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Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:15 am
by asmxtx
So what?
Do you want a gaudy MultiMegaByte installation application for stupid mouse clickers or do you want simply unpack game files? No problem, I can upload eight 100MB files on rapidshare, in case you want to have something to busy with. But the result will be the same somehow.
What's wrong with the interface? Are you not able to use your keyboard properly? OK, it is inappropriate for people who play games at a console with their two thumbs.
Despite the age of the module skeleton (as I mentioned first I am updating and optimizing it since 1996) this program is able to handle more file formats easier than any awkward and resource-eating .NET or JAVA junk.
Each module costs about 50...200 Bytes in real executable code size, depending on the complexity. If I want to reach the 64KByte file size barrier I would still have to add 150 to 200 formats...

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:09 am
by Mr.Mouse
I would advise you to keep that tone in check.

I merely said it reminds me of my own first multi format extractor, MultiEx.

I did not say anything about which approach is best, nor do I feel any need to do so, as that is really not worth it. If you feel the need to express frustration with 'stupid-mouse clickers', or have to slam .NET and JAVA 'junk', go ahead and afterwards feel good about yourself, but leave us out of it.

You have a nifty little program there, I'm sure we all appreciate.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:03 pm
by mambox
i think Mr.Mouse dont wanted to offense anyone.
your tool is welcome here,thanks to share it!

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:02 am
by asmxtx
Added: Space Siege, SSG*-files.
Genre: Role-playing, Action

This is a very tricky file format similar to Dungeon Siege (and Supreme Commander?). I have no idea why the programmers of this game made it that complicated. Without using this text ( as a help I wouldn't have found out what structure this file format has. The description there is very incomplete so I had to investigate a lot by myself.
Mainly there are two tables, one for the files and one for the directories. Both of them contain dependency information and additional chunk tables if a file is compressed.
First I tried to descend the directory structure but then I decided to loop through the file table and ascend the directory table for each file. This simplified the extraction algorithm.
After intensive testing I assume GOBREAD will unpack all files properly.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:08 am
by asmxtx
Added: Das schwarze Auge: Drakensang (The Dark Eye: Drakensang), NPK-files
Genre: Classic Role-playing, 3D-Action

This game appears to be an expanded version of an old one from the early ninetees which ran under DOS. I remember that it could be purchased as a cheap budget title at that time (it cost about 3 Deutsch-Mark). It seems the programmers try to brush up an old idea with new graphics.

The NPK file format doesn't use compression. The file structure consists of relative directory and file entries which have to be put together.
Each entry has variable length and starts with a DWORD-flag:
"DIR_" - directory entry, descending the path
"FILE" - file entry
"DEND" - directory entry, ascending the path
"DATA" - start of data area

Because there is no information about the number of files I continue the extraction process until the substraction of [size_of_extracted_file] from [remaining_size_of_data_area] returns zero.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:25 pm
by asmxtx
Added: Dreamstripper, CBN-files
Genre: Adult

The format is mentioned in this topic:

Bugfixed (Sep 03, 2008):

- Module Drakensang:
Unpacker stopped with an error message if some existing files couldn't be overwritten
- General
Extraction process cancellation with "ESC"-key:
It was polled between every buffer writes which resulted in improperly cutted files.
Now it is polled only when a file is about to be created.

Changed: (Sep 07, 2008):

- Module Genetroopers:
Removed from automatic detection because the format can't be reliably recognized.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:03 am
by gamemaster
Hey thanks for trying to support cbn files in your program but I cant seem to run it. I click on it but all it does is just show a bunch of words in an msdos prompt window that blaze by at the speed of light in less then 2 seconds and it disappears or closes out. I also tried draging the files onto the exe and still nothing. Is the problem that it isnt vista compatible?

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:49 am
by asmxtx
gamemaster wrote:I click on it but all it does is just show a bunch of words in an msdos prompt window that blaze by at the speed of light in less then 2 seconds and it disappears or closes out. I also tried draging the files onto the exe and still nothing. Is the problem that it isnt vista compatible?
This is a such called "console" or "command line" program. You have to be familiar with the console window of windows and you have to use your keyboard.
I couldn't test it on Vista yet but it should run fine in all versions of Win up to XP.
In XP you can open a console window with:

Code: Select all

For example, if you wish to save the "light speed blazing" output text to an everlasting file named "help.txt" you would have to type (assuming GOBREAD.EXE is being located in your path/directory/folder, whatever you call it):

Code: Select all

gobread >help.txt
To extract files from Dreamstripper CBN-files into the current path/directory/folder you have to type (assuming "filename" is the name of one of the CBN-files):

Code: Select all

gobread /cbn
If you encounter further problems using the Windows-console, I recommend to RTFM of Windows.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:56 pm
by asmxtx
Improved: PKR file format handling

The PKR container is used in some games (XMEN2, Spiderman, ProSkater BMX and maybe other).
Obviously the length of the name space in an entry differs for each game (XMEN2 uses 80h Bytes, ProBMX uses 20h).
Because there is no mark (like a version information) in these files which indicates this difference I implemented an algorithm to calculate the required table size. This should allow unpacking of many derivates of this file type.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:27 pm
by gamemaster
I tried what you said to do and try to run the program through the cmd prompt instead of just clicking but the same thing happens. And what is RTFM of Windows and how do I do it. I searched for it but couldnt find anything about it.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:54 pm
by asmxtx
Added: HPK, ZLIB-compressed container ("Glory of the Roman Empire")

Format of the file:

Format description (ASM-pseudo syntax):

Code: Select all

	HPK_USIZE	DWORD	?		;Uncompressed size of destination file
	HPK_CSIZE	DWORD	?		;Maximum size of uncompressed chunk

OFS_TABLE	...DWORDs	?		;Start of ZLIB-compressed chunk

ZLIB_DATA	db ? BYTE (?)		;ZLIB-Chunks
There is no END-marker nor number-of-files value. The "END"-condition must be determined by HPK_USIZE.

I'm afraid I won't help you. If I would, I would be paid for working at a support center.
As I wrote before: There is no "clicking" support.
Please be conformed to your operating system first and only then post anything regarding to problems using my program.
For common abbreviations JFGI.
By the way, don't expect to see any "spectacular" whithin the DreamStripper-CBN-files.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:40 pm
by gamemaster
I figured out what rtfm is. Its read the f@!#$ing manual. Duh! I feel like an idiot know. Oh and the only reason I want to extract the files is to see if I can get the models to use for things like mods for games and such.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:44 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Gamemaster, let me help you out a bit.

I've written a simple graphical user interface for people who do wish to be able to click on a button to make GoBread go and extract the stuff from archives it supports.

It's an early version and will only go for the formats that it automatically detects (I couldn't be bothered to add support for non-auto formats, I just wrote it as a quick-fix, it also does not let you create certain archives from file in a folder).

The GUI is called GoBakery. It's attached with a version of gobread.exe. To update it, just take a new version of gobread and copy that to the folder you unzipped GoBakery in.
Please note that gobread does not support long filenames, does not let you extract to a specific folder, cannot list contents of an archive and cannot update an archive. The "use at your own risk" statement in asmxtx's help text so naturally also applies to GoBakery.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:00 am
by Darkfox
I think this should satisfy people who are more familiar with a GUI or have no experience with command line tools. Though I suggest to some that they do. Some pretty awesome programs are command line driven. :) I find it easier and more to the point in some cases. Anyways, I like your GUI Mr.Mouse, it looks well understandable and to the point.

Anyways, should ease the lives of those having trouble with operating GoBread. :)

P.S. Interesting choice title. GoBakery. XD I get the joke.

Re: Little extractor program

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:27 pm
by Dinoguy1000
Woohoo! A bakery for the bread! *is hungry* :D