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Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:56 am
by fatduck
I am looking for some help on PS2 titles which use "matrix palette skinning" to transform the model's vertices back to it's original position!
There are two type of skinning:
1: only one base position with different bones and weights
From what I found on the net, it should be
These vertices are not transformed directly by the joint matrices of the animated skeleton but the joint matrices are first multiplied with the inverse joint matrices for the base pose. These inverse joint matrices can be precalculated because the same base pose is used during all animation. The joint matrices of the animated skeleton can then be multiplied with these inverse joint matrices of the base pose before skinning the mesh. The following pseudo code shows how a single vertex is transformed.

accumulated = matrix0 * weight0;
accumulated += matrix1 * weight1;
accumulated += matrix2 * weight2;
position = accumulated * basePosition;
normal = accumulated * baseNormal;
tangent = accumulated * baseTangent;
example PS2 title: Saint Seiya The Hades

]as you can see in the pictures, when there is only one bone for each vertex, the position is correct, but for more than 1 bones, all vertices mess up.

attached are some models file and a log file(for 00h.gmi)

Could anyone take a look at this?

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:56 am
by fatduck
Forgot to post the GMI format!
Here you go:

Code: Select all

dword           HeaderID        //0x20040319
dword           GMIsize
dword           HeaderSize?
dword           padding?
word            numBones
word            numMesh
dword           ofsBones
dword           ofsMesh
dword           ??
dword           ??

struct Bone {                   //Base on parent coordinate
  float_16      Matrix4X4
  word          ParentID
  word          ??
  word          ??
  char[42]      BoneName

struct MeshInfo {
  word          MeshType?
  dword         numVerts
  dword         numFaceControl?
  word          padding
  dword         ofsVertCoord
  dword         ofsNormal
  dword         ??              //must be offset of something
  dword         ofsUV
  dword         ofsBoneIndices
  dword         ofsWeight

struct VertCoord {              //Base on Bone Transform
  float_3       CoordXYZ
  float         FaceControl     //1.0 = build Face

struct Normal {
  word_3        NormalXYZ
  word          Padding?

struct UV {
  float_2       TexUV

struct BoneIndices {
  byte          Index1
  byte          index2
  byte_2        Padding

struct Weight {
  float         Weight1
  float         Weight2  

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:34 am
by MrAdults
I think what you are missing is perhaps the "by the joint matrices of the animated skeleton but the joint matrices are first multiplied with the inverse joint matrices for the base pose" part.

What you have there looks to be the geometry and its matching skeleton base pose. This means that you want to transform your actual bone matrices to be used for the vertex transforms by the inverse of the corresponding base pose bone matrices. If your bones have not moved from the base pose, this will give you an identity matrix for every bone. Naturally, transforming every vertex by an identity matrix regardless of weights, will give you the same output as the input you fed into the transform.

If you are transforming against identity matrices and seeing bad results with more than 1 weight, then the problem is in your weighting transforms. That can actually be done in multiple ways, but I've actually started favoring pre-multiplying the matrices, as it works out to be fewer calculations this way when you are also transforming the normals. In gles shading language, it goes something like this:

Code: Select all

	highp mat4 mt;
	int bidx;
	bidx = int(boneIdx.x);
	mt[0].xyzw = boneMats[bidx][0].xyzw * boneWgt.x;
	mt[1].xyzw = boneMats[bidx][1].xyzw * boneWgt.x;
	mt[2].xyzw = boneMats[bidx][2].xyzw * boneWgt.x;
	mt[3].xyzw = boneMats[bidx][3].xyzw * boneWgt.x;
	bidx = int(boneIdx.y);
	mt[0].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][0].xyzw * boneWgt.y;
	mt[1].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][1].xyzw * boneWgt.y;
	mt[2].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][2].xyzw * boneWgt.y;
	mt[3].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][3].xyzw * boneWgt.y;
	bidx = int(boneIdx.z);
	mt[0].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][0].xyzw * boneWgt.z;
	mt[1].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][1].xyzw * boneWgt.z;
	mt[2].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][2].xyzw * boneWgt.z;
	mt[3].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][3].xyzw * boneWgt.z;
	bidx = int(boneIdx.w);
	mt[0].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][0].xyzw * boneWgt.w;
	mt[1].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][1].xyzw * boneWgt.w;
	mt[2].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][2].xyzw * boneWgt.w;
	mt[3].xyzw += boneMats[bidx][3].xyzw * boneWgt.w;
	highp vec4 transPos = mt * position;
	gl_Position = mvpMatrix * transPos;
	mat3 m33 = mat3(mt[0].xyz,
	lowp vec3 transNrm = normalize(m33 * normal);

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:34 pm
by Rimbros
Well, fatduck fail on this and mr.adults its the only have idea :( , its the end of the way.

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:09 am
by qslash
Sorry for bumping this thread , but Im also trying to figure out the matrix palette skin for this format , and so far I got the Skel defined but the transformation of the vertices is the problem, my question is when you mentioned that the joint matrix has to be multiplied by the inverse of the joint matrix of the base pose , does it has to be the one already accumulated as a world matrix or the local?.

What I mean is in the follow diagram :

M root -> M joint 1 (child) -> M Joint11 (child)

*the local is = M Joint 11
*the world is accumulated = M root x M Joint1 * M Joint11

So if I have to transform the vertex without considering weights, what I've been trying to do is multiplying the vertices by the world matrix , but that doesnt show me the correct positions of the vertex and when I apply faces it mess up . Or doest it have to be : vertex * Inverse(World Matrix of Joint)? .

Before I forget , my respect to fatduck in how he figure out the struct of the file .. thats impressive .

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:34 pm
by MrAdults
I just assumed fatduck had figured it out when he never replied again, so I never bothered looking at the actual files. I'll have a look at it tonight, if no one else posts and tells me it's already been figured out in the mean time.

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:29 am
by qslash
thanks MrAdults , maybe this can save you some time checking , what I have done till now is this :

from the model : 00s.gmi

- Bone struct is correct
- MeshInfo has only a small difference from the specified from fatduck, new field bones_used from the log fatduck attached :

Code: Select all

struct MeshInfo {
  word          MeshType?
  dword         numVerts
  dword         numFaceControl?
  word          padding
  dword         ofsVertCoord
  dword         ofsNormal
  dword         ??              //must be offset of something
  dword         ofsUV
  dword         ofsBoneIndices
  dword         ofsWeight
   byte [12]    bones_used ;       // <-- qslash , array with bone used by the mesh
- Vertcoord struct is correct , the FaceControl field is equal to 1 , Im assuming is the end of a tri face , if there are 2 consecutives I take the 2 previous vertex before the first FaceControl = 1.
- Struct BoneIndices is correct , for every vertex the Index1 field is the index position in MeshInfo.bones_used , eg MeshInfo.bone_used[BoneIndices[VertexPosition].index1] is the bone used.

So far :
Number of Bones : 46 // Bone[46]
Number of Meshes : 5 // MeshInfo[5]

Taking as example the Mesh[0] , that I think is the body of the model , we have :

Code: Select all

[[MeshInfo [0] ]]
Number of Vertices : 261
Offset Vertices : 5424
Offset Bone Indices : 25104
No weigths .. 
Bones_used [0..11] : 1,3,2,4,7,5,6,8,16,9,18,10
Taking only the Bone 3 , that has values , and parentid 1 (Bone 1) , we have

Code: Select all

[Bone 0 Matrix] Name : h_ske_root
  1.000000 ,   0.000000,   0.000000,   0.000000
  0.000000 ,   1.000000,   0.000000,   0.000000
  0.000000 ,   0.000000,   1.000000,   0.000000
  0.000000 ,   0.000000,   0.000000,   1.000000

[Bone 1 Matrix] Name : h_jnt_waist , parent_id = 0
 -0.000000 ,  -1.000000,  -0.000000,   0.000000
  0.000000 ,  -0.000000,   1.000000,   0.000000
 -1.000000 ,   0.000000,   0.000000,   0.000000
 -0.000000 ,   0.000000,   0.000000,   1.000000

[Bone 3 Matrix] Name : h_jnt_luleg, parent_id = 1 (Local Space Matrix)
  0.998632 ,  -0.052288,  -0.000000,   0.000000
  0.052288 ,   0.998632,   0.000000,   0.000000
 -0.000000 ,  -0.000000,   1.000000,   0.000000
 -0.915000 ,  -0.047500,   0.665000,   1.000000
A vertex that uses that bone, Vertex V[10],
with BoneIndices[10].bindex1 = 1 , MeshInfo.bones_used[bindex] = 3:

Code: Select all

 -0.160854, 0.938815, 0.067392
The World Space (accumulated) matrix for Bone 3 I have is this :

Code: Select all

 0.000000  -0.998632  -0.052288  -0.052288
  0.000000  -0.052288   0.998632   0.998632
 -1.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
 -0.665000   0.915000  -0.047500  -0.047500
*Note , Im re-loop-checking again and again if my logic for operations with matrix is correct .. till now I think is ok .. if not I will shoot myself :D ..

If a multiply the vector with the inverse of the World Space matrix (accumulated), I got the same vector :

Code: Select all

-0.160854, 0.938815, 0.067392
* Edit : I think that is multiplying with a Identity matrix .. mm but thats only if cant be inversed ..weird .. checking code again ..
* Edit2 : corrected , fabs(float) .. but the same the model now looks like a babylon 5 spaceship .. :P

if a multiply with the World Space (accumulated) , I got :

Code: Select all

-0.067392 0.111545 0.945942 
But the model with faces , looks wrong :

So .now Im bleeding from the eyes :P I dont know what Im doing wrong ... I just want to get to the same thing that fatduck did , so any help will be appreciated ...

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:20 am
by MrAdults
It looks like these verts are meant to be transformed by the modelspace bone matrices. So, multiply the bone matrices down the hierarchy to end up with a fully transformed skeleton, then transform position and normal by the appropriate bone matrix. That will give you the right results for meshes with only 1 weight:
Unfortunately, though, this still doesn't handle the 2-weight meshes. There is something weird about them. The bone indices all appear correct, but multiplying them against weight matrices does not give you anything resembling the "right" result. This is the problem fatduck had run into. I'll keep messing with it and see what I come up with, but here's my current WIP code. (if you don't recognize some classes/functions, you can reference the Noesis plugin SDK, which is included with Noesis)

Code: Select all

typedef struct gmiHdr_s
	int				id; //0x20040319
	int				size;
	int				unkOfsA;
	int				unkB;
	WORD			numBones;
	WORD			numMeshes;
	int				ofsBones;
	int				ofsMeshes;
	int				unkC;
	int				unkD;
} gmiHdr_t;

typedef struct gmiMesh_s
	WORD			unkA;
	int				numVerts;
	int				numUnkB;
	WORD			unkC;
	int				ofsPos;
	int				ofsNrm;
	int				unkD;
	int				ofsUV;
	int				ofsBoneIdx;
	int				ofsBoneWgt;
	BYTE			boneList[12];
} gmiMesh_t;

typedef struct gmiBone_s
	RichMat44		mat;
	short			parentIdx;
	short			unkA;
	short			unkB;
	char			name[42];
} gmiBone_t;

typedef struct gmiIntrVert_s
	RichVec3		pos;
	RichVec3		nrm;
	float			uv[2];
	int				bi[4];
	float			bw[4];
	int				numWeights;
} gmiIntrVert_t;

noesisModel_t *Model_GMI_Load(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, int &numMdl, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	gmiHdr_t *hdr = (gmiHdr_t *)fileBuffer;
	gmiBone_t *srcBones = (hdr->numBones > 0 && hdr->ofsBones > 0) ? (gmiBone_t *)(fileBuffer+hdr->ofsBones) : NULL;
	modelBone_t *bones = NULL;
	int numBones = 0;
	if (srcBones)
	{ //convert bones
		numBones = hdr->numBones;
		bones = rapi->Noesis_AllocBones(numBones);
		for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++)
			gmiBone_t *srcBone = srcBones+i;
			modelBone_t *dstBone = bones+i;

			dstBone->mat = srcBone->mat.ToMat43().m;
			dstBone->index = i;
			dstBone->eData.parent = (srcBone->parentIdx >= 0) ? bones+srcBone->parentIdx : NULL;
			memcpy(dstBone->name, srcBone->name, sizeof(dstBone->name)-1);
			dstBone->name[sizeof(dstBone->name)-1] = 0;
		rapi->rpgMultiplyBones(bones, numBones);

	void *pgctx = rapi->rpgCreateContext();

	CArrayList<gmiIntrVert_t> verts;

	gmiMesh_t *meshes = (gmiMesh_t *)(fileBuffer + hdr->ofsMeshes);
	for (int i = 0; i < hdr->numMeshes; i++)
		gmiMesh_t *mesh = meshes+i;
		if (mesh->numVerts <= 0 || mesh->ofsPos <= 0 || mesh->ofsPos >= bufferLen)

		float *posAr = (float *)(fileBuffer + mesh->ofsPos);
		short *nrmAr = (mesh->ofsNrm > 0 && mesh->ofsNrm < bufferLen) ? (short *)(fileBuffer + mesh->ofsNrm) : NULL;
		float *uvAr = (mesh->ofsUV > 0 && mesh->ofsUV < bufferLen) ? (float *)(fileBuffer + mesh->ofsUV) : NULL;
		BYTE *bidxAr = (mesh->ofsBoneIdx > 0 && mesh->ofsBoneIdx < bufferLen) ? (BYTE *)(fileBuffer + mesh->ofsBoneIdx) : NULL;
		float *bwgtAr = (mesh->ofsBoneWgt > 0 && mesh->ofsBoneWgt < bufferLen) ? (float *)(fileBuffer + mesh->ofsBoneWgt) : NULL;

		int lastDrawIdx = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < mesh->numVerts; j++)
			gmiIntrVert_t vert;
			memset(&vert, 0, sizeof(vert));
			if (uvAr)
				float *uv = uvAr + j*2;
				vert.uv[0] = uv[0];
				vert.uv[1] = uv[1];

			float *pos = posAr + j*4;

			if (nrmAr)
				short *snrm = nrmAr + j*4;
				vert.nrm[0] = (float)snrm[0] / (float)snrm[3];
				vert.nrm[1] = (float)snrm[1] / (float)snrm[3];
				vert.nrm[2] = (float)snrm[2] / (float)snrm[3];

			if (bidxAr)
				BYTE *bidx = bidxAr + j*4;
				float *bwgt = (bwgtAr) ? bwgtAr + j*2 : NULL;
				vert.numWeights = (bwgt) ? 2 : 1;

				RichVec3 tpos;
				RichVec3 tnrm;
				for (int k = 0; k < vert.numWeights; k++)
					if (bidx[k] == 255)
					assert(bidx[k] < 12);
					int idx = mesh->boneList[bidx[k]];
					assert(idx < numBones);
					RichVec3 &vpos = *((RichVec3 *)pos);
					float w = (bwgt) ? bwgt[k] : 1.0f;

					RichMat43 *bmat = (RichMat43 *)&bones[idx].mat;
					tpos += bmat->TransformPoint(vpos)*w;
					tnrm += bmat->TransformNormal(vert.nrm)*w;[k] = idx;[k] = w;
				vert.pos = tpos;
				vert.nrm = tnrm;
				vert.pos = RichVec3(pos);


			if (pos[3] == 1.0f)
			{ //draw strip
				assert(lastDrawIdx <= verts.Num());
				rpgeoPrimType_e prim = RPGEO_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
				int vnum = (verts.Num() - lastDrawIdx);
				if (vnum < 3)
				{ //need at least 3 verts to start a strip
					lastDrawIdx -= (3-vnum);
					assert(lastDrawIdx >= 0);
					vnum = 3;
				gmiIntrVert_t *startVert = &verts[lastDrawIdx];
				if (bidxAr)
					rapi->rpgBindBoneIndexBuffer(startVert->bi, RPGEODATA_INT, sizeof(gmiIntrVert_t), 4);
					rapi->rpgBindBoneWeightBuffer(startVert->bw, RPGEODATA_FLOAT, sizeof(gmiIntrVert_t), 4);					
				rapi->rpgBindUV1Buffer(startVert->uv, RPGEODATA_FLOAT, sizeof(gmiIntrVert_t));
				rapi->rpgBindNormalBuffer(startVert->nrm.v, RPGEODATA_FLOAT, sizeof(gmiIntrVert_t));
				rapi->rpgBindPositionBuffer(startVert->pos.v, RPGEODATA_FLOAT, sizeof(gmiIntrVert_t));

				rapi->rpgCommitTriangles(NULL, RPGEODATA_INT, vnum, prim, true);

				lastDrawIdx = verts.Num()+1;
		assert(lastDrawIdx == verts.Num()+1);

	rapi->rpgSetExData_Bones(bones, numBones);
	noesisModel_t *mdl = rapi->rpgConstructModel();
	if (mdl)
		numMdl = 1; //it's important to set this on success! you can set it to > 1 if you have more than 1 contiguous model in memory
		float mdlAngOfs[3] = {0.0f, 90.0f, 270.0f};
	return mdl;
(note that the adding of transformed pos/normal here is also mathematically equivalent to transforming once against a weighted matrix)

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:50 am
by MrAdults
Also, I noticed some of the GMI files in this game are compressed too. It was pretty easy to figure out since it's a very simple lzs algorithm:

Code: Select all

typedef struct gmiCmpHdr_s
	BYTE			id[4]; //"CMPS"
	int				cmpType;
	int				decompSize;
	int				resv;
} gmiCmpHdr_t;

//decompress data
static BYTE *Model_GMI_Decompress(BYTE *src, int &len, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	gmiCmpHdr_t *cmpHdr = (gmiCmpHdr_t *)src;
	int srcLen = len;
	int dstLen = cmpHdr->decompSize;
	BYTE *dst = (BYTE *)rapi->Noesis_PooledAlloc(dstLen);
	int srcPtr = sizeof(gmiCmpHdr_t);
	int dstPtr = 0;

	while (srcPtr < srcLen && dstPtr < dstLen)
		BYTE ctrl = src[srcPtr++];
		for (int i = 0; i < 8 && srcPtr < srcLen; i++)
			if (ctrl & (1<<i))
			{ //literal
				dst[dstPtr++] = src[srcPtr++];
			{ //ofs+len
				WORD ol = *(WORD *)(src+srcPtr);
				srcPtr += sizeof(WORD);
				int len = 3 + ((ol>>8) & 15);
				int relOfs = (ol & 255) | ((ol>>12) << 8);
				int ofs = dstPtr - ((dstPtr-18-relOfs) & 4095);
				for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
					if (ofs+j < 0 || ofs+j >= dstPtr)
						dst[dstPtr++] = 0;
						dst[dstPtr++] = dst[ofs+j];
	assert(srcPtr == srcLen);
	assert(dstPtr == dstLen);

	len = dstLen;
	return dst;
PS- unkD in the mesh structure is an offset to vertex colors, typically only used on the compressed stage models.

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:32 am
by qslash
Thanks! I think I just have to add the normals and consider all the meshes to have the correct model, my initial code was ok ... Now I have to undo :D.

You beat me with the lzss code , I was using the aluigi unlzss of the quickbms but without the init_chr, I saw that in the plugin code of noesis you have also a unlzss , doesnt do the same?

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:43 pm
by MrAdults
I dunno what quickbms does regarding lzs support. I couldn't use Decomp_LZSSGeneric for it though because it expects bits for offset and length to be contiguous, where in this algorithm it's laid out like 8 ofs low, 4 len, 4 ofs high. I could add a Decomp_LZSSGenericEx or some crap to allow for it, but I don't think it's worth it. I have only come across 1 other implementation so far that does not have contiguous bits for offset and length.

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:29 am
by MrAdults
The 2-weight thing actually turned out to be really simple. You just don't transform vertices with 2 weights, haha. Just make sure that you do still transform 1-weight verts, even in 2-weight meshes.
I'll get a Noesis plugin with code in the next release. I'd put it up now, but I had to add an extension to load the TIM3 textures, so it wouldn't work with the current release.

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:17 pm
by qslash
Cool , now that I return from the dentist I will start again doing what you said .. also Ill try to check which animations belong to each model, maybe, I dont know if I could but I will try .. its a good learning experience this forum.

Thanks again Mr Adults ..

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:06 am
by qslash
Im close .. :D ..

The only problem that I have is when I try to create all the meshes they appear moved to the last vertex drawed of the previous, ..but when I create 1 by 1 , and imported in blender as layers is ok ...

Mr Adults 3 questions :
-this lines, is using the mat(matrix) from the file or the one after this function was applied "rapi->rpgMultiplyBones(bones, numBones);"? :

RichMat43 *bmat = (RichMat43 *)&bones[idx].mat;
tpos += bmat->TransformPoint(vpos)*w;

- TransformPoint does a multiply ??

- When you say 1 -weight verts .. theat means in your code :
tpos += bmat->TransformPoint(vpos)*(1-w);

Re: Need help on PS2 "matrix palette skinning"

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:08 am
by MrAdults
Oh, no, not 1 minus weight, haha. Sorry, I just meant verts with only 1 active weight.

Anyway, the plugin is out there now, so you can look at its source in Noesis 3.0. The matrix multiply and transform operations are pretty standard fare (you can find math for that all over the internet), so hopefully you won't have any trouble with it.