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Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:56 pm
by FatalArms
The program won't adjust the image size for you - you have to manually do it every single time.

The only thing it will adjust size-wise is to switch the slot designation from the lo-res size to the hi-res size. The image itself, you still have to change in another program.

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:08 pm
by anthonym
Oh I know tht I've been using like in ur video and using resize. But it don't seem to import

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:26 pm
by FatalArms
You sure you have your 00PaintTool file open in PTExplorer before you try to import? And do you already have an image in the slot you're trying to use?

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:38 pm
by anthonym
Yes to both.... Like I said I got it to work twice but that's it

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:44 pm
by FatalArms
Post a link to the image you're trying to import.

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:49 pm
by anthonym

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:54 pm
by FatalArms
Thanks, but I mean the BMP files you're trying to import. As in, ready-to-go. I want to nail down exactly what's going wrong.

These are not Jpegs and are not the correct sizes. Give your BMPs ready to import, pretty please.

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:21 pm
by anthonym
Oh sorry. I'm actually at wok I've been posting from my iPhone lol

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:43 am
by anthonym
hey Fatal Arms...thanks for all the help today..

i figured out what the problem was, it was changing the ratio to 256x258 when i had it do it atomatically so i have to do it manually and its working fine now.

again thanks for your time.

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:35 am
by jamie
I'm having a bit trouble, any help will be appreciated.

I'm on windows 7 and I tried to download the PT Explorer 1.6 from the bottom of page 11 of this topic that someone had attached to their post. I downloaded really quick and when I went to open the file it came up that the file wasn't found and gave a list of programs on my laptop that I could use to try and find the file...

Is the file corrupted or does it just not work on windows 7?

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:35 am
by jamie
I'm having a bit trouble, any help will be appreciated.

I'm on windows 7 and I tried to download the PT Explorer 1.6 from the bottom of page 11 of this topic that someone had attached to their post. I downloaded really quick and when I went to open the file it came up that the file wasn't found and gave a list of programs on my laptop that I could use to try and find the file...

Is the file corrupted or does it just not work on windows 7?

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:29 pm
by FatalArms
jamie wrote:I'm having a bit trouble, any help will be appreciated.

I'm on windows 7 and I tried to download the PT Explorer 1.6 from the bottom of page 11 of this topic that someone had attached to their post. I downloaded really quick and when I went to open the file it came up that the file wasn't found and gave a list of programs on my laptop that I could use to try and find the file...

Is the file corrupted or does it just not work on windows 7?
OK, I'm a firm believer in the "teach a man to fish" theory, so here goes:

Whenever you open a file and get a list of programs that you can use to try to open it, that means your computer doesn't currently have a program assigned to that file type. What you need to do is get the extension (that's in the file name - there's a dot and then a few characters after that; usually three characters but not always) of the file then go to Google and look it up to see what program you need to open it.

In this case, you're talking about the file which ends in .7z. So you need to Google and see what how to open a .7z file. Once you figure that out, you need to download the program Google says you need, and use that to open the file.

I could tell you exactly what you need, but again...teach a man to fish :)

Learn how to do this and you're saving yourself a lot of headaches in your many years of computer use to come!

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:55 pm
by TZC
Hi. Thanks a lot for this tool, it is pretty fantastic, the options available in game with it :)

I've had a lot of fun using it so far, there's just a couple of suggestions I have to make things easier if you don't mind.

The main one being - if possible, to select multiple colour pallette slots at the same time for the transparancy selections, colour too but that's less important imo..

It seems that saving things to .BMP in blurs edges of colour sometimes spreading 2 single colours into anything from 3 colours up to 24 or so, which can be a pain to click through each and set to 0 for the look originally intended. I try to leave the background colour that is to be transparent on something not used in the actual texture but sometimes it gets split into loads and I have to go through the pallette. If a picture is split into 2 or 4 parts, it can get very long and tedious to tidy the pallette.

I tried being very careful, not resizing before finishing textures and saving them with zero dithering - no luck so far.. well I can limit it, but not cut it out completely.

I have no idea how feasible it is to allow multiple selection like that or how much work it is I admit :)

It would be great to be able to at some point though.

Also just an idea, to allow mirroring and flipping textures in the explorer.

I've been creating face 'skin' textures to use, and mostly settled on using 4 128x128 slots, making a 256 for the face in total. Gives the higher resolution like using a 256 in the first place but allows 6 more 128's to be used instead of one more 256 on a caw.

Anyway, if I could simply load in one upper side and one lower side twice, then flip them in two of the slots, it'd just make things a little quicker and easier.

Thanks again for what it already is! :)

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:17 am
by KingBradders
i'm having trouble getting this to work this is the image i'm trying to import to svr2010

iv done everything from the video tutorial with the exception that iv used PS CS4 Extended instead of, iv reisgned ans rehashed using Modio but after iv drag the paint tool file back to my 360 hdd and loaded up svr2010 it tells me the data is corupt using the menu from the 360 dashboard in game and then wen i use the paint tiool it gives the same message asks if i want to overwrite the file i click on yes and the image iv imported just isn't there. please help me

Re: smackdown vs raw 2010

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:48 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Is the image 256x256 or 128x128 in size?