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Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:57 am
by jaden
i think we really should ask mario for the script

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:27 pm
by poofacetherisen
jaden wrote:i think we really should ask mario for the script
Yeah, but that can backfire. If you've search over most of his post (not just this forum) he dislikes many people who have nothing to offer (seems like it). Kind of like being a contributing member to the online community. So either learn C++ or some programming methods or something else, before you can get anything done. This seems to pertain to unpopular games only though. Like GTA, Soul Calibur, RE 4, L4D2, and so on. It also depends on the length the developers go to encrypt their files.
In other words, check back in a year. :eek:

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:21 am
by mariokart64n

thats one way of putting it, basically I got annoyed with people.

like I'd put days or weeks into something, like alot of work.. put it up. and people slam it.. picking at stupid things and what not.
Or if things went well, then people would become ignorant and beg or !demand that I do or give them things.. as if it was expected.

if I ever argued or complained.. I get nearly the same replies.. about the internet being free or I don't own rights to hold back said content.. some crazy bull
then after that you get haters.. and after that you get a bad rep.. and after that you get people saying your a nazi.. <_<

ya.. what sparked this whole event was that DarkScion guy who "Demanded" some "said" content.. and it brought back alot of hate in me..

anyway this has gone a bit overboard.

here's the script chrrox made up for that guy. I tweaked it a bit to read past missing UV sections. but its still glitchy being it scans for 4bytes then assumes the following data is correct. if its not you get alot of garbage.

the script also imports each strip as an individual object. so unless you know your stuff in a 3d editor.. you might aswell slam your head into a wall.

Code: Select all

fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Renderware Importer" \
types: "generic renderware format(*.dff)|*.DFF|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if (fsource!=undefined) AND ((doesFileExist fsource)==true) then(
f = fopen fsource "rb"
fext=           getFilenameType fsource
fpath=          getFilenamePath fsource
fbatch=         getFiles (fpath+"*"+fext)
fname=  getFilenameFile fsource
fsize=          getFileSize fsource
st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
openLog (fpath+fname+"_log.txt") mode:"w" outputOnly:true
print (fname+fext+"\n"+localTime+"\n")
undo off(
fn PrintOffset Var =
    local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)
fn PrintCount Var =
    local Var = Var
print ("This is the Count 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)

fn Readword fstream = (
return readshort fstream #unsigned

fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
    local str = ""
    for i = 1 to fixedLen do
        str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)
with redraw off (
struct Mesh_Info_Struct


Mesh_Offset_Array = #()
UV_Offset_Array = #()
while (ftell f) != fsize do (
byte1 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte1==0x04) then(
byte2 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte2==0x01) then(
byte3 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte3==0x00) then(
byte4 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte4==0x01) then(
fseek f 3#seek_cur
test2 = readbyte f#unsigned
fseek f -4#seek_cur
if test2 == 0x68 do (
append Mesh_Offset_Array (ftell f)
-- if test2 == 0x64 do (
-- append UV_Offset_Array (ftell f)
-- )
print Mesh_Offset_Array.count
print UV_Offset_Array.count

for a = 1 to Mesh_Offset_Array.count do (

Vert_array = #()  
Normal_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Face_array = #()
fseek f Mesh_Offset_Array[a]#seek_set
Print ("Vert @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))

byte1 = readbyte f#unsigned
byte2 = readbyte f#unsigned
byte3 = readbyte f#unsigned
byte4 = readbyte f#unsigned
for b = 1 to byte3 do (
vx = readfloat f*mscale
vy = readfloat f*mscale
vz = (readfloat f*-1)*mscale
append Vert_array [vx,vz,vy]
-- fseek f UV_Offset_Array[a]#seek_set
for sk = 1 to 40 do (
byte1 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte1==0x04) then(
byte2 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte2==0x01) then(
byte3 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte3==0x00) then(
byte4 = readbyte f#unsigned
if (byte4==0x01) then EXIT


fseek f 3#seek_cur
test2 = readbyte f#unsigned
fseek f -4#seek_cur
if test2 == 0x64 then (

Print ("TVert @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))
byte1 = readbyte f#unsigned
byte2 = readbyte f#unsigned
byte3 = readbyte f#unsigned
byte4 = readbyte f#unsigned
for b = 1 to byte3 do (
tu = readfloat f
tv = (readfloat f*-1)+1
append UV_array [tu,tv,0]    

for b = 1 to Vert_array.count do append UV_array [0,0,0]

append Face_array[fa,fb,fc]

for x =1 to (Vert_array.count-3) do(
append Face_array[fa,fb,fc]

msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]

for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]

-- for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]
-- selectmore msh
-- group selection

Print ("Last Read @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))
fclose f
Print ("Done! ("+((((timestamp())-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds)") --print time to finish
))) else (Print "Aborted.")
PS! be more involved, stop begging.. ask questions but be polite and help where you can.


Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:34 am
by jaden
Thanks a lot mario :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Sorry if i bother you
Yeah i agree with your motto mario,be more involved and and help where you can
I think we all should say thanks to mario because mario is very kind to post his maxscript
Please appreciate him

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:34 am
by DarkScion
Yeah, Thanks Mario for the script- by the way, I was not "demanding" anything, I just got overzealous. I am not much good at talking to people, especially online where anyone can take anything you say wrong, so if I came off as rude or demanding, I'm sorry. I do have knowledge to offer, and I have helped others various times. I would give this script a test, but a poorly timed (and badly needed) computer reformat lost me all the files I was working with. I may be able to get them again, but for now, I have other things to worry about. Thanks again, though.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:13 am
by youngmark
Thanks mario

DFF import success
[PS2]Battle Stadium D.O.N v3.7.0.2
[PS2]Bloody Roar 4 v3.5.0.0
[PS2]Fate/Unlimited Codes v3.7.0.2
[PS2]Inuyasha - Feudal Combat v3.7.0.2
[PS2]Rurouni Kenshin Enjou Kyoto Rinne v3.7.0.2
[PS2]Shijyou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi v3.7.0.2
[PS2]Zoids Struggle v3.6.0.3

Using 3D Object Converter
[PS2]Bleach Erabareshi Tamashii v3.7.0.2
[PS2]Zoids Tactics v3.7.0.2

DFF import fail
[PS2]Fullmetal Alchemist Dream Carnival v3.7.0.2
[PS2]One Piece Round The Land v3.5.0.0
[Wii]Super Robot Wars NEO v5.8.0.5C
[PS2]Zatch Bell! Mamodo Battles v3.7.0.2
[NGC]Zoids Full Metal Crash v3.7.0.2

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:16 am
by DarkScion
:eek: WHOA!!!! YOU DID IT!!!............... S-S-S-SWEETNESS!
Minor problem, however... Young Mark, how did you get the model textured? As our gracious savior Mario said, the models come out with individualized strips... I am somewhat good with max, but I have no idea how to texture the models using the TXD texture in the first place, let alone with hundreds of strips. Got any ideas?

By the way, Mario..... you ROCK, man. :D :D :D :D :D

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:24 am
by youngmark
DarkScion wrote::eek: WHOA!!!! YOU DID IT!!!............... S-S-S-SWEETNESS!
Minor problem, however... Young Mark, how did you get the model textured? As our gracious savior Mario said, the models come out with individualized strips... I am somewhat good with max, but I have no idea how to texture the models using the TXD texture in the first place, let alone with hundreds of strips. Got any ideas?

By the way, Mario..... you ROCK, man. :D :D :D :D :D

I normally use Metasequoia tool.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:17 pm
by DarkScion
Ah. Well, I figured it out- I don't use Metasequoia, but I figured out a tool that extracts .TXD files. It turns out that although the model is split up into individual strips, as a whole it retains the in-game model's texture mapping. So all you have to do is drag-and-drop onto all of the strips, and it comes together nicely.



EDIT: I also figured out (later) that by fusing the strips (using the edit poly: attach tool) into a single mesh, you can then smooth the model using the vertex weld modifier. This is all in 3ds max, of course. So both of the models I posted images for above are smoothed now.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:06 pm
by mariokart64n
I'm happy to see members getting the models soo well. I was sure I was gonna see alot of replies like "How do I make the texture show?"

since theres a few of us capable of re-assigning the textures properly. why not each of us take on a game title... fix all the models, and swap them with the other members?

right now I'll commit to fixing BloodyRoar4, i'll aim for 1 week and share my results.

if your interested let me know, and we can swap PM's or emails. I don't mind posting tools openly, but I'd rather keep any exchange of the content between those who are contributing.

ps my emails listed no my profile.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:48 pm
by DarkScion
Hey Mario,
that sounds like an awesome idea. I am working on fixing all the Kenichi Models (as seen above). There aren't really any problems with them to speak of, so it is mostly just combining the strips, texturing, and smoothing that is necessary. I would Love to get my hands on the other models from the other games mentioned. I noticed Youngmark mentioned the Bleach game, also known as Bleach: Blade Battlers. I would love to get my hands on all of the models from that game.
Thanks for the idea, that would be very cool if we could do that.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:25 pm
by mariokart64n
Alright cool, then I'll trust you'll take care of that game.


encase you, or someone else assigns the texture wrong, the strips are the only clue we have to setting them properly. some games only use 2-3 textures on a model. but something like bloodyraro4, uses 60 on one character. also some people weld by a high factor, and actually geometry is damaged. so please, don't do anything past assigning materials, as anything more could possibly hinder the quality of the model. it doesnt take more then a few seconds for anyone here to weld and smooth the model

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:04 am
by DarkScion
Jeesh! 60 on one character!!! :eek: Dang... thank god you are doing that one... well, I should have all the models imported and textured within the week... although, there are multiple outfits for each character, meaning multiple models for each character. What format would everyone like them in? I prefer .max (2010 version) since it is so versatile, but I can export to other formats- Im just not sure how well the Texture IDs would hold up in the conversion process. I have had models lose texture mapping when converted and opened again.

Another note: If anyone is using 3ds max 2010, be careful and save often when working with these models, especially if you do want to smooth them and combine the strips. vertex weld and the attach tools make 3ds max highly unstable and prone to crashing on these models- and every time this has happened, Max failed to save or recover the model (very frustrating after hours of work). Just to warn you all.

Mario, how would you suggest smoothing the models if vertex weld and strip combining shouldn't be used? I like the models, but they would be even better if they were smooth.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:40 am
by mariokart64n
I have the latest max, so that's fine with me. although OBJ is a respected format to use, as most programs support OBJ import. the exporter for 3dsmax has always been buggy. the early ones didnt handle materials, and the new one sometimes skips untextured objects. so saving in (*.max) would be the most desired, as it limits the likelihood of data loss.

as for smoothing, your welcome to weld your models, just don't weld the ones your going to share

as for how to smooth in max, without welding:

>select all mesh objects and add a Edit Normal Modifier.
>enter edit mode turn on welding
>CTRL+A to select all the normals
>use a weld threshhold, of 0.001 or 0.01 .. and weld the normals

this will smooth the model, without compromising the geometry.

remember normals control how light bounces off the surface. vertex welding normalizes your normals which causes the same effect in the end.. however vertex welding can also cause damage to the model, if vertices are too close, when welded.

example, someone sent me a model, he welded by too much. and the characters lips were welded shut. I would have to spend additional time inspecting the model and fixing anymore muck ups. so its best to not weld, when sharing to others. as they may find usefulness in the operated objects.

Re: Inuyasha Feudal combat revisit~ .DFF And .TXD Files~

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:23 pm
by jaden
Well im a noob to max so i still learning on how to assign the texture
Here is the game list that is extractable with mario script
-(PS2) Rurouni kenshin enjou kyoto rinne
-(PS2) Fate unlimited codes