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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:44 am
by Mr.Mouse
And already 9 new spammers in 12 hours. I've killed them. And also enabled Admin Approval for new members. I think I may set up a special email address to apply for membership of this forum. I am sick and tired of this scum.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:54 am
by Rosuto
Mr.Mouse wrote:
Intimidated wrote:Please, don't spam my inbox because you're not getting enough traffic. It's not cool.
BLASPHEMY! We are on a CRUSADE to PURGE this forum from the minions controlled by the Dark Lord of SPAM! Now YOU have ACCUSED us to belong to those FOUL UNWORTHY CREATURES. This will NOT do! GUARDS!

omkfg i think this is halarious and needs to be done on all forums great job guys and to this ( intimidated account holder )

WTF they are not spammeing your stupid inbox if you dont want them to send you emails then why the hell sign up on there forums your only making a fool of yourself

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:09 pm
by lionheartuk
Mr.Mouse wrote:And already 9 new spammers in 12 hours. I've killed them. And also enabled Admin Approval for new members. I think I may set up a special email address to apply for membership of this forum. I am sick and tired of this scum.
Special Email Address?
not sure what you mean there dude.
9 in 12 hours huh... damn.. wtf is up recently.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:10 am
by RCFortyFive
I think I survived.. :P

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:49 pm
by Dinoguy1000
Ahh, nothing like a freshly hosed-down forum... And I must say, the spammer blood on the walls is quite a nice touch... :D

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:43 pm
by socalmotopimp
Dinoguy1000 wrote:
Mr.Mouse wrote:
socalmotopimp wrote:spam is any email i dont want in my fucking inbox. i dont want this in my inbox. hence this=spam. i have thusly reported it as spam to my email carrier.
Woooh, impressive. Guess they'll thusly be knocking on our door soon.

Anyway, I am happy to inform you that y're now at TWO posts! That's BEYOND save, dude, it's like RRREALY save. Congratulations! We'll send you a number of Confirmatory Emails that you're save now, and after the Cleansweep, a number of emails confirming Succcesful Salvation.
:bahaha: *dies laughing*

If you really don't want to recieve emails from XeNTaX, humbly ask one of our malevolent (benevolent?) administrators to delete your account with extreme malice (kindness?) :D
i didn't say i didnt want my account, i just dont want the email. i paid to get the full version of xentax for one of my games, and i use it. i occasionally browse the forum to read threads and try plugins. If i payed to buy a program from any other company, and they sent me pointless emails too, i would complain there as well, so fuck off with you opinion.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:09 pm
by lionheartuk
socalmotopimp wrote:i didn't say i didnt want my account, i just dont want the email. i paid to get the full version of xentax for one of my games, and i use it. i occasionally browse the forum to read threads and try plugins. If i payed to buy a program from any other company, and they sent me pointless emails too, i would complain there as well, so fuck off with you opinion.
WTF is ur problem?
i didnt want the emails either, but i only got them like ONCE EVER lol.
and u dont see ME complaining, MOST ppl got them i think and we DONT CARE because we jsut click "delete" and were done.
Stop moaning, if ur gonna lash back at ADMINS like that ur gonna end up getting urself chucked.

yep still here to

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:43 am
by blitznck
Howdy yall :)

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:43 pm
by Dinoguy1000
socalmotopimp wrote:i didn't say i didnt want my account, i just dont want the email. i paid to get the full version of xentax for one of my games, and i use it. i occasionally browse the forum to read threads and try plugins. If i payed to buy a program from any other company, and they sent me pointless emails too, i would complain there as well, so fuck off with you opinion.
Honestly, I think this whole crusade of yours is quite hilarious. If you really don't want to recieve these lovely occasional emails, there's a setting in your profile where you can specify not to recieve them. Keep in mind, though, Admins can override this setting if they really need to. Regardless, the two emails you got from XeNTaX were NOT pointless, they were important notifications, and had you not recieved them, your account would have been deleted, as you had no posts before you first posted in this thread. And as has also been pointed out, those will likely be the only emails sent from this board to all members for the next six months, and likely even longer. In any case, you should be thanking mr.Mouse and Captain that they thought enough of the forum members to actually notify everyone before they did this - I know plenty of people who would have just done it, no warning at all.


Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:03 am
by Strobe
i love meth-high low iqs with angermanagement problems from the US ;D

ive seen it....on many many forums, and it cracks me up all the time ^^

keep it flowing soc! we are here for you! like a family!

Oh. im stereotyping =o ..... but who knows, maybe im right?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:01 pm
by Dinoguy1000
Hmm... he may not want us to be here for him like my family... We're one of those "functionally dysfunctional" families... it's a hoot! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:11 am
by Mr.Mouse
Dinoguy1000 wrote:Hmm... he may not want us to be here for him like my family... We're one of those "functionally dysfunctional" families... it's a hoot! :D
Welcome to the Xentax family:

:D :disturbed: :rcain: :largegrin: :wtf: (: :owned2: :frizzy: :largegrin: :tard: :drunken: :? :scaredy: :rock: :largegrin: :rcain: :argue: :blue: :buck: :evil: :largegrin: :frizzy: :tard: :rcain: :? :erm: :D :disturbed: :rcain: :largegrin: :wtf: (: :owned2: :frizzy: :largegrin: :tard: :drunken: :? :scaredy: :rock: :largegrin: :rcain: :argue: :blue: :buck: :evil: :largegrin: :frizzy: :tard: :rcain: :? :erm: :D :disturbed: :rcain: :largegrin: :wtf: (: :owned2: :frizzy: :largegrin: :tard: :drunken: :? :scaredy: :rock: :largegrin: :rcain: :argue: :blue: :buck: :evil: :largegrin: :frizzy: :tard: :rcain: :? :erm: :D

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:41 am
by Darkfox
Indeed. XD

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:57 pm
by Dinoguy1000
*phony British accent* Here-here! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:45 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Well, well, well.

I for one must say that our destruction of all things evil has been thorough and countermeasures taken to ensure hygiene at this board have been very effective to date!

Gone are the spammers! Gone are the spamregistrations!