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Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:53 pm
by Tosyk
Dtmech wrote:Yes i know i know , i already did it with Lost planet and Re5 , but DMC4 doesn't give me the .ms file , it just closes and that's it i don't get anything.
Try to do it with other files, perhaps unpacking archives was not entirely successful. See it all Do you have files with extensions. When I unpacked my archives, I have all the files have no extension and I now have to rename every file manually. Try just mod2max copy the files in the folder, then run mod2max, inscribe the name of the file and press Enter (ie, not via drag-and-drop).

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:41 pm
by Dtmech
Tosyk wrote:
Dtmech wrote:Yes i know i know , i already did it with Lost planet and Re5 , but DMC4 doesn't give me the .ms file , it just closes and that's it i don't get anything.
Try to do it with other files, perhaps unpacking archives was not entirely successful. See it all Do you have files with extensions. When I unpacked my archives, I have all the files have no extension and I now have to rename every file manually. Try just mod2max copy the files in the folder, then run mod2max, inscribe the name of the file and press Enter (ie, not via drag-and-drop).

Didn't work. :/

The archives i need to extract are in nativepc/rom/enemy/ ?

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:39 pm
by Tosyk
Dtmech wrote:
Tosyk wrote:
Dtmech wrote:Yes i know i know , i already did it with Lost planet and Re5 , but DMC4 doesn't give me the .ms file , it just closes and that's it i don't get anything.
Try to do it with other files, perhaps unpacking archives was not entirely successful. See it all Do you have files with extensions. When I unpacked my archives, I have all the files have no extension and I now have to rename every file manually. Try just mod2max copy the files in the folder, then run mod2max, inscribe the name of the file and press Enter (ie, not via drag-and-drop).

Didn't work. :/

The archives i need to extract are in nativepc/rom/enemy/ ?
I can not say for sure right now. Put my file model and my copy mod2max. I just tried - everything works fine.

ps: it seems the files with the models should be in the directory \ demo, at least, with the main characters

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:39 pm
by Dtmech
Tosyk wrote:
Dtmech wrote:
Tosyk wrote:Try to do it with other files, perhaps unpacking archives was not entirely successful. See it all Do you have files with extensions. When I unpacked my archives, I have all the files have no extension and I now have to rename every file manually. Try just mod2max copy the files in the folder, then run mod2max, inscribe the name of the file and press Enter (ie, not via drag-and-drop).

Didn't work. :/

The archives i need to extract are in nativepc/rom/enemy/ ?
I can not say for sure right now. Put my file model and my copy mod2max. I just tried - everything works fine.

ps: it seems the files with the models should be in the directory \ demo, at least, with the main characters

Well your file works fine , but my files , just don't , what did you exactly do when you extracted the arc files?

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:31 am
by Tosyk
Dtmech wrote:Well your file works fine , but my files , just don't , what did you exactly do when you extracted the arc files?
I do not remember exactly how extract archives, it has been a long time, at least in the past year. :) Try Dmc4Extract or RE5ArcTool v095. But I did not do anything unusual, the same thing as everyone else.

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:41 am
by Dtmech
Tosyk wrote:
Dtmech wrote:Well your file works fine , but my files , just don't , what did you exactly do when you extracted the arc files?
I do not remember exactly how extract archives, it has been a long time, at least in the past year. :) Try Dmc4Extract or RE5ArcTool v095. But I did not do anything unusual, the same thing as everyone else.
Maybe you can send the two extraction tools over a pm?

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:04 am
by Tosyk
Dtmech wrote:
Tosyk wrote:
Dtmech wrote:Well your file works fine , but my files , just don't , what did you exactly do when you extracted the arc files?
I do not remember exactly how extract archives, it has been a long time, at least in the past year. :) Try Dmc4Extract or RE5ArcTool v095. But I did not do anything unusual, the same thing as everyone else.
Maybe you can send the two extraction tools over a pm?
For some reason I have in the program archive virus appears :[ , not only were infected mod2max and dmc4tex :oops: , I have not used them for a month, as the games that are already extracted and waiting in the wings. So send them not see the point. However, you can find the same tools in this topic.

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:48 am
by ddt
2 Surveyor .
sorry, I'm a new one.
I 'd recomply ( also modifyed ) your code Dmc4ModelScr.
and I simply use:
to Create the Vertex Declaration.
and get the result below.
It look crazy, the UV coord seens like single dimenstion.
and I don't understand why.

the code here:

void CMOD::Draw(LPDEV pDev)
cObject* p = m.pObject;
_for( a, 0, m.ObjectNum )
int id = m.pMaterial[ p->MatId ].Layer0 - 1;
if( id >= 0 )
qTEX(0, TX[id]);

qDrawIdxUP( triangle_strip, m.VertexNum, p->Count, m.pIndex+p->Start, (byte*)(m.pVertex) + p->Base1, 32 );

btw, the OBJ format output, I see this:
for(unsigned int a = 0; a < m_uiVertexNum; a++)
fprintf(pFile, "vt %f %f %f\n", pUF[a], 1.0f - pVF[a], 0.5f);
UV coord why is 3 member, what dose 3rd member ( .5f ) means?

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:57 am
by shadowmoy
0.5f is the W component but can be skipped also reread the surveyor source code to see that re5 models have 2 uv layers to be able to fix yourmodel viewer....

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:08 am
by ddt
Thanks shadowmoy.
I'd completely reread the code. (stupid)
and now it's work.

struct cObject
u16 Id;
u16 MatId;
byte Flag[16];
uint Base1; //this member seens like the offset when
//the game call SetStreamSource's 3rd parameter
uint Zero;
uint Start;
uint Count;
uint Base;
uint Inconnu[3];
and also found that the game
just simply Create VertexBuffer and copy
whole pVertex's buffer

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:41 am
by firsak
About joining meshes each having its own skin modifier.

I have found this script that joins meshes with different skin modifiers. I tested it and it works perfectly... as long as the meshes do not share the same bones. If vertices on different objects share the same bone, the bone weights of those vertices are lost. Can anyone improve this script?
Here it is:

Code: Select all

macroscript mergeSkinObjects
fn fnMergeSkinObjects objectsList refFrame =
ObjSkinVertices = #()
bonesList = #()

struct sSkinVertex (bonesCount,bonesID,bonesWeight)

setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify

bonesOffset = 0
for obj in objectsList do
select obj

skinMod = undefined
for i=1 to obj.modifiers.count do
if (classof obj.modifiers[i] == Skin) do skinMod = obj.modifiers[i]

if(skinMod != undefined) then
--modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod
vertices_count = skinOps.GetNumberVertices skinMod

for i = 1 to vertices_count do
newSkinVertex = sSkinVertex 0 #() #()
newSkinVertex.bonesCount = skinOps.getVertexWeightCount skinMod i
for j = 1 to newSkinVertex.bonesCount do
Append newSkinVertex.bonesID ((skinOps.getVertexWeightBoneID skinMod i j)+bonesOffset)
Append newSkinVertex.bonesWeight ( skinOps.getVertexWeight skinMod i j )
append ObjSkinVertices newSkinVertex

bones_count = skinOps.GetNumberBones skinMod
bonesOffset += bones_count

for i = 1 to bones_count do
appendifunique bonesList (skinOps.GetBoneName skinMod i 0)
)-- if(skinMod != undefined)
else deleteItem objectsList (findItem objectsList obj)
)--for obj in objectsList

at time refFrame
skinobj = box prefix:"skinobj_"
convertto skinobj editable_poly
polyop.deleteVerts skinobj #{1..8}

for newElement in objectsList do
polyop.attach skinobj newElement

skinMod = skin()
addModifier skinobj skinMod
skinMod.bone_limit = 4 --todo - find maximum bone_limit in all objects
skinMod.weightAllVertices = false

select skinobj
setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
--modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod

for BoneName in BonesList do
skinOps.addbone skinMod (GetNodeByName(BoneName)) 1

skinOps.Invalidate skinMod 0

skinOps.SelectBone skinMod 1

vertices_count = skinOps.GetNumberVertices skinMod

for i = 1 to vertices_count do
skinOps.SetVertexWeights skinMod i ObjSkinVertices[i].bonesID[1] 1
skinOps.SetVertexWeights skinMod i ObjSkinVertices[i].bonesID ObjSkinVertices[i].bonesWeight
)--at time refFrame
)--fn fnMergeSkinObjects

on execute do
objectsList = selection as array

if(objectsList.count>0) do
fnMergeSkinObjects objectsList 0
Save it as *.mcr, put it into \ui\macroscripts. Now create a toolbar with the button (category AndreyK -> mergeSkinObjects). Select multiple objects with skin modifiers, press the button to merge those objects.

I know, there is an SMD plugin solution, but it is more like a workaround. And it has its drawbacks. Is anyone here good at MaxScript willing to improve this script?

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:52 pm
by ddt
Today learn effect.
I fool again.
Is there someone help me!
what is going on in the effect file ?
sampler s0 : register(s0);

#if 1
row_major float3x4 mJoint[32];
float3x4 mJoint[32];

float4x4 mPV;
float4x4 mW;

void vs(
float3 ipos :POSITION,
float2 itex :TEXCOORD0,
float2 itex1 :TEXCOORD1,
float4 weight : BLENDWEIGHT0,
float4 bone : BLENDINDICES0,
out float4 opos :POSITION,
out float2 tex :TEXCOORD0,
out float2 tex1 :TEXCOORD1)
float3 pos = 0;
if( 1 )
pos = mul( ipos, mJoint[ bone.x ] )*weight.x + mul( ipos, mJoint[ bone.y ] )*weight.y;
if( weight.z ) pos += mul( ipos, mJoint[ bone.z ] )*weight.z + mul( ipos, mJoint[ bone.w ] )*weight.w;
pos = mul( mJoint[ bone.x ], ipos )*weight.x + mul( mJoint[ bone.y ], ipos )*weight.y;
if( weight.z ) pos += mul( mJoint[ bone.z ], ipos )*weight.z + mul( mJoint[ bone.w ], ipos )*weight.w;

opos = mul( float4(pos, 1), mW );
opos = mul( opos, mPV );
tex = itex;
tex1 = itex1;

float4 ps( float2 t0 : TEXCOORD0, float2 t1 : TEXCOORD1 ):COLOR0
float u = ( t1.x < 0 ) ? t0.x : t1.x;
float v = ( t1.y < 0 ) ? t0.y : t1.y;
return float4( tex2D( s0, float2( u, v ) ).xyz, 1 );

technique Bio5{
pass P0{
vertexShader = compile vs_2_0 vs();
pixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ps();

I'm so sure I'd pass the right BoneMatrix(m3x4) data,
and call peff->CommitChanges();
just don't know what the diffent between:
"row_major float3x4" and "float3x4" ?
how to calc then with "mul"

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:13 pm
by rogueclarkey
Hi All,

A quick nod to all the work previous work done by others in this thread. Great work :)

I'm trying to make sense of some anomalies I'm coming across in the face data when I'm looking at the dante model data.

The code I've written is based on the Dmc4Model source posted on this forum. Cheers Surveyor.

From previous posts in the cObject class:

usFlag[6] - start Vertex index
usFlag[5] - end Vertex index
usFlag[4] - vertexCount

uiCount - number of tris in the triangle strip

For the very first object in pl006.mod, uiCount = 4 so there should be 6 indices for this triangle strip. This seems to tie up correctly because uiStart for the second object is 6.

If I print out the above fields and all the indices within that strip I get the following:
  • Object 0: usFlag[6]: 0 usFlag[5]: 2 usFlag[4]: 3
    uiCount+2: 6 // number of indices
    0: 0
    1: 1
    2: 2
    3: 2
    4: 2
    5: 3
I'm a little confused if the usFlag[6] is 0 and usFlag[5] is 2, why the last index that makes up the triangle strip is 3. i.e. A number outside this range.

I think I must be misinterpreting something and I hope someone with a bit more familiarity with the format might be able to shed some light on this.

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:43 pm
by onionhead
can dantes office be extracted thru the extractor provided? or do i have to extract the models seperately and put them back togehter in max?

Re: [PC] Devil May Cry 4

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:42 am
by oBadboyo
can you tell me what exactly i need to do to import RE5 model.
I imported the ms then exported to smd ( should i delete the low LOD ?)
open the smd with notepad, replace all the \ with /, still error when importing.
And BTW, why the model is so blocky with useless line +part, and when i give the meshsmooth it appear sort of not smooth at all. Mod2obj import it smoothly but sadly no bone :(