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Re: aika online

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:08 am
by seculi017
naxet, that's really nice work! I don't suppose you're ready to release the mod yet? :3

Re: aika online

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:12 am
by naxet
I´m working on textures by now, I can provide textures and models if someone else
can help me to mod Aika Online.

Re: aika online

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:50 am
by seculi017
I'm pretty handy with texture editing, if that's what you mean, but I suck at the technical mumbo-jumbo. If you can get the textures out and back into the game, I can edit them for you.

Re: aika online

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:36 pm
by gelo
hey all new here but i play aika

im trying to convert those JIT image files from with what MissCooky said but i still get photoshop complaining.

Could you explain in a little more detail what exactly i have to do.

here is what i have from one image (the ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ UUUUÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ bit being the start of the data):

Code: Select all

JT33€   €   ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ   UUUUÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

do i replace JT33 bit to the DXT3 bit like:

Code: Select all

DDS |                  
                                                      DXT3                    @                 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ   UUUUÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
the file i got this from was "FFSWD00009EF.jit"

now when i tried using a header from the download that chrrox gave it still complained so either im being a dumbass or im not doing somthing right.

Re: aika online

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:53 pm
by gelo
forgot to add - i use XVI32 hex editor to edit the files.

Re: aika online

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:14 pm
by nightsqual05
anyone there can help me import this .msh on 3ds max 2010?

Re: aika online

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:34 pm
by Karpati
In the last days I developed the new FREE internal export module called 'Tools/Export the material table's textures to .bmp files'. that supports the Aika Online jit format.

See the Supported texture file formats:

I released the 3D O. C. V4.429 update package now.
You can update your installed application (version>=4.0) quickly and easily using the auto-update function (Help/Check for updates…).
version>=4.0) quickly and easily using the auto-update function (Help/Check for updates…).

Re: aika online

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:04 am
by lolzalolza123
Sorry to revive this thread. Has anyone looked into this? I've been trying to convert .dds files to .jit but have had no luck in figuring out how. I can only go .jit -> .dds cause of the converter program provided by this forum.

It seems as if all progression towards this came to an abrupt stop. No one even said anything.

Am I the only one who wants to see this progress? The models in this game are truly stunning..

I've spent hours and hours trying to figure out how to convert .dds into .jit ;/

Moreover, Karpati's 3D Object converter isn't working for the .jit files as it say's its suppose to.

Re: aika online

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:19 am
by Karpati
Moreover, Karpati's 3D Object converter isn't working for the .jit files as it say's its suppose to.
My program works correctly on the .jit files.
What program version are you running ?

Re: aika online

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:00 pm
by lolzalolza123
Karpati wrote:
Moreover, Karpati's 3D Object converter isn't working for the .jit files as it say's its suppose to.
My program works correctly on the .jit files.
What program version are you running ?
Sorry for saying that then, I must be doing something wrong.
I'm using version 4.434, and I also have the "Use default texture subdirectory for textured view" option checked in tools -> options -> import.


Re: aika online

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:23 pm
by Karpati
Sorry for saying that then, I must be doing something wrong.
I'm using version 4.434, and I also have the "Use default texture subdirectory for textured view" option checked in tools -> options -> import.
-Open you .msh file (it will add the *.jit texture names to the material table automatically.
-Use Tools/'Export the material table's textures to .bmp files' function

Re: aika online

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:05 pm
by lolzalolza123
Karpati wrote:
Sorry for saying that then, I must be doing something wrong.
I'm using version 4.434, and I also have the "Use default texture subdirectory for textured view" option checked in tools -> options -> import.
-Open you .msh file (it will add the *.jit texture names to the material table automatically.
-Use Tools/'Export the material table's textures to .bmp files' function
It works, is there a way to reverse the process? (i.e bmp -> .jit) ?

Re: aika online

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:52 pm
by DeroHero
naxet wrote:I love Aika online and extract textures from this game without editing the .jit files is possible, just capture them from Open GL , here´s a topless texture :P

By pencracker at 2010-09-24
Is there a nude patch for this game yet thats been released?

Re: aika online

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:21 am
by falconcool
I wrote a simple script to add dds header to Aika's JIS texture,but there is something wrong.The resulting texture is not correct.
Maybe it's because i didn't give proper value to dds flag.plz help to finish this simple script.

Code: Select all

if (heapSize < 20000000) then
   heapSize = 200000000 -- allow ~ 40 MB instead of just 7.5 MB. Prevents "Runtime Error: Out of scripter memory"
fname = getOpenFileName \
caption:"Open Aika Texture File" \
types:"Aika Texture File(*.jit)|*.jit" \
f = fopen fname "rb"
h = getFilenameFile fname
fpath = (getFilenamePath fname)-- as string

pixel_array = #()
magic_num = readshort f
if magic_num == 21578 then(
readbyte f
dxt_id = readbyte f ----0x31=dxt1,0x33=dxt3,0x35=dxt5
tex_width = readlong f 
tex_height = readlong f
--print "source file width=" tex_width
--print "source file height=" tex_height
pixel_count = tex_width * tex_height as integer

output_name = h +""
 if output_name != undefined then	
print output_name
s = fopen output_name "wb"
writelong s 542327876 --magic word "DDS" 
writelong s 124 -- always 124
writeshort s 1
writeshort s 8
writelong s tex_height
writelong s tex_width
writelong s 512----PitchOrLinearSize
writelong s 0----Depth
writelong s 0----MipMapCount
for i =1 to 11 do( -----write 11 reserverved long
  writelong s 0
)----end of for i =1 to 11
writelong s 32 ----DDPIXELFORMAT
writelong s 4----Flags
if dxt_id == 0x31 do(
	writelong s 827611204---DXT1
	)----if dxt_id == 0x31
if dxt_id == 0x33 do(
	writelong s 861165636---DXT3
	)----if dxt_id == 0x33
if dxt_id == 0x35 do(
	writelong s 894720068----DXT5
	)----if dxt_id == 0x35

writelong s 0 ----RGBBitCount
writelong s 0 ----	RBitMask
writelong s 0 ----GBitMask
writelong s 0----BBitMask
writelong s 0 ----ABitMask
writelong s 0 ----Caps1
writelong s 0 ----Caps2
writelong s 0 ----reserved
writelong s 0 ----reserved
writelong s 0 ----reserved2	
	for i = 1 to (pixel_count/4) do(
		pr =  readbyte f #unsigned
		pg = readbyte f #unsigned
		pb = readbyte f #unsigned
		pa = readbyte f #unsigned
		writebyte s pr
		writebyte s pg
		writebyte s pb
		writebyte s pa
		--append pixel_array[pr,pg,pb,pa]
	)----end of for i = 1 to pixet_count

)----end of if magic_num = 21578

fclose f
print "source closed"
fclose s
print "out closed"
fflush f
fflush s

--messagebox "This is not Aika texture file"
--fclose f
PM if u need sample,i won't post here.

Edit: script fixed,it works fine now:)

Re: aika online

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:59 pm
by martendw
lolzalolza123 wrote:Sorry to revive this thread. Has anyone looked into this? I've been trying to convert .dds files to .jit but have had no luck in figuring out how. I can only go .jit -> .dds cause of the converter program provided by this forum.
Can I get a link to this jit to dds converter? xD