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Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:25 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Code tags are not the point. We will aim not to have any links to game files that may be copyrighted in public.
The rules have been updated:

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:44 pm
by Darko
Mr.Mouse wrote:Code tags are not the point. We will aim not to have any links to game files that may be copyrighted in public.
The rules have been updated:
Ok, So If I have a request then It must be via PM. At least my own requests were free for whoever wanted to take it and I know that sending and sending PM's to chrox or Rich is anoying for them (I know it, I'm a super moderator from another videogames site). At least I want to learn to do this by myself.

But I'd rather this than shuttindown the forums.

Also, thanks for you attention mr. mouse.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:21 am
by MrAdults
howfie wrote:Feature Suggestions:
#1 LightWave LWO2 support
#2 Left-Right arrow key recursive-folder decent model preview mode.

#1 Croteam uses lightwave, and so do a lot of japanese developers. It's an easy chunk format. I can provide samples and the most recent SDK docs, which are kind of outdated a little. There are also some undocumented chunks (like for per-vertex normals).
#2 I am currently working on batching One Piece, which, after ripping, has like over 6,000+ models in several thousand directories. Man it would be nice to have a program where you can just say: here is a directory, load the filenames for all models in this directory and all its subdirectories and when you press the left or right arrow key it moves to the next (or previous) model preview. Kind of like Irfranview does with images but without that annoying dialog when you come to the end of the current directory. I can give you my subdirectory scanner code written in win32 if you want it to save you some time.
#3 He he he I'm lazy... I should probably coding this myself lol (: . Every time I start programming with D3D, COM makes me want to kill myself.
Yeah, I've actually had LWO+LWO2 support on my todo list for years now, and it's constantly getting juggled down. Since someone other than me actually cares about it, I'll push it back up in the list. I'd appreciate any code/docs you could give me to help out too, yeah. I'm not sure if I'll bother with LWO1 export but I'd still like to make it importable, and I have no idea if there are already reliable specs for that floating around or provided by NewTek. Sample data would be great too, I don't know if I have any software installed that can produce LWO1/2 files. Especially 1.

You're saying you want an interface that just gives you a left/right arrow option for basically enumerating all the files in an entire directory structure? I've got a generic "get files in folder" function with optional recursion in Noesis already, but I think most of the work would be interface-related. I don't think left/right would really be sufficient, especially when you're dealing with thousands of files, and it's kind of a natural desire from there to want to have thumbnail previews and it becomes a whole thing. Otherwise just having that very basic functionality in Noesis would be kinda weird. Although I do think having a robust version of it with cached thumbnails and all would be cool, it's more potentially work than I'd like to bite off at the moment.

I think I have an easier fix for what you want to do though: Write a quick script to scan that whole directory hierarchy and copy off all the models into a single directory, then you can just browse them all in Noesis hitting down/up+enter in the file list view. I've done that before myself (but manually copied the files over) when I just want to run through all the models in a game real fast in Noesis to make sure they all load and look right. Python and its core libs could make short work of the task, and it would be something you only need to write once, if you make it nice and robust and capable of handling dependent files and name collisions.
Mr.Mouse wrote:@MrAdults. : Agreed. We will try and make this happen.
I'm happy to see such quick turnaround, thanks Mr.Mouse. :)

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:13 pm
by s25jin
Dragon Nest ".msh" don't support any more?
could u check file please

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:38 pm
by finale00
Nothing wrong with noesis, I just never parsed bones associated with each mesh.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:12 pm
by finale00
My friend's a mac user and is interested in noesis for model viewing.
I don't know anything about mac's so I'm not sure what kind of tools are already available.

Any support there? lol

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:35 pm
by shadowmoy
mrAdult> hi there , i just tried the chrrox py script for reorc xpr textures loading and exported the normal map and specular map to tga and the red and alpha channels seems swaped , so i was wondering if there is an instruction in noesis that i can add to the py script to do it after ?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:26 pm
by MrAdults
finale00 wrote:My friend's a mac user and is interested in noesis for model viewing.
I don't know anything about mac's so I'm not sure what kind of tools are already available.

Any support there? lol
I've had it running in some version of Darwine under OSX before. That was years ago though. No idea what version it was or if it still works.
shadowmoy wrote:mrAdult> hi there , i just tried the chrrox py script for reorc xpr textures loading and exported the normal map and specular map to tga and the red and alpha channels seems swaped , so i was wondering if there is an instruction in noesis that i can add to the py script to do it after ?
Something like finalRGBA32 = rapi.imageNormalSwizzle(rapi.imageDecodeDXT(imgBytes, imgW, imgH, dxtFormat), imgW, imgH, 1, 0, 0) where the 1 is the flag to swap red and alpha. The other 0's are "derive blue/z" and "signed" (where the source data should be considered signed bytes), set them to 1 if you need them.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:39 am
by finale00
Which constant do I use for DXT2 or DXT4? lol

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:33 pm
by MrAdults
3 and 5, the only difference is alpha pre/post multiply.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:37 pm
by Tosyk
MrAdults, can you add support for sniper elite 2, the formats the same as in avp2010, but noesis didn't load them properly
btw demo is out now, and model looks pretty cool :)

edit: also can you make option to make screenshot everytime noesis opens model with same name in same folder? it will be usefull 'thumbnail pic' for games that have hundreds of detailed models like 'red dead redemption' and 'dark souls'
it may be a 'check box' in settings

or it may be a batch process for selected folder, recursive

edit2: also can you make somewhere in ui box with information about poly/vertexcount in loaded model?


Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:10 pm
by finale00
In command-line mode, can I pass in a list of files to export?


Code: Select all

noesis.exe ?cmode <options> "file1.unk" "file2.unk" "file3.unk" "file4.unk" ...
Where the output filename is the same as the input filename, except with the output format as the extension.

So I can pass in a bunch of images to convert.

I just looked at some GMO files and the model is stored separately from the animation.
Do I have to write a .noesis file to load a model and animations and then tell the model to use those animations?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:29 am
by REfan
Mr Adults, your REORC ssg extraction script wouldn't extract the whole objects of stage files. it just extracts the first model of stage ssg files and skips the rest and then extracts the whole textures. I think it's because the cmpsize of the rest of stage models are negative so that your script skips them. you have assumed in your script that the data with a negative cmpsize is stored somewhere else :eek: . it's really strange and I think all the data must be in the same file. so, can you please take a look at it and tell me how the script can be fixed to extract the whole stage models just like the textures? :cry:

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:40 pm
by Devilot
I don't know why, but Noesis cannot use its extract function for some games: Crisis Core, the Metroid Prime series. I am on a 64x system. What could be the problem?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:56 pm
by MrAdults
Tosyk wrote:MrAdults, can you add support for sniper elite 2, the formats the same as in avp2010, but noesis didn't load them properly
btw demo is out now, and model looks pretty cool :)
No...that would be revelation's area, he made the avp plugin.
Tosyk wrote:also can you make option to make screenshot everytime noesis opens model with same name in same folder? it will be usefull 'thumbnail pic' for games that have hundreds of detailed models like 'red dead redemption' and 'dark souls'
it may be a 'check box' in settings
This just sounds like a variant on what I just discussed above and decided against doing currently because it's a good chunk of effort.
Tosyk wrote:edit2: also can you make somewhere in ui box with information about poly/vertexcount in loaded model?
That info is already displayed in the data viewer.
finale00 wrote:In command-line mode, can I pass in a list of files to export?
Nope. I recommend setting up a batch file that invokes Noesis as many times as you need.
finale00 wrote:I just looked at some GMO files and the model is stored separately from the animation.
Do I have to write a .noesis file to load a model and animations and then tell the model to use those animations?
What I usually do is drag-and-drop the animation GMO onto the loaded model and apply it to the current scene, then export from preview. You can accomplish the same thing via commandline with the "-loadanim" option though.
REfan wrote:Mr Adults, your REORC ssg extraction script wouldn't extract the whole objects of stage files. it just extracts the first model of stage ssg files and skips the rest and then extracts the whole textures.
I was aware of problems with the stride in uncompressed files and just didn't care to fix it. I don't know what the correct approach there is. Feel free to investigate yourself. Or bring it up with someone else who might care about that game. I don't ever plan to fully support it (that's why it isn't included in Noesis core distributions to begin with) and given the open nature of the scripts anyone is free to fix any problems that come up with it.
Devilot wrote:I don't know why, but Noesis cannot use its extract function for some games: Crisis Core, the Metroid Prime series. I am on a 64x system. What could be the problem?
I dunno, working fine for me on Win7 x64. (and Noesis is a 32-bit app anyway, so being on x64 doesn't really matter) "cannot use" isn't very descriptive and doesn't tell me where or how it's failing.