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Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:12 pm
by ultimaespio
I'm interested in the models from Kingdom Hearts Birth By sleep for the PSP. I have tried to extract files from BBS0.Dat in the USRDIR folder on the iso, but Jaedernaub freaked out and said "too many files".

But I did manage to get some textures in tm2 format.

The models themselves are not GMO, I have tried Mradults' tool on the.dat and it couldn't find anything.

I'm not able to upload the .dat file, its 858mb, which is way to big for me to upload.

Would anyone be interested in having a look at this?

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 5:10 am
by valvoga
ultimaespio are you the same people from qhimm ?

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 8:06 pm
by ultimaespio
Hmm yes I am, why?

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:05 am
by Satoh
UE try looking at it in a hexeditor, it may take time to load, but you might find common data structures in there as DAT is often used as a package file extension. Usually DATs I've seen as packages are unencrypted... though not always.

EDIT: I've seen jaedernaub dump a few thousand files before, I think that message meant that it was finding errors when trying to dump the files. Or that it was recognizing a header in the DAT that said there were more files than could fit inside the space.

Try turning off impertinent file ripping options like sound and 2D images if you already have the textures.

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:45 am
by Falo
All files are in BBS0.dat.

I don't know the exact format, but it's easy to find files,
they are 0x800 aligned (like a DVD)

from searching this file i found out

inside are
- 5 PMF Videos

Code: Select all

00032000	00000064	pmf	PSP Video File
02E1F800	00005C3F	pmf	PSP Video File
05515000	0000AA2A	pmf	PSP Video File
0B5B3000	00016B66	pmf	PSP Video File
163D6800	0002C7AD	pmf	PSP Video File
- ARC Files
- LuaQ Files (compiled lua 5.1 scripts) <- gamescript ^^
- AT3 Files
- and some tm2 files

inside of ARC Files are the Game Files,
- SEDBSSCF - Sound files
- PAM files (Animation ?)
- PMO files (3D Models ?)
- EAD files
- FEP files
- TXA files (texture ?)
- TEX files (texture ?)
- tm2 files (texture)
- CTD files (Text Files, plain SHIFT-JIS)
- and many more...

i think that PMO files are the 3D Models,
because i can see some mesh, bone and texture data,
but i'm unable to translate it into
readable form (maybe native PSP data)

the texture is common RGBA.

here some extracted files (1 ARC, 3 PMO, 1 SEDBSSCF and scan results)

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:53 pm
by ultimaespio
Thanks, PMO does sound likely, I mean, GMO is a format used in most psp games, so PMO could just be an altered version of that?

The other .DAT have pmf files inside of them i think, but i'll check that.

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:25 pm
by chrrox
i got the bone section figured out simple format 2 4x4 matrix with the rotation inverted.
ill look at the mesh section the image section has a tim2 header so i am assuming they are valid

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:49 pm
by Falo
chrrox wrote:i got the bone section figured out simple format 2 4x4 matrix with the rotation inverted.
ill look at the mesh section the image section has a tim2 header so i am assuming they are valid
Yes they are valid tm2 files, mesh2rdm can convert them.
Here another PMO, a bit bigger, 282 KB, it has 4 texture files.

i think the mesh section is native PSP, like FF7CC *.raw

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:27 pm
by ultimaespio
Oh, that model is the Fairy Godmother :P

Going by the textures that is lol.

If its needed, i can forward you towards the Crisis Core format, but i think its really out of date now.

Falo, what did you use to extract the PMO and TIM2 files?

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:46 pm
by Falo
ultimaespio wrote:Oh, that model is the Fairy Godmother :P

Going by the textures that is lol.

If its needed, i can forward you towards the Crisis Core format, but i think its really out of date now.

Falo, what did you use to extract the PMO and TIM2 files?
any Hex Editor should work.
here 2 quickbms scripts,

extract_pmo.txt should extract 858 PMO's,
extract_tm2_from_pmo.txt extracts all tm2 files from any PMO.

the biggest PMO is #424 (Terra-Xehanort)

the script is not complete, it uses ((BONOffset - Offset) + 32 + (BoneCount * 160)) to calculate Size, this will not work for pmo's without bones
until i know how to read the mesh it's the only solution.

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:57 pm
by ultimaespio
Thanks, I was using Hex Workshop to extract them, but i must have got it wrong somewhere, I was extracting about 40+ PMO files as one :eek:

I'm making a list of the characters I have found so far:

106 - Master eraqus
404 - HP Goofy
601 - Scrooge mcduck
700 - Armour Terra
702 - Ven
704 - Aqua
706 - Terra

I've had to open the .PMO files in hex workshop to see their model name. The model name is similar to how they are named in KH2. For example Ven's code is P01EX00.

I'll post a breakdown of what each code means:

B - Boss
F - Props, like treasure Chests
H - highpoly (Cutscene models)
M - Monster (Unversed)
P - Playable character/summon
W - Weapon

The EX in Ven's code means that he loads in many different places. The EX changes depending on where each character loads:

SB - Sleeping Beauty/Enchanted Dominion
SW - Snow White/Dwarf Woodlands
CD - Cinderella/Castle of Dreams
RG - Radiant Garden
YT - Mysterious Tower, Probably stands for Yen Sids Tower, rather than mysterious tower.
DP - Land of Departure, I wouldnt have figured this one out if i hadn't seen Master Eraqus there lol.

Those are the only ones I've seen in bbs so far, but its most likely that the other worlds have similar codes.

Here's something that I find really interesting, there seems to be a pattern with the PMO files, it seems to go Character, *unknown*, character again. So is it possible that the unknown pmo files are actually the animations?

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:17 pm
by Falo
here my progress so far:

// File Header always 160 Byte
0x0 - 4 Byte - Signature // "PMO" & 0x00
0x8 - 2 Byte - Texture Count // Texture is always TIM2 (*.tm2)
0xC - 4 Byte - BON Offset
0x10 - 4 Byte - Mesh Offset
0x1C - 4 Byte - Unknown Offset

// Mesh Header: 20 or 24 Byte
0x0 - 2 Byte - Count1
0x2 - 1 Byte - ??? // maybe DataType1
0x3 - 1 Byte - StructSize1
0x4 - 2 Byte - ???
0x6 - 2 Byte - ???
0x8 - 1 Byte - ???
0x9 - 1 Byte - Count2
0xA - 1 Byte - ??? // maybe DataType2
0xB - 1 Byte - StructSize2
0xC - 4 Byte - ???
0x10 - 4 Byte - ???

to calculate the size of 1 Mesh Group:
(Count1 * StructSize1) + (Count2 * StructSize2)

the most difficult part is the DataType,
every type is different decoded,
for 0xFF it seams that it's 3x short, XYZ
here a test:

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:22 pm
by ultimaespio
Looks as if things are taking some sort of shape :P

What model is that?

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:39 pm
by Falo
No idea, it looks like a chair or table, it is a very simple model, only two mesh groups, no texture, it is 246.pmo (6 KB File).

Re: [Request] Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep models

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:31 am
by fatduck
The whole format is actually quiet easy! But I don't have my note on hand(can't get it back until next Tuesday)!
0x10 is the offset of Deformable Mesh and 0x1C is the offset of Static Mesh!

For the TIM2 image, there is a file size in there!
offset 06 is the Header Type
If Header Type = 0, file size is located at offset 0x10
Id Header Type = 1, file size is located at offset 0x80

More Information on TIM2 format can be found in my own BBS:
Use "Guess" to logon, and Password is "guess"