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Bowja 3-1, Bowja 3-2 SWFS?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:29 am
by Doctor Loboto
Hey you lot. I was wondering if someone could help me locate some actual SWF files that seem to be impossible to reach. I'm looking at Bowja 3: Ninja Kami, and Bowja 3 Expansion Game: Fall of Yokai. Each place I've been to either has a preloader or a broken link for these games. The problem is, these games are a pair of my favorites, and I often have no access to the internet. What I would like to do is download the ACTUAL swf files to put on my flash drive so I may play them at my leisure when I'm NOT connected to the internet in my travels. The following are links to their pages. Note these have the ever so irritating preloader that simply link to the swf and make it uncatchable. I need someone to acquire the actual SWF of the games themselves for me so I can have them to play on my escapades.

Bowja 3: Ninja Kami: ... lash-game/

Bowja 3 Expansion Game: Fall of Yokai: ... lash-game/

Also I invite you to actually PLAY these games, since they're fun. I personally have no idea why I find it so entertaining to find the same strategy over and over, but oh well. I guess it's the graphics.

Re: Bowja 3-1, Bowja 3-2 SWFS?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:13 pm
by Uli
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Re: Bowja 3-1, Bowja 3-2 SWFS?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:39 pm
by Doctor Loboto
I appreciate the help! But unfortunately those are just the preloaders. They still elad to the game but would not work if not connected tot he internet or the games previously cached. I eagerly await any further attempts though. Thanks for trying! I hope you can figure it out better than I can.

Re: Bowja 3-1, Bowja 3-2 SWFS?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:25 pm
by Uli
The contents of this post was deleted because of possible forum rules violation.

Re: Bowja 3-1, Bowja 3-2 SWFS?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:15 pm
by Doctor Loboto
Excellent! That's perfect! Now all I need is the last in the series, Fall of Yokai. The link is up there still, so if you can do whatever you did for that one as well I'd most appreciate it. Thanks!


Wait never mind. That was in the zip file as well. My explorer crashed just as it was extracting them. (I am using a very old computer.)

Thank you so very much!

Re: Bowja 3-1, Bowja 3-2 SWFS?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:42 pm
by Uli
No Problem.

If you need some more don't hesitate to ask.