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Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:22 pm
by MrAdults
Also, you will find some anim sequences where the character appears to be balled up or otherwise screwed up. Those aren't actually broken. They're meant to stack with an existing pose. There isn't a lot of point in trying to apply them, but all you need to do is a straight transform on top of another pose. (if doing so from Noesis output, first switch any unused channels from the base default to identity)

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:56 pm
by flarespire
Figured the weapon animations issue i was having out, you need to make a copy of the animation folder and rename it to match the corresponding weapon folder. for example, sk_w101_lt would be copied and renamed as so, sk_w461_lt, to view the animations on the omega weapon model.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:11 pm
by mono24
Hi all, sorry to jump in with this out of the blue, but if anyone knows the answer id be really grateful.
I have the PS3 version of the game, and there is a quickbms script for it for the PS3, I tried that two years ago, and I never got any success in extracting anything from it, so I gave up, now that animations are supported, I would like to try again, but still same error like over two years ago, nothing has changed.

This is what I try to do, and still nothing.

Code: Select all


- select the BMS script or plugin to use
- select the input archives/files to extract, type * or "" for whole folder and
- select the output folder where extracting the files
- open input file E:\dev_bdvd\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\white_data\sys\white_imgu.ps3.bin
- open script E:\dev_bdvd\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\white_data\sys\
- set output folder E:\dev_bdvd\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\white_data\sys\extracted

  offset           filesize   filename
  coverage file 0     0%   0          1573978112
- open input file E:\dev_bdvd\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\white_data\sys\extracted\filelist_

- error in src\file.h line 213: myfopen()
Error: No such file or directory

Press RETURN to quit
The folder structure is the same, as it was transferred via FTP str8 from the BDGame.
if anyone knows the solution, please advise or point me to the right direction, thank you.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:23 pm
I believe if you grab the latest version of noesis your problems should be resolved...

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:49 pm
by mono24
LUBDAR wrote:I believe if you grab the latest version of noesis your problems should be resolved...
I'm not sure what is your trying to say.
Apparently it supports only the Xbox 360 version of the game, even if I rename the files to have the x360 still nothing to even look at the .bin contents.

although I've read this thread twice, still nothing related the problem I experience.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:02 pm
by flarespire
He means download the latest version of Noesis and try again, it works.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:53 pm
by mono24
flarespire wrote:He means download the latest version of Noesis and try again, it works.
Well, I obviously am doing something wrong, since it doe not do anything for my PS3 files version, if you could kindly explain in few steps what needs to be done would be awesome, thank you.

I mean how to extract the assets with in .bin from the PS3 version, the rest its pretty simple I guess.


With more careful determination and perseverance I guess I figured it out. :D

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:48 am
by flarespire
If i remember rightly, you need to extract the ISO file using Noesis, and then rename the file: filelistu.ps3.bin to filelist_imgu.ps3.bin and open it in noesis and press the OK button and when it prompts you open white_imgu.ps3.bin through the window that has opened and it will extract all the files in the white_imgu.ps3.bin file using the filelist_imgu.ps3.bin to get all the files in the appropriate file and folder structure. If you are using the actual Blu-Ray disc to find the files then you need to set the output folder to another drive inside a folder to keep everything together.

Edit: Ill just leave this here as well then:

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:26 am
by mono24
There is no need to rename anything, no file, leave all just as is.
Inside the PS3 BDGame disc the files in the dev_bdvd\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\white_data\Sys or Sys2 folders are.


I extracted them using FTP from the BDGame, using the PS3, to a HDD on my PC.

Opened up Noesis, I navigated inside sys folder selecting to open the list file filelistu.ps3.bin, then Nosesis will prompt you to select the Data file that needs to be extracted, thus selecting white_imgu.ps3.bin, then hitting ok, the extraction begins.
everything will be extracted in a folder called filelistu.ps3_files inside sys folder.
with its 12 subfolders.

Now there is a trick, those who want to use that animation data inside mot folder, when you select the .bin animation file it will load automatically its .trb model, but those in low poly, I suggest to all who want to take advantage of the high poly models, change the chr folder location else where, once you try to load the animation it will not find the required .trb, and will prompt you to select it, there for select the high poly .trb ones of the models, they look bad enough so the low poly makes it even worse.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:06 am
by flarespire
mono24 wrote: There is no need to rename anything, no file, leave all just as is.
I was going from a slightly older procedure for extracting the bin files.

EDIT: also there is no need to move any model files elsewhere all you need to do is make a copy of the animations folder in the right directory and rename it to match the model number in the chr folder. for example, i want to view the Omega Weapon with the gunblade animations, so i copy the folder sk_w101_lt (i think its this one) and paste it in the same folder so i get sk_w101_lt (2). From here all i need to do is rename it to the following: sk_w461_lt. When i load an animation from the folder we have just renamed in noesis, it will load the Omega Weapon model instead of the normal Blazefire Sabre (default gunblade) model.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:31 pm
by mono24
Cool, I'll have to give it a try, so far PS3 animations seem to be mostly screwed compared to my friends XBOX version (I had to borough his disc, I couldn't resist now that animations are available, to compare both versions, PS3 has a lot of mess, not all can be read easily like the XBOX), and if I try to make them load the high poly model characters, oh lord what a mess it is.

Has anyone figured out where is the Odin transformation? I looked but some seem to move so fast I could not tell.
And how can we separate them by segments since all are in same file.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:40 pm
by flarespire
I suggest you go and download a new version of Noesis, as im using the PS3 files and 99% of the animations play flawlessly.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:50 pm
by mono24
flarespire wrote:I suggest you go and download a new version of Noesis, as im using the PS3 files and 99% of the animations play flawlessly.
I do have the latest one, noesisv40955
And they are mostly screwed up, while loading the high poly models that is.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:12 pm
by flarespire
then that's probably because the high poly models have a different skeletal rig, which means that there is nothing wrong with the animations or models, they were just never meant to be used together in that way. There may be a set of animation data for the high poly models but the ones that extracted are high poly enough.

Re: FF 13 3D models ripping possible ...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:42 pm
by mono24
flarespire wrote:then that's probably because the high poly models have a different skeletal rig, which means that there is nothing wrong with the animations or models, they were just never meant to be used together in that way. There may be a set of animation data for the high poly models but the ones that extracted are high poly enough.
Yeah, to have a smooth game play during battle along with the animation they are paired with the low poly models, but must be a vertex order or something, since it loads the models but it screws up the mesh like its exploded, or something, it expects a certain order and being high poly has no clue what to do with the extra information and gets exploded. oh well.

have you figured out Odin's transformation?