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Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:31 pm
by thugsoldierx
Hey ,
anybody know how to get the textures out the game MK vs Dc universe here is a file and i think that the file where the textures are in .

i hope someone can help me with this :] its a .xxx File .

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:42 pm
by chrrox
umodel supports models and textures from this game.

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:44 pm
by thugsoldierx
chrrox wrote:umodel supports models and textures from this game.
yeah i know i hear about it but where can i find it and how must i use it to get those textures ?

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:59 pm
by chrrox
did you even attempt to find umodel?
just Google umodel results in his website being the 3rd in the list
if i google umodel unreal his site is the first one.

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:36 pm
by brienj
chrrox wrote:did you even attempt to find umodel?
just Google umodel results in his website being the 3rd in the list
if i google umodel unreal his site is the first one.
It's amazing how low the GQ's (Google Quotient) of people can be. :largegrin:

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:42 pm
by thugsoldierx
brienj wrote:
chrrox wrote:did you even attempt to find umodel?
just Google umodel results in his website being the 3rd in the list
if i google umodel unreal his site is the first one.
It's amazing how low the GQ's (Google Quotient) of people can be. :largegrin:

yeah i have found stuff i have the downloaded Umodel for Win32 and also fix the game unreal tournament 2004 but what must i do with it to get the textures from mk vs dc universe ? brienj can you please help me out with this ?

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:17 pm
by Nobby
On Gildors website where you found Umodel there are 2 video tutorials on how to do stuff. There is also a whole forum on his site specifically designed to explain just the sorta things your asking.

just in case you can't figure out how to do it, ive provided the links you need :)

Video tutorials
The forum

And the advice you find on there does work, i started ripping UT3 based games a few weeks ago ( MK Vs DCU being one of them ) and ive had nothing but success.

Have fun now.


Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:17 pm
by thugsoldierx
yeah thanks but i already done that parts on the tutorials and still get this error message

******** C:\TMP\Umodel\ ********

WARNING: IntProperty "UAnimSequence::m_nVersion" was not found
ERROR: assertion failed: size >= 0 && size < (256<<20)

appMalloc:size=1041865114 <- TArray::SerializeSimple <- UAnimSequence::Serialize <- LoadObject:AnimSequence'CHAR_LiuKang.AnimSequence_0', pos=3FE99, ver=402/30, game=1803 <- UObject::EndLoad <- <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

can some1 add me on messenger ([email protected]) and show me it on teamviewer how umodel works please ?

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:32 pm
by chrrox
animation is not supported iun this game use the -noanim flag in the command line

c:\umodel.exe -export -noanim c:\

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:16 pm
by thugsoldierx
thanks i got it now realy this was helpfull :) but those mk vs dc textures looks awfull :o

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:03 pm
by Nobby
thugsoldierx wrote:thanks i got it now realy this was helpfull :) but those mk vs dc textures looks awfull :o
Try removing the transparency layer from the images.when you try viewing the textured model in almost any 3d app the transparency will make most of the model look screwed up. To be honest im surprised you never ran into this before, this is a very common thing for games to do. All of the textures ( diffuse, specular and normal map ALL have transparency layers )

This is what the 3d apps see because of the transparency........................ And this is what they need to see....
Image Image
Both images are " Raiden_Diff.tga " just i removed the transparency from the second image so you can see what it supposed to look like.
Here is a pic of Raiden, in Wireframe mode so you can see all the data. And here is the same model textured.
Image Image
As you can see the transparency effects what the model looks like in a big way. The models will look like this in 3ds max when you import the PSK, and will look pretty much the same in most 3d apps untill you do something about the transparency layer.
Also... This might sound like a stupid question ( but you never know these days ) you do know how the textures work for these models , don't you? like when it asks for a texture for "material1, material2" (in some cases up to material 50 ) you do know which textures maps should be used for those? And also the first ( sometimes 2 ) materials ( not material 1 and 2) usually called "character" and "accessories" usually don't get a texture applied to them, you have to do that manually most times ( and they are the two main textures) If you don't know how any of those work then no wonder your having problems with textures looking wrong. :)

Re: Needs help with MK Vs DC universe textures

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:55 pm
by thugsoldierx
yeah they looks good haha i use the wrong program to open up the tga files but they are good now. som1 know something about the textures off the game marvel ultimate aliance 2 ?