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Re: SF4 Asset editor

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:20 am
by piecemontee
chrrox wrote:How does the obj export and import work isn't the weighting information needed to avoid some weird side effects?
You are right, weighting information should be edited too, (but as is it handles slight deformations pretty well, specially if you are not near joint intersection)

This is a preview, next step will be exporting/importing complete model (ms3d or smd)

Re: SF4 Asset editor

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:45 am
by piecemontee
Thank to your script magnum I made some progress on the skeleton front! :)

Re: SF4 Asset editor

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:07 pm
by piecemontee
I switched from fixed pipeline to a shader driven one, allowing texturing progress.
Still... now I must find a way to trigger automatically the right texture stage for each model :cry:

Re: SF4 Asset editor

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:36 pm
by piecemontee
I thought I'd find some texture<->mesh assignment in #EMM material section but no luck, it must be embedded in sub #EMG meshes headers.

EMM block a pretty straight forward exept I found that every submesh setting is 32 for the name and either 8 or 4 when the name ends by _W.
so it can be 36 or 40.

EMM is
16 bytes (including #EMM tag)
4 byte count followed by as many 4 byte offsets
Each offset points to 32 bytes "value type name" and either 4/8 bytes as described above

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.31 RELEASE

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:01 pm
by piecemontee
Normal mapping screenshot

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.31 RELEASE

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:02 pm
by piecemontee
Ink rendering snapshot

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.31 RELEASE

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:22 pm
by pixellegolas
haha, you are the man with a big M :)

Re: SF4 Asset explorer

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:34 pm
by piecemontee
magnum wrote:The EMO script (which btw is in Perl, not Python) spits out a *_data.txt file that shows almost the entire data dump for the file. There's 7 numbers that I can't figure out what are for, and is holding back model importing (from what I remember, when I tried modifying them, it crashed the game). It's the 3 unknown floats and the 4 chars (3 of which seems to always have the same value, and the 4th which is always 255).

An interesting thing to note is that the first 3 floats all change in increments of 1/255 (and range from -1 to 1), so I wonder if they're some how related to the chars.

I'll have to double check the crashing part, because I tried that in my early days of trying to modify the files, and maybe the crash was actually due to something else...
I think there is a little missinterpretation in your script, when 64 byts long a vertex is not
x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v, ...

Code: Select all

	my @node_weights;
	for( 0..$vertexblockcount-1 ) {

		my @floats;
		if( $vertexblocksize == 64 ) {
			@floats = readu( $INPUT, "f11", 44 );

			my @v_uc = ($floats[6],-$floats[7]);

			my @v_xyz = (-$floats[0],$floats[2],$floats[1]);
			my @v_normal = (-$floats[3],$floats[5],$floats[4]);

			push( @uv, \@v_uc );
			push( @xyz, \@v_xyz );
			push( @normal, \@v_normal );

		} elsif( $vertexblocksize == 32 ) {	# used in skeleton EMO files
Instead you have : x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, u, v, nx, ny, nz, a, w1, w2, w3, w4
where (tx, ty, tz) is the vertex tangent for normal mapping (see viewer release v0.31) and a is a precomputed static ambiant occlusion factor (to be interpreted as a diffuse color):

Code: Select all

	my @node_weights;
	for( 0..$vertexblockcount-1 ) {

		my @floats;
		if( $vertexblocksize == 64 ) {
			@floats = readu( $INPUT, "f11", 44 );

			my @v_uc = ($floats[6],-$floats[7]);

			my @v_xyz = (-$floats[0],$floats[2],$floats[1]);
			my @v_tangent = ($floats[3],$floats[4],$floats[5]);
			my @v_normal = ($floats[8],$floats[9],$floats[10]);

			push( @uv, \@v_uc );
			push( @xyz, \@v_xyz );
			push( @normal, \@v_normal );

		} elsif( $vertexblocksize == 32 ) {	# used in skeleton EMO files

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:07 pm
by piecemontee
"piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE" fixes the normal mapping and the ink shader

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:05 pm
by AceAngel

Haha, thanks for the work mate!

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:11 pm
by mariokart64n
how do I import parts from other costumes, I've seen people combine models

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:56 pm
by LouNGeR
Mario_Kart wrote:how do I import parts from other costumes, I've seen people combine models
If you make sure that it has the same amount of verts, it should work just fine....

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:31 pm
by mariokart64n
I reshaped sakura's body, but there where no shoulders to work with;


I had to create shoulders from the shirt she was wearing, but the weights are out of sync with the arms, so there is tearing visible.

I thought if I could swap the model block from one costume, to another I could fix this. or.. if model injection ever becomes supported ^_^ well I would love that.

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:00 pm
by LouNGeR
If Piecemontee would support Resized Assets, I'm pretty sure adding verts will be possible.

I've already made a tool that can make EMB's of any size, it's just that I have no idea how the Model stuff works :mrgreen:

This makes me think about how Assets Explorer handles COS and COL files, because it seems to rely too much on the contents of COL/COS files instead of threading the files as an EMB ARCHIVE.
This is clearly visible when I Open a resized EMB file in Assets Explorer: Some textures etc are messed up.

Re: piecemontee's SF4 Assets Explorer v0.33 RELEASE

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:03 pm
by AceAngel
I smell Mugen 3.0!