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Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:00 pm
by Sheen
It doesn't work bacter. :(

Your new version give a "Range check error". Here is the information you need:

resource.910 - 102.400 Kbs (104.857.600 bytes)

I hope this information can help you.


Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:24 pm
by bacter
Is that a real, working spanish language file? Is that work with the game?

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:07 pm
by Sheen
When I run the instalation, the game let me choose between English and spanish. It doesn't matter I chose the game always appear in english. More than that, I unpacked 909 and only include one subtitle folder with one file which contains 3 lines, ONLY three lines in English. For my experience translating videogames, i bet than in 910 file are the rest of english texts and spanish ones.

This version is multi 2 English-Spanish, with spanish blocked for any user cannot choose this language and futhermore, i cannot translate the game from english to spanish due the 909 only include a file (fmv_fluchtanimatic.subtitle) of 1 kb with three lines:

180-224, Quick! He's following us!
250-286, Are you all ok? - Sure
300-328, Let's go!.

I unpacked all the files with your tool and there is only a subtitle folder (in 909). The rests of the files must be in 910 file. It's the only versiĆ³n that include a 910 file.

Do you remember the tool you make for Simon the Sorcerer and the .dxxx files? It's the same, like a rar file. Well, you know more than me in this subject.

Are you having any problem with 910 file?


PD: My idea is unpack 910 and change the folders to make the program read the english folder and show the spanish texts.

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:17 am
by bacter
Forget your "resource.910" file! You won't find anything there, because it's just a crap. That's just a fake file, with useless, garbage data!!!

Bad news. There's not a special file with the game texts. The creators mixed the game texts into the other game data files.

Yes, the only clear text is in the "fmv_fluchtanimatic.subtitle" file.
The rest is digged inside these file types: "_01" (607 files!) "_03" (511 files!) and "_18" (3 files).

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:27 am
by Sheen
Damn! What a crap!

Well, thanks for your help my friend, and sorry for the lost of time.

Best regards.

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:59 pm
bacter, excellent job with your tool 8)

As well as good & concise format-specifications for these [pretty abominable] resource-files :keke:

Top work m8

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:50 am
by MiLOxentax
Sorry but where is the actual unpacker/extractor that we're talking about here? If it's Watoo Game Extractor than it doesn't open the recource files.

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:58 am
by SashHD
Download the extractor for .909 again, please.

Re: Help with 15 days unpacking and repacking

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:40 pm
by SergBrNord