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Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:14 pm
If you press the button that looks like rewind ( << ), then you can slow down the animations to view them better. But as of what I've seen, neither S1.white.x360.bin nor s2.white.x360.bin look like they show the transformation. I'm looking at just FFXIII though...

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:37 pm
by mono24
LUBDAR wrote:If you press the button that looks like rewind ( << ), then you can slow down the animations to view them better. But as of what I've seen, neither S1.white.x360.bin nor s2.white.x360.bin look like they show the transformation. I'm looking at just FFXIII though...
I did that too with the slider for the animation, there is no real transformation happening, just jumps from a T pose frame to a action frame in a split second.
FFXIII-2 also has couple of extra animations for odin, he's probably the most creative and unique half and half game creature I've ever seen so far, that transforms.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:05 pm
by flarespire
As the transformation occurs as an in battle cutscene which then triggers a model swap, im guessing its somewhere in the battle scene files, instead of odins actual animation files.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:46 am
by flarespire
OK so ive found out something rather annoying with the way 13-2's weapons are set up. Apparently the base model has no UV mapping and is using dummy textures when viewed, and the game loads a different imgb file to the model when called to, however, when you try to do this manually with noesis, it does not work... any ideas?

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:33 am
by rhadamants
any chance of ripping English text for translation in another language? quickbms able to use the PC version and extracted many files but can not see any of them.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:16 am
by ayuanx
rhadamants wrote:any chance of ripping English text for translation in another language? quickbms able to use the PC version and extracted many files but can not see any of them.
You are not looking hard enough. They are just lying there.

But as you can see, the text is heavily stuffed with time & format modifiers. It would take a lot of effect to handle them.
Besides, the game itself comes with 8 major languages, what language do you need to translate to?


Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:01 pm
by rhadamants
English to Portuguese Portugal. Has some tool for editing these texts? Dump and reinsert And in which file you use to find this qiclbms textres_us.ztr?

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:59 am
by ayuanx
rhadamants wrote:English to Portuguese Portugal. Has some tool for editing these texts? Dump and reinsert And in which file you use to find this qiclbms textres_us.ztr?
Of course there is no such tool to the date.

But well technically that is not true, there indeed is one at least, but you won't get it unless you are a SE employee or a friend of a SE employee.
That's why there are so many model modding videos of FFXIII on internet but they wouldn't dare to release the tool or method how they made it.
Because they didn't make it all by themselves. They had the helping hand from inside that they can't talk/disclose.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:09 pm
by muskieratboi
Hey all,

There's been some minor progress on the PC port front, as there's a repacker in development, but I need some info on .trb. .imgb/.xfv/.xgr opens fine through Noesis, but neither Noesis extraction, nor any of thedude's max/maya importers are working with .trb's extracted from the PC version, even from QuickBMS.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:43 am
by muskieratboi
Here's the new tool, by Sectus over on NeoGAF:


This will be able to Extract the files much like QBMS does, but will also do repacking!

Next up for us is getting a tool for .imgb and .xgr/.xfv, and then we can start examining the .trb format changes.

If anyone has any information on how those formats work (If only TheDude would abide.. :P), please reply or send a PM, and I can relay messages to Sectus (And Durante. Yes, *that* Durante.)

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:55 am
by Darko
When nude mods?? :D

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 4:41 pm
by loriscangini
Hi to all!

Is someone working on the "new" .trb format?
If needed I can provide some new and old .trb files.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:38 pm
by EcheloCross
The UV have been moved into the vertex info stride. The rest of the "mesh" parts are the same. Not sure about the other blocks.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:11 am
by mariokart64n
was looking at the TRB, and trying to parse the WRB section. they define like 24 different sub blocks. I dont really see an easy way to get through the sub blocks without making individual structs for each.. which is alot of coding :\

must think of the boobs to stay motivated :lol:

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:08 am
by Darko
mariokart64n wrote:was looking at the TRB, and trying to parse the WRB section. they define like 24 different sub blocks. I dont really see an easy way to get through the sub blocks without making individual structs for each.. which is alot of coding :\

must think of the boobs to stay motivated :lol:
Is this enough to keep you motivated??