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.bin .xbt .xba .xbg farcry file formats

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:53 pm
by sababa
Silver wrote this a long time ago:

For Textures:

Texture Start
[4] - Unknown (00010403) seems to initiate all textures?
[4] Dimension x
[4] Dimension y
[4] Image Size in Bytes
[4] Type? 0x12 (18 ) = DXT3 / 0x10 (16) = DXT1 (All this is guess work based on math :p )
[4] Mip Maps
[4] Alpha?
[4] ?
[4] ?

I'm trying to figure out what kind of files and how I could possibly extract the models, graphics, textures or use it in any way from these types of files:

I checked out the header structure and dimension X and dimension Y are equal to each other, and image size was 512 on one xbt I checked.. the rest I don't what to make out of it

I'd appreciate any insight or help in analayzing these files, I provide a link to get some sample files here:
the password is: fcxentax

BTW: the mac.mrg... mcl.mrg.. appears to be a naming convention. so I suppose the file format is just .bin plainly, the .bin files are grouped together with usually 1 xbt file, it seems that maybe the .bin are some kind of resources used for the .xbt file, so maybe these are archives that are extractable as well....

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:17 am
by sababa
I found this pattern on all the xbg files:
104|4|356 - offset of string
108|4|103 - length of string (2 strings with . at end of both)

XBT files
XBT files - 32 byte header
4 8 12 16 20 24 26 (offsets)
dimX-dimY-Size- Type-MpMps-Alpha- ?
256 256 87408 17 9 1 0 mk19
32 32 696 16 6 1 0 rock_pebble
32 32 1392 18 6 1 0 gfx_sparks
64 64 5488 18 7 1 0 claymore
16 16 6144 12 1 6 0 envmap_weaponscope

the size is 32 off because it does not include the 32 byte header

here's an analysis of about 100 or more XBT files:
(it seems that the uknown is always 0, and the alpha is only 1 and one time i saw it as 6)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:56 pm
by sababa
if you READ this, say something!
i'm tired of this place being completely dead, is everybody in on ignoring me?

Just tell me! I won't waste my time posting and waiting for replies!!

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:25 pm
by Deniz Oezmen
Well, if you just want a reply ... yes, I have read your posts. Unfortunately, I absolutely don't have time to research anything at the moment, sorry ...

"Silence" in forums doesn't mean nobody reads your posts, it just means that nobody has something profound to say ...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:47 am
by mariokart64n
?whats farcry

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:24 pm
by Savage
Just tell me! I won't waste my time posting and waiting for replies!!
Unfortunately my level about detection structures it's a bit poor, i'm more "prepared" in audio files and "easy" detection compression algs, NOT unpacking, just deduction (the theory)

And yes i read all the posts the people do

As you can see the games start to be more difficult to "analyze",
i'm tired of this place being completely dead
You think so?
"Silence" in forums doesn't mean nobody reads your posts, it just means that nobody has something profound to say
Agree 8D

PS: Nice Post

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:47 pm
by mariokart64n
the sample link doesn't even work

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:39 am
by sababa
Mario_Kart wrote:whats farcry?
its a great FPS xbox 1 game similar to halo 2

Mario_Kart wrote:the sample link doesn't even work
It works now.

BTW: I looked over many XBT files, and either Silver was wrong about the file structure or something else.. Many texture files have more mipmaps levels in that field than makes logical sense like a 32 by 32 haveing 10 levels, alpha is sometimes 6 and not always 0, I organized a folder hiearchy by type, mipmap level, dimensions, and alpha if anyone wants this, its about 8 megs so I won't post it right away. I figured I could identify any kind of pattern..... (not quite)

Maybe some textures are volume, or cube textures and the levels indicates how many sides perhaps? I thought I had a match on DXT2, but then i looked over other files it and it no longer matched, So I'm back to square 1 on being lost. :(