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Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:03 pm
by bigBear
viperzerofsx wrote:so here is a question that I have been wondering about, when they were hyping this and before it GTV they said that it had over a million triangles for the highest detail car models, and before that for GTV they said it had 500000 for the photo mode models, does anyone know the real numbers? are these accurate?
By GTV you mean Gran Turismo 5? If yes, then no, it's not true.
A standard polycount in Forza 3-4 is around 130k triangles. Some more but not over 200k.
Autovista models in Forza4 are 500k-700k triangles, only the Autovista models have these details.
GT5 nowhere has these huge amount of triangles count.

Here are some GT5 pictures and if you have trained eyes and look closer, you can see the edges of the triangles:

(look at the places of the taillights) ... ismo52.jpg
(the metail around the grill) ... ismo-5.jpg
Gascap and places around the wheels, wheelfender and taillights) ... demo-3.png

And most of the cars are way too smooth than supposed in real life.

But don't get your hopes up if you want it so bad. GT5 cannot be hacked.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:49 am
by viperzerofsx
thanks man! I am actually just looking into the best looking games this generation and I heard about both games, I had noticed a few triangles but I thought that was just the in game models

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:04 pm
by DIMOH33
Hello, thanks for forza studio. I want to learn is possible to make it for forza 2? After all many models from there not got to forza 3,4.
example rar

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:45 pm
by bigBear
viperzerofsx wrote:thanks man! I am actually just looking into the best looking games this generation and I heard about both games, I had noticed a few triangles but I thought that was just the in game models
No problem, man!
GT5 is not that really worthy because only 200 cars are premium cars and the rest of 800-900 are mediumpoly and they have no interior.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:46 pm
by phil671
Hi everyone,

i´m new here and i will use this Thread to explain what i´m looking for.I´ve got some extra packs from FM4 in a ZIP file.Once it´s unzipped on my desk .how should i do, to be abble to open it to get some .carbin etc to open it with FORZA STUDIO ?

This is the file i ve got once unzipped:


The point of this is to have the possibility to have some .OBJ to work on it with 3DS MAX , to make nice renders.

In advance thanks ;)

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:04 pm
by phil671
Andrakann wrote:
Justdragos wrote:Hy i just downloaded some car pack for forza 4, but how i extract the cars from them?
I use wxPirs tool.
Thanks for the tips,but now what is the next step , once the pack is unzipped .I have some FSB file .What should i use, FORZA STUDIO?

Ok , i think FSB files are sound files:
Answer: A file with the FSB file extension is a FMOD Sample Bank Format file.
FSB files are usually used to store sound information, like music and speech, for video games designed for popular console systems like the Xbox, PlayStation, and more.

I´m a bit lost now ;(

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:04 pm
by Andrakann
phil671 wrote:Thanks for the tips,but now what is the next step , once the pack is unzipped .I have some FSB file .What should i use, FORZA STUDIO?
Next step is unpacking .zip files with QuickBMS and script, then you have folders with .carbin files for Forza Studio and .xds files with textures (XTX tool can convert them to .TGA).

But if you need only renders, i have easy solution for you )
Check your PM.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:59 pm
by phil671
Thank you ;)

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:49 am
by Andrakann
You're welcome ;)

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:39 am
by heurex67
Pillsbury wrote:Awesome work Ernegien looking forward to the new Forza Studio! :D
I don't know why, but Forza Studio 4.0 stopped working for me :( . It was working fine this morning, but when I came home from work and booted up my PC, went to load Forza Studio and it says "Has stopped working" and does not give me an error report :( . I did not install anything new or change any files, not sure what happened, maybe a windows update? I don't know. :? But looking forward to your new release!! :D

PS: I have another computer that it still works on, just got to get up and sit in other chair.

Oh my PC specs. (The one that Forza Studio stopped working on)

Windows 7 64bit
16 gig of ram
Nvidia geforce 560Ti
Intel Core I7-2600k Processor

EDIT: I found out the problem, I need new glasses :D . Do not switch your Icons/text size to 125 DPI or above, because that cause forza studio to not work!
YOU SIR DESERVE A SIX PACK OF BEER!!! I've been fighting this for the last year. WHY COULD I NOT GET FORZA STUDIO TO RUN? My DPI was set @ 120. After setting it back to the defualt of 96 the program instantly works perfectly. Insane! But I'll take it. Thanks for sharing the information. And of course thanks to the author of the program...maybe a case of beer? :D

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:36 pm
by Raven Morpheus

I'm trying to find the Sedona and Nordschleife track files on the discs but I am unable to locate them, I have looked on disc 2 but all I can see in the disc 2 files is the cars and their wheels.

Please could someone advise me as to where the files for these tracks is on the FM3 (or FM4) discs. If it's on disc 2 how do I extract it? - all the tools I've got, wxPirs, Forza Studio etc. only extract the cars and wheels.

Many thanks.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:27 pm
Anybody still messing with the carbin format?

I've contacted Ernegien about the possibility of importing a obj file back into the carbin which he said quite possible just no time for it.

Anyone else have the ability to do so? I'd gladly throw a couple hundred bucks your way.

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:14 pm
by gpktm
Is there any Forza 5 research at the moment?

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:41 pm
by lkof
Sorry for the shameless pump but I do need some help...

My pc couldn't start Forza Studio, whenever I double clicked on the exe, it prompted "Forza Studio has stopped working"

I have tried everything I googled but still no luck:

1. Icon sized was already at default 100%
2. .NET and XNA Framework already installed
what's making it weirder was that it worked only for the very old version of Forza Studio, but still the same error for whatever versions (4.0/4.1)

I have always wanted to try on putting mods myself but that's just so frustrating to have the issue. thus I am seeking advice here to see if it'd get any better.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Re: Forza Motorsport Resource Extraction (.carbin)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:30 am
by Ernegien
gpktm wrote:Is there any Forza 5 research at the moment?
Not yet, Xbox One reverse engineering is still in its infancy and I don't believe anyone has figured out how to extract the file contents from the game archives yet.

As for your problems lkof, can you paste me the stack information from the application errors you should be seeing in your event logs?