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Motocross Madness 2 .env files.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:20 am
by ocr_smokngrn
greetings everyone.

Anychance this program could support .env files from mcm2?
I have searched the forums, but i don't see any info about this game.

Since the release of a new track editor, we now have a way to import a .trn directly into mx vs. atv. I have a TON of old tracks that I made for mcm2 (7yrs ago) and it would be sweet to be able to rebuild them for the newer game.

the .env file hold a number of files for the tracks (.trn , .scn to name a few)
If we had a way to extract the files from the .env we could rebuild alot of great tracks for the community. ( i know im not the only creator that has lost the Displacement maps and textures)

I am a donating member, and would be willing to donate again if this can be done.

One of my track .env file can be grabed here.
