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SmackDown vs Raw series .mtp image/texture files

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:17 am
by Teeceezy
Hey everybody. I am wondering if anybody knows anything about .mtp textures? They are included in the SmackDown vs Raw series. An example of what they are used for is character selection screen pictures for each of the wrestlers. Anybody who knows anything about them, especially how to read or convert them would be a great help. I have attached a link to a sample .mtp file.The file is at

Re: SmackDown vs Raw series .mtp image/texture files

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:36 pm
by nikethebike
Anyone knows anything about these textures? More specifically the mtp2 format...

And sorry if I bumped an old topic but thought that was better than to start a new one.