also, I kind of want to wait and upload the progress I've made after I use the console viewer as a double checker tool. I have a feeling I probably have some things in places where they shouldn't be... lol

EDIT: Wait never mind, I downloaded the viewer from the creator's website and now it works fine.

EDIT AGAIN: it looks like more faces are added to the model whenever i rip it from ogle or 3dvia. Argh.

I found something that I think can view BMD0 files, but there's no precompiled binary and oh god I suck at that. Part of the summary was that it has BMD0 Reading and Writing and a BMD0 renderer, and it includes an export feature to json.

WHY must I suck at programming and compiling. WHY. :x Cgywin keeps beating me up with errors. lol
Can you send me he link for ntsb viewer & what was the creator's website that you got the ntsb viewer?