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Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:17 am
by bigBear
This mesh doesnt have that weird object:

And the most close screenshot doesnt have it too: ... _SC_02.jpg

I'll check it later myself.
But Im very sure they do not appear in the game.
Maybe for menu's or something.

Back to GT5 dreams lol

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:33 am
by damusto
1:30 am still can not sleep, I found some ZOOM click for zoom

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:48 pm
by justspeeding
he I found the driver on disk one and it is a gr2 file
from the program granny 3d
I dl the viewer but I'm not able to export it plz help

here you can dl the drivers file's ( the driver is hands.gr2)
here I found some info to open a gr2 file but It's not woking for me mybe can someone help me
some info


Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:18 pm
by damusto
I have question for ya, does that granny 3d allow to see FM3 cars too ?
If yes could U please make screenshot like this one for compare
this is Shelby Cobra I dlike to see will there be any bug like those on my.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:40 am
by adk

After reinstalling my OS i cant run Forza Studio. I installed Net framework from version 1.1 to 4.0, XNA Frame work 3.10-4.0 and Visual C++ redist from 2005 to 2010. Do i need something else to run FS?
Here is an error log but it is partially in polish. I can translate it ( though it won't be perfect)

Code: Select all

System.NullReferenceException: Odwołanie do obiektu nie zostało ustawione na wystąpienie obiektu.
   w ForzaStudio.ForzaStudioForm.UpdateCamera() w C:\Development\C# .NET\Forza Studio\ForzaStudioForm.cs:wiersz 674
   w ForzaStudio.ForzaStudioForm.CreateDevice() w C:\Development\C# .NET\Forza Studio\ForzaStudioForm.cs:wiersz 611
   w ForzaStudio.ForzaStudioForm.ResetDevice() w C:\Development\C# .NET\Forza Studio\ForzaStudioForm.cs:wiersz 622
   w ForzaStudio.ForzaStudioForm.pnlVisual_Resize(Object sender, EventArgs e) w C:\Development\C# .NET\Forza Studio\ForzaStudioForm.cs:wiersz 438
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnResize(EventArgs e)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Panel.OnResize(EventArgs eventargs)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 clientWidth, Int32 clientHeight)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetBoundsCore(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.System.Windows.Forms.Layout.IArrangedElement.SetBounds(Rectangle bounds, BoundsSpecified specified)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Layout.DefaultLayout.xLayoutDockedControl(IArrangedElement element, Rectangle newElementBounds, Boolean measureOnly, Size& preferredSize, Rectangle& remainingBounds)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Layout.DefaultLayout.LayoutDockedControls(IArrangedElement container, Boolean measureOnly)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Layout.DefaultLayout.xLayout(IArrangedElement container, Boolean measureOnly, Size& preferredSize)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Layout.DefaultLayout.LayoutCore(IArrangedElement container, LayoutEventArgs args)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Layout.LayoutEngine.Layout(Object container, LayoutEventArgs layoutEventArgs)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs levent)
   w System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs levent)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.PerformLayout(LayoutEventArgs args)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.System.Windows.Forms.Layout.IArrangedElement.PerformLayout(IArrangedElement affectedElement, String affectedProperty)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Layout.LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(IArrangedElement elementToLayout, IArrangedElement elementCausingLayout, String property)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnResize(EventArgs e)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Panel.OnResize(EventArgs eventargs)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 clientWidth, Int32 clientHeight)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetBoundsCore(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)
   w System.Windows.Forms.TabPage.SetBoundsCore(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Bounds(Rectangle value)
   w System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.ResizePages()
   w System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmCreate(Message& m)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   w System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   w System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:30 am
by gpktm
hey guys, did we had any progress about FM2 files compatibility for Forza Studio?

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:34 pm
by Ernegien
gpktm wrote:hey guys, did we had any progress about FM2 files compatibility for Forza Studio?
I had started to work on some of the code for it (which is still present in the source that's released with the application), but unfortunately haven't had the time or motivation to finish...

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:19 pm
by damusto
hm how can we motivate U ?

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:24 pm
by jimjack
I've watched this development for a while & think forza studio is a great piece of work & appreciate all the work & effort put into it....i'd like to see the track side grow more in it's
capabilities & really hope you get the motivation to do so.......thanks for the great work done so far.......

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:56 pm
by bigBear
Cant you people help with Gran Turismo 5 files?
The contents are entirely encrypted.

And why you want FM2 support?
Why outdated game wich the new game is a lot better?

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:24 pm
by damusto
this is simple is not for the game its more because of car list

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:38 pm
by gpktm
bigBear wrote:Cant you people help with Gran Turismo 5 files?
The contents are entirely encrypted.

And why you want FM2 support?
Why outdated game wich the new game is a lot better?
Yes that would be great!!! But I guess much more difficult and time-consuming

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:39 pm
by VladyF
Guys how you get your lod0 models in Max ? my models look ok in Max if I don't edit them but every time I detach a part, the part gets f**ed :cry: tried all sorts of methods but none of them worked

It's Sofa King annoying cuz the models are great
PS. I use max 2010

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:02 pm
by Slyde
Same for me on Max2011

Some pages before a method is explained to fix that, but using programs I don't have...

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:51 pm
by StephenTravis666
Forza 3 Disc one autounpacker (Cars / Wheels)

Extracts forza vehicles/wheels into seperate folders
Use wordpad - replace function to modify if necessary.

Example bat string.
quickbms -o c:\cars\ "c:\Forza Extracted\ACU_15_ARX01b_08"
quickbms -o c:\cars\ "c:\Forza Extracted\ACU_26_ARX01b_08"

I googled for a forza autounpacker bat, but could not find one so i made my own, i had to create an empty folder tree otherwise quickbms, would not find directory.

How would i make quickbms automatically create a file named folder for a processed file?
Also does anybody know where to find the scale/position coordinates for wheels? (nvm i found it)

I used SQLite Database Browser
open db\gamedb.slt



I cant seem to find and scale coordinates yet my koenigsegg stock has 19" rims front 20" at the rear
atm the rear wheels look slightly to small.