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Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:37 pm
by MrAdults
Regarding viewing multiple textures, yeah, what chrrox said.

Noesis 3.75 is out. It's a pretty massive update due to the addition of auto-updating and crash report uploading.

Code: Select all

 -3.75 - Another thanks to dear old brother Bradford for an uneven-penny'd donation, and a congratulations for another set of academic milestones met. :)
 -3.75 - Added a custom exception handler which can send off crash logs to my web site. Please say yes when it asks you if you want to send the log.
 -3.75 - Noesis is now capable of auto-updating itself. There is an option to check for updates in the Tools menu, as well as a persistent option (accessible from the data viewer) to tell it to automatically check for updates on startup.
 -3.75 - Added support for .RZL+.RZP archives, used in Lord of Apocalypse and possibly other games.
 -3.75 - Removed link dependency on psapi.dll.
Also a small addition for chrrox that I forgot to mention in the release notes, you can now resize the debug log window.

I would like everyone to crash the shit out of this build, and submit those crashes.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:31 pm
MrAdults wrote:
Noesis 3.75 is out. It's a pretty massive update due to the addition of auto-updating and crash report uploading.
Auto-updating!!!! You are too too kind! :mrgreen:

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:15 pm
by finale00
MrAdults wrote: -3.75 - Added a custom exception handler which can send off crash logs to my web site. Please say yes when it asks you if you want to send the log.
What kind of information does it send?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:51 pm
by MrAdults
Thread contexts for the process, the crash context for the thread that crashed, as well as stack traces for those threads, and a list of modules in the process with all of their address bases and sizes. No personal information, no need to worry. :)

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:02 am
by finale00
Is there an example with per-face material, UV, and normal assignment?
Will this have to be done with immediate-mode drawing?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:05 am
by loridaz
Sorry if this has already been asked somewhere else, I searched for kinect and bone mapping but didn't found anything relevant.

Could you please help me with the bone mapping process for kinect ?

My kinect is working correctly and I can see myself in the depth map window that opens when opening the kinect interface. I also see the skeleton tracking when I do the T-pose but I have no idea how to map the bones.

When I try "Base cap" or "load map" etc. I have a message saying that I must have a skeletal model loaded. If this means that the model I'm viewing must contains bones, it's the case. I can see the bones names in the "Maps to:" dropdown menu.

Am I supposed to have something in the "Bone settings" dropdown ? This one is most of the time empty, and sometimes there's one line filled with garbage characters.

I also tried to load the sample_guy.DAE that is shipped with neosis because I saw a sample_guy.noekin file in the same directory but I see no difference with that model and I'm still stuck :(

Any help would be great.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:28 am
by MrAdults
finale00, there's commented out code in __NPExample.txt which demonstrates it.

Code: Select all

		#the mesh could also be drawn in immediate mode like this:
		for i in range(0, numIdx):
			idx = noeUnpackFrom("<i", triangles, i*4)[0]
			vcmp = noeUnpackFrom("<ff", uvs, idx*12)
			vcmp = noeUnpackFrom("<fff", normals, idx*12)
			vcmp = noeUnpackFrom("<" + "i"*fw.weightsPerVert, fw.flatW, idx*4*fw.weightsPerVert)
			vcmp = noeUnpackFrom("<" + "f"*fw.weightsPerVert, fw.flatW, fw.weightValOfs + idx*4*fw.weightsPerVert)
			vcmp = noeUnpackFrom("<fff", positions, idx*12)
The concept here is exactly the same as immediate-mode drawing in OpenGL. Feed each component of the vertex in, and then finally the position is fed in with immVertex3, which "completes" the vertex. The entire list is understood to be whatever primitive type you specify in the immBegin call.

loridaz, it sounds like your model doesn't actually contain bones. Having entries in the "map to" list isn't necessarily indicative of bones in the model, but being able to see the skeleton in the main Noesis preview is. If you don't have a skeleton button there, then the model has none.

Edit: Also, I've still only received one crash, and it was a crash in one of revelation's beta plugins. Is exception catching not working, or is Noesis just amazingly stable? Or perhaps the most likely explanation, people are too lazy to update.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:43 am
by loridaz
Hello again,

The model I loaded contains bones. I have the button and when I press it, I can see the skeleton beeing displayed. I'm using the data viewer to pose the character in various position.

What should I see in the kinect interface?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:35 pm
MrAdults wrote: Edit: Also, I've still only received one crash, and it was a crash in one of revelation's beta plugins. Is exception catching not working, or is Noesis just amazingly stable? Or perhaps the most likely explanation, people are too lazy to update.
Perhaps I'm not as adventurous as others, but I've never experienced a crash. I have run into situations where models are completely distorted after trying to export from preview, not sure if that counts, and I'm pretty sure from reading recent posts about SMD that it's been my fault...

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:39 am
by MrAdults
loridaz: My bad, I broke the Kinect support when I changed the bone structures and couldn't recompile the module from San Diego. Update to 3.76 and it will work again.

LUBDAR: If you can offer steps to reproduce that issue, I can take a look. SMD sucks as an export format, but I can't think of a legit reason the model would be distorted on export.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:04 pm
MrAdults wrote: LUBDAR: If you can offer steps to reproduce that issue, I can take a look. SMD sucks as an export format, but I can't think of a legit reason the model would be distorted on export.
Of course now when I try to make it distort things it wont! But this was occurring I think in ver3.3ish. I can go back in and see if I can do it again with the old version.
I updated last night; that is a nice feature! Of course I don't mind visiting the website, is it me or have you been periodically going back and inserting images into the homepage? Most of the time, I just check that page to see if a new model format has been added.

Happy New Year!

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:07 am
by finale00
I have a model that has tri's and quads.
How do I bind the quads?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:02 am
by chrrox
a quad is just 2 triangles just build it like that.

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:52 pm
by finale00
So I take my index buffer with 8 integers and just pass it to commitTriangles except instead of RPGEO_TRIANGLE I use RPGEO_QUAD?

Re: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:45 pm
by chrrox