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Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:21 pm
by Nobby
shhI'mhuntingwabbit wrote:lolwho? ..oh, someone that commented about some laser on the previous page then? O.o lol ..pew pew pew! ..that just freakn kills me xD

I wouldn't profess to know the inner workings of why most game makers scale the models and game "world" extremely small.. all I know, from personal experience, is that they do

regardless, what I've stated holds true.. if you were to import a FM3 model into Max via FS, then try to create a simple shape such as a cylinder, box, sphere, w/e, the same size as..
oh lets say a lug nut on the model, you can't. and this is because Max refuses to create anything that "microscopic" in 3d space. if you create a simple shape, it usually needs to be
about half the the size of the entire car before it will take.. only then can be scaled down to an appropriate size to match something of likeness on the vehicle model. and after that,
all the tools you use on that mesh go all koo-koo and you need to manually enter the tool modification values in hundredths to get anything resembling precision.. and don't even think
about performing a complex operation such as boolean, it refuses to take correctly. whereas on the flypside, if the scale of that simple shape (or any other mesh for that matter) is
roughly 10 fold, complex operations (such as boolean) and extreme precision on the smallest of it's areas can easily be obtained to the thousands without any adverse effects..
hence the damaged mesh on tiny chamfers/ect. they're simply too small for the 3d application to read/write correctly.

Sounds like a nasty limitation of 3ds max :? Not sure of what max's smallest unit of measurement is.. But in lightwave ( which is what i use to tidy up these cars ) you can create objects as small as 0.1 um by 0.1 um ( micrometers, 0.001 millimeter = 1 um ) so i dont really run into this problem.....
Actually forget that last bit.. i just loaded up one of the cars i converted and it seems to be at real world scale, altho i do not recall scaling up the size.. unless the conversion from max to lightwave scaled it???? thats probably why im not running into any size problems. But that does still seem like a nasty limitation if you cannot go down to 0.01mm or 1um..

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:56 pm
by prefim
Hi wabbits, (i'm not typing that all in!)

I seem to recall a scale and rotation option when you import with max. That said, even if its not there surely you can just scale up by 10 or 100 as a first step and scale down again when done. As long as jot down your scaling choice it shouldnt matter.

If max is rounding off really heavy floating point values this may be where the issue is. Look out for that scale option on import, thats you best chance.


Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:01 pm
by Ernegien
CodeWrestler wrote:@Energien: So the track textures are in a different format than the car textures?
Different container, yes. Different format, I doubt it, although it's certainly possible. Regardless, that isn't the main issue here, it's that I haven't really looked into taking the texture data and converting it to a usable image. I don't know what format it's in, how it's decompressed, or how its deswizzled. I know there are some who do, and I haven't really felt like wasting my time redoing someone else's hard work...

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:42 pm
by shhI'mhuntingwabbit
@Mat; agreed, one can easily use the scale option in Max upon import.. but on apps that don't have this option, the model
scale should be set at 1.0 (1=1), which equals the scale it was read/created at..? Zmodeler for example, has no import
options and imports as 1.0, which forces me to use the 1.0 scale in Max if I'm to line up any parts that I create in Max
(I can't model in Zmodeler to save my life, and basically refuse to lol). for example, I import the scene to both apps,
model the door sills, engine/engine bay, baggage compartment, ect.. export the parts as .obj, then import to the waiting
Zmodeler scene and viola, perfect alignment. if I were to use the scale up option avail in Max import, the following
would be the results when exporting the parts to use in Zmodeler..


the smaller model is the Zmodeler import results, the large model is from the Max export after using the scale up import option..
if one uses the default import settings for Max (1=1), the smaller model is the result and perfect alignment is achieved when
any/all parts are used between the two apps

but I personally have had no problems with damaged mesh since FS-5.29.10 (or whichever version implemented the cleanup of 2d polys)..
I'm just trying to describe the theory I subscribe to which could be the reason(s) others might still be seeing this problem of damaged mesh,
especially around the tiny chamfers.. (yes, I'm wasting everyone's time while attempting to keep things interesting ..j/k xD lmao)

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:41 am
by prefim
We've all been there (giant mesh and tiny mesh!)

Don't forget to scale down again before export! :)

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:15 pm
by shhI'mhuntingwabbit
:facepalm: idk if that even deserves a response lol

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:49 pm
by Itze
Has anyone successfully converted the Ford Fiesta (2009) including textures for 3dsmax?

If someone managed to map all the textures properly (i suck at 3dsmax) it would be nice if you could upload it :D

i drive the car myself and would like to play around with the model but im not good at assigning the correct textures :(

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:52 pm
by JVZBrowser
cheers guys.

I have the object file now, I even converted the xds files to TGAs. Now my question is how do I import the model with the textures, I always get a black mesh, it is annoying

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:53 pm
by Itze
Thats the problem i have too... if you import without materials the model will look fine...

Somehow the materials don't get assigned to the model properly :(

I've gotten this far now:

I have started recreating and assigning every material for every little modelpart... which sucks :(

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:38 pm
by bigBear
Can you guys stop making requests and make your OWN topics with the problem!??!?!
This is not a help topic too.
its about research and you guys sucks major nuts by ruining this topic
full with your useless posts.

@above, learn how to import files correctley.
And learn about 3D programs.
And make sure the .mtl file is in the same folder as the obj file.
For assigning materials and textures are your problems.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:21 pm
by Nobby
As bigbear said... You need to know a little about 3d apps before you try messing with this sort of thing. I can confirm Forza studio will rip the cars fine and the textures WILL assign properly. IF you know how to use 3d apps and know about using material files and textures properly. Forza studio doesnt do everything for you, there is still work to be done after you rip them.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:34 pm
by JVZBrowser
Are you guys kidding? Want to see my 3d Models, mean i dont have no plan of 3d modeling??

Do i have really to try any texture to get what is for what?? I mean have i assign every texture to every material?

the mtl file is in the same folder too. Using Cinema 4D or 3ds Max 2011. I only have the question if i have to figure out which material belongs to which texture. If yes ok im done than i know what ive to do.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:55 pm
by bigBear
JVZBrowser wrote:Are you guys kidding? Want to see my 3d Models, mean i dont have no plan of 3d modeling??

Do i have really to try any texture to get what is for what?? I mean have i assign every texture to every material?

the mtl file is in the same folder too. Using Cinema 4D or 3ds Max 2011. I only have the question if i have to figure out which material belongs to which texture. If yes ok im done than i know what ive to do.
Your 3D models?
The models are not yours, buddy.

The materials have names, readable names so you can easily assign them by yourself.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:34 am
by Engineer
Forza 1,2 support please..

I took a look a the code and it seems that the detection is there but thats about it.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:36 am
by Engineer
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