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Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:07 am
by mikulover39
Is it possible to create a key frame with one of axis missing?
I'm trying to convert some animations from a game but it skips out a few frames sometimes on certain axis's,
For example the x and z axis could have a values on frames 50-100 but the y axis doesn't
but it would have one value on frame 50 and one value on frame 100 and then just interpolate between them.

I don't know if this is possible to do in noesis?

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:40 pm
by MrAdults
If you want to feed keyframe data that isn't natively supported by the keyframe interpolator, you have to convert it first. In your case, this means generating the keyframe-mismatched elements of your position/rotation/etc. by evaluating them at a given time before feeding them to Noesis.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:44 pm
by falconcool
About the scene file used in noesis ,,called xxxxx.noesis .
Is there any guide to read about it?I want to know how to use command "-loadoptions".
I am trying to merge standard .bvh animation into standard fbx models.
Is this possible to be done by noesis's scene file management?

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:12 pm
by mikulover39
Cool thanks for the info, I used the formula x = (1 - a) * x1 + a * x2 to filling the missing parts and it looks smooth judging from a couple quick previews. It's honestly a weird way to store animation info but i guess it saves file space.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:31 am
by MrAdults
mikulover39 wrote:Cool thanks for the info, I used the formula x = (1 - a) * x1 + a * x2 to filling the missing parts and it looks smooth judging from a couple quick previews. It's honestly a weird way to store animation info but i guess it saves file space.
falconcool wrote:About the scene file used in noesis ,,called xxxxx.noesis .
Is there any guide to read about it?I want to know how to use command "-loadoptions".
I am trying to merge standard .bvh animation into standard fbx models.
Is this possible to be done by noesis's scene file management?
There's no need to use .noesis files for that, just use -loadanim. For example, if exporting file01.bvh to allanims.fbx, add -loadanim file02.bvh -loadanim file03.bvh -loadanim file04.bvh ... to the commandline, and they'll all get smashed together into the FBX output.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:11 am
by MrAdults
Updated original post with a link to the build automation & tracking site, which gets auto-updated with current builds and documentation.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:36 pm
by Tosyk
Is there a way to flip model and skeleton along axis? sometimes I'm getting models flipped along X in which, for ex., left hand is on the right side of the body. So I think that maybe noesis could handle this flipping thing.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:09 am
by JakeGreen
So i'll give you a little run down of what i do here to get to my problem so i work in 3s max 2012 and above to model,rig and import ported models and when i export the models to fbx 2009 format cause i need it for 3ds max 9 cause the game i mod only has plugin for that version and it just gives me square boxes when i import as dummy (which i want my bones as dummys).

So i just export it as a 2012 fbx and i use Noesis as a converter to open it in 3ds max 9 but i've been noticing when i do this and use noesis to export out as fbx it doesn't keep my proper scale i had it as in max 2012 and rotated the models root bone at like a -90 so it's got the hold body laying face first in the grid box and it deletes any "extra" bones i have in the scene that aren't rigged or linked to anything, then adds a bone and skin modifier to any mesh i have in my scene that isn't rigged.

It's not that these are easy fixes for me in 3ds max it's just gets annoying that it does this when i have like 4 or 5 models i need to work on and i have to go back in and replace all of this stuff and remove the bones noesis created and delete the non-rigged models skin modifier.

I've even noticed this when i use Unwrap 3d on star wars battlefront models and i export as max 2012/15 and it deletes every unused bone on the model that it isn't rigged to making me have to replace them.

So is there anyway that this could be fixed or possible have options so it doesn't do stuff like this when exporting as FBX in Noesis?

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:06 am
by chrrox
Did you try
also you can try
-scale for model size.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:25 pm
by Acewell
Request: please eliminate the UV flipping that occurs when importing/exporting obj files. (:

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:33 am
by MrAdults
Tosyk wrote:Is there a way to flip model and skeleton along axis? sometimes I'm getting models flipped along X in which, for ex., left hand is on the right side of the body. So I think that maybe noesis could handle this flipping thing.
There's an option in the data viewer to flip the projection. Otherwise it's up to the importer to modify the handedness if it's desired. Generally I'm a fan of leaving geometry intact and passing it through directly.
JakeGreen wrote:So i'll give you a little run down of what i do here to get to my problem so i work in 3s max 2012 and above to model,rig and import ported models and when i export the models to fbx 2009 format cause i need it for 3ds max 9 cause the game i mod only has plugin for that version and it just gives me square boxes when i import as dummy (which i want my bones as dummys).

So i just export it as a 2012 fbx and i use Noesis as a converter to open it in 3ds max 9 but i've been noticing when i do this and use noesis to export out as fbx it doesn't keep my proper scale i had it as in max 2012 and rotated the models root bone at like a -90 so it's got the hold body laying face first in the grid box and it deletes any "extra" bones i have in the scene that aren't rigged or linked to anything, then adds a bone and skin modifier to any mesh i have in my scene that isn't rigged.

It's not that these are easy fixes for me in 3ds max it's just gets annoying that it does this when i have like 4 or 5 models i need to work on and i have to go back in and replace all of this stuff and remove the bones noesis created and delete the non-rigged models skin modifier.

I've even noticed this when i use Unwrap 3d on star wars battlefront models and i export as max 2012/15 and it deletes every unused bone on the model that it isn't rigged to making me have to replace them.

So is there anyway that this could be fixed or possible have options so it doesn't do stuff like this when exporting as FBX in Noesis?
Noesis doesn't touch any of this data on the way through. If you don't want bones created to represent static geometry transforms, use -fbxnomeshbones.
AceWell wrote:Request: please eliminate the UV flipping that occurs when importing/exporting obj files. (:
No UV flipping occurs. UV's remain perfectly intact. If your importer is flipping them, that's your importer's problem, and Noesis offers the "flip UV" option for this reason.

This is all fake news.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:07 am
by Acewell
MrAdults wrote:No UV flipping occurs.
false (:
MrAdults wrote:UV's remain perfectly intact.
true :)
MrAdults wrote:If your importer is flipping them, that's your importer's problem,
i don't know what that means, i've never written a Wavefront obj importer or exporter for Noesis
(though that does sound fun :D ), they flip on export to obj no matter what importer you used
and Noesis offers the "flip UV" option
maybe because it flips the UVs on Wavefront obj import/export? no other 3d software i use ever needs this option.

anyway, its not a problem for me, just for those who aren't used to having to flip the UVs every time :ninja:
Have a nice day! :D

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:39 am
by MrAdults
Take a look at the texture coordinate for a vertex in a given game file before Noesis touches it. Now export that file to .obj with Noesis. Look at the texture coordinate in the .obj file. Is it exactly the same? Unless the importer for that game mangled it on import, yes it is.

Import that .obj back into Noesis. Look at the texture coordinate. Is it still exactly the same? Yes it is. Export that .obj to another .obj and look at the texture coordinate. Is it still exactly the same? Yes it is.

Now import that .obj into your program of choice. Oh, did it flip your texture coordinates? Probably!

No reasonably official Wavefront .obj spec actually specifies UV coordinates (0, 0) as the lower-left or upper-left in image space. Noesis does the right thing by leaving it alone, and Noesis does not care how your target renderer is going to interpret the UV coordinates. Noesis isn't going to transform UV's from a target format because it's from a platform that treats (0, 0) as lower-left. That's none of Noesis's concern, and that's why Noesis has options to flip UV's globally to fit any given specification without transforming data in the process, and it has options to flip UV's on export for any format in case your target importer/renderer has no other way of dealing with UV coordinates which assume a different image space. If you're using .obj and you don't understand any of this, you shouldn't even be using .obj. It's a limited format.

Remember what your parents always told you growing up: just because it's different, it doesn't make it wrong.

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:53 pm
by Tosyk
MrAdults wrote:
Tosyk wrote:Is there a way to flip model and skeleton along axis? sometimes I'm getting models flipped along X in which, for ex., left hand is on the right side of the body. So I think that maybe noesis could handle this flipping thing.
There's an option in the data viewer to flip the projection. Otherwise it's up to the importer to modify the handedness if it's desired. Generally I'm a fan of leaving geometry intact and passing it through directly.
can you add this options to use it with batch mode?

Re: Spotlight: Señor Casaroja's Noesis

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:43 pm
by mono24
In the newly updated version, it seems we can gain access to the FFXV model files, but that means only those who have a mod PS4 with version for the firmware being 1.76, to be able to extract the game data, correct?
Because even those of us with a new optical drive on a PC just inserting the game disc and copying the huge .pkg file to computer its still not possible to decrypt and unpack, or are we missing tools/info on it that regular users have no access to it?
