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New setup of MultiEx Commander 3.8 (Windows XP and NT/98)

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 6:35 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Try this new (alpha!) install, if previous failed. It worked on different XP installs. ... tup_XP.exe

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:29 pm
by Mr.Mouse
I have succesfully installed the above on Windows XP/NT/98 !

If on NT or 98 the installer tells you it wants to overwrite shared files, ignore the file (continue without overwriting).

Please also remember that I am recruiting testers for different platforms:

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:18 pm
by Elbereth
Mr.Mouse wrote:Please also remember that I am recruiting testers for different platforms:
Did you ever though of using a PC emulator (like Connectix VirtualPC) to install all your old OSes so you can test your program with them? That's how I discovered my Dragon UnPACKer wasn't working under Windows 95.

It is very handy. You run "Windows 95" on your Windows XP desktop and run programs in it :)


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:49 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Yeah...I know...I used to have different machines, with different OSes installed. But I still need testers to run the program thoroughly on those OSes. I just finished my PhD thesis ("Orphan chemokine receptors in neuroimmunology: functional and pharmacological analysis of L-CCR and HCR, molecular biology and neurimmunology field) which took me a lot of blood, sweat and tears, during four years of research and I will in the future be even more busy in science probably, so I do not have time to test that thoroughly myself. :?
Besides, these virtual PCs are not good enough to test thoroughly. If I install the program on many machines without problems (and believe me i did) , there will still be people that mail me to say it didn't work on their systems. That's why testers would come in handy much so indeed. The number of different configurations on any system, be it XP, 98 or others, is practically infinite. There's bound to be some configuration of any OS that fails to install a program. This will not be fixed by a virtual PC. :|