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android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:04 pm
by slideblue
Can someone help ripping models from this games?
I just extracted from big mp3 file from chinese version,
.pvr files seem to be texture file, and .skin is models file, but i couldnt open these file.
(for pvr MaliTexture, for .skin blender249 refer to ... 220#p52220
both didn't work)

I've uploaded sample files. ...

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:01 pm
by Karpati
I have downloaded the Goddess of file (1.4 GB) to get more sample files.
It contains the file (1.4 GB), but I don't know how can I unpack it.

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:53 pm
by einherjar007

I asked a question about it before. Bigchillghost kindly created the decompression script.

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:59 pm
by akderebur
Doesn't seem too complicated in terms of mesh data. I have extracted a few meshes using hex2obj, might need to be scaled using the bbox. I will think of doing a proper tool for this.



Actually nevermind. Szkaradek's blender script will work with a single change :D. Change line 52 to this

Code: Select all


Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:30 pm
by slideblue
I tried Szkaradek's script, but the blender2.49 console said below

File "", line 128, in Parser
AttlibuteError: 'Sys' object has no attribute 'parseFile'

blender2.49 python version is 2.6.6, is it not supported?

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:15 pm
by slideblue
I did wrong way, now i could open the model. Thanks for advise.
But there is no bone data or T-pose one?

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:47 pm
by Karpati
einherjar007 wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:53 pm viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21385

I asked a question about it before. Bigchillghost kindly created the decompression script.
Thank you for your information.
After read your post, I have realized my program supports the Goddess of Genesis .skin/.vskin files, because the God Summoner game uses these files also.

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:30 am
by einherjar007
I've checked a lot files, but skin has 2IKS and 3IKS headers, and it seems that 2IKS can be read.
I also speculate that the skeleton has changed from LEKS to a 2EKS header and that there may be some changes in the file format.
Some can be loaded by changing the header or changing the script, but they are broken.

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:50 pm
by moonpaladin
einherjar007 wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:30 am *EDIT
I've checked a lot files, but skin has 2IKS and 3IKS headers, and it seems that 2IKS can be read.
I also speculate that the skeleton has changed from LEKS to a 2EKS header and that there may be some changes in the file format.
Some can be loaded by changing the header or changing the script, but they are broken.

Hello einherjar007! I were checking this filetypes and you are right, the headers have been changing a bit and the script doesn't work I was trying to change simple things into the script but nothing x.x :cry: , Also are some creatures that are divided in two .skin files, I'm not sure if the .skeleton file is the armature only, or it contains the animations. I'm attaching some samples, in case someone could take a look at them, thanks in advance! :P ... sm.7z/file

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:01 am
by Durik256 using meshFinder(Android)

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:09 am
by moonpaladin
Durik256 wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:01 am using meshFinder(Android)
thanks Durik :')

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:47 am
by mariokart64n
all the links to the other samples were broken, so I only had the one sample of that lion to write the script on.

here is a partial code snippet of the script, the codebase gotten a bit large now and its too large to post.
the project can also be found on my github

Code: Select all

''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Title:        	God Summoner Mesh Importer
    Description:  	Imports models from God Summoner on the PC
    Release:       	December 27 2022 
    Author:       	mariokart64n
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
        Unknown data between buffers could cause files to crash due reading in the
        the wrong place.
        normals and other data are unknown in the vertex data, therefore it isn't
        really possible to write models back - Dec 27 2022
        When I reviewed this topic in relation to the mesh format there was mention
        of the files being compressed by lzo1x.
        No samples were provided, but I located some source code on lzo1x decoding.
        This other game 'Goddess of Genesis' may also have the same formats,
        but I was unable to secure file samples, links were down.

    Change Log:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
        Wrote it!

   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''

class fmtSM2_Skeleton:  # 4 Bytes + n bytes:Bone Data
    num_bones = 0,

    bones = []

    # for SKEL file
    skel = fmtSKEL()

    def size(self, type=0):
        nsize = 4
        if type == 0x00534D32:
            nsize += len(self.bones) * 36
        elif type == 0x534B4932:
            nsize += len(self.bones) * 32
        return nsize

    def read(self, f=fopen(), type=0):
        self.num_bones = readLong(f, unsigned)
        self.bones = []
        if self.num_bones > 0:
            self.bones = [fmtSM2_Bone] * self.num_bones
            for i in range(0, self.num_bones):
                self.bones[i] = fmtSM2_Bone()
                self.bones[i].read(f, type)
        return None

    def write(self, s=fopen()):
        self.num_bones = len(self.bones)
        writeLong(s, self.num_bones, unsigned)
        for i in range(0, self.num_bones):
            self.bones[i].write(s, type)
        return None

class fmtSM2_FaceBuf:  # 4 Bytes + n bytes:faces indices
    num_faces = 0,

    faces = []

    def size(self):
        nsize = 4 + len(self.faces) * 3 * 2
        return nsize

    def read(self, f=fopen()):
        result = False
        self.num_faces = readLong(f, unsigned)
        self.faces = []
        if self.num_faces > 0:
            self.faces = [[int] * 3] * self.num_faces
            for i in range(0, self.num_faces):
                self.faces[i] = [readShort(f, unsigned), readShort(f, unsigned), readShort(f, unsigned)]
            result = True
        return result

    def write(self, s=fopen()):
        result = False
        self.num_faces = len(self.faces)
        writeLong(s, self.num_faces, unsigned)
        for i in range(0, self.num_faces):
            for v in range(0, 3): writeShort(s, self.faces[i][v], unsigned)
            result = True
        return result

class fmtSM2_Object:
    name_len = 0

    name = ""

    unk003 = 0  # ?? padding ??? insufficient samples to determine

    max_index = 0  # same as vertex count from header

    unk004 = 0  # ?? padding ??? insufficient samples to determine

    bb_max = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # same as in header

    bb_min = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # same as in header

    faceBuf = []  # no count? read until end is reached

    unk005 = 0  # ?? padding ??? insufficient samples to determine
        its unknown how this block terminates, and theres not enough samples to
        I assume that when a 4byte null is reached the read is terminated

        however the padding afterwards seems to vary in sample
    padding = 0

    def size(self):
        nsize = 46 + self.padding + len(
        for i in range(0, len(self.faceBuf)):
            nsize += self.faceBuf[i].size()
        return nsize

    def seekPastWhiteSpace(self, f=fopen(), len=16):
            this is a hack to skip and 0's or padding after the face buffer
        p = ftell(f)
        for i in range(0, len):
            b = readByte(f, unsigned)
            if b > 0 or b == None:
                fseek(f, -1, seek_cur)
        # return number of bytes skipped
        return (ftell(f) - p)

    def read(self, f=fopen(), stopAddr=0):
        self.name_len = readLong(f, unsigned) = ""
        for i in range(0, self.name_len):
            b = readByte(f, unsigned)
            if b > 0: += bit.IntAsChar(b)

        self.unk003 = readShort(f, unsigned)
        self.max_index = readLong(f, unsigned)
        self.unk004 = readByte(f, unsigned)
        self.bb_max = [readFloat(f), readFloat(f), readFloat(f)]
        self.bb_min = [readFloat(f), readFloat(f), readFloat(f)]
        self.faceBuf = []
        fb = fmtSM2_FaceBuf()
        while ftell(f) < stopAddr:
            fb = fmtSM2_FaceBuf()
            if not break
            append(self.faceBuf, fb)

        self.unk005 = readLong(f, unsigned)

        # Unsure how the padding in this area works, skip until a none 0 is reached
        padding = self.seekPastWhiteSpace(f)
        format("padding: \t%:@ %\n", (padding, ftell(f)))
        return None

    def write(self, s=fopen()):
        self.name_len = len( + 1
        writeLong(s, self.name_len, unsigned)
        writeShort(s, self.unk003, unsigned)
        writeLong(s, self.max_index, unsigned)
        writeByte(s, self.unk004, unsigned)
        for i in range(0, 3): writeFloat(s, self.bb_max[i])
        for i in range(0, 3): writeFloat(s, self.bb_min[i])
        for i in range(0, len(self.faceBuf)): self.faceBuf[i].write(s)
        writeLong(s, 0, unsigned)
        writeLong(s, self.unk005, unsigned)
        for i in range(0, self.padding): writeByte(s, 0, unsigned)
        return None

class fmtSM2_Vertex:  # 20 Bytes
        I'm unable to decode the normals and what could be also be bi-normals
        writing new geometry back to the file is therefore not possible or advise.

    position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    texcorrd = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    weight = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    normal = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    boneid = [0, -1, -1, -1]

    binormal = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    def read(self, f=fopen(), type=0):
        self.position = [readHalf(f), readHalf(f), readHalf(f)]
        w = readHalf(f)
        self.position = [self.position[0] + w, self.position[1] + w, self.position[2] + w]
        self.texcorrd = [readHalf(f), readHalf(f), 0.0]
        if type == 0x00534D32:  # 'SM2' 20 Bytes
            self.normal = [readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned),
                           readByte(f, unsigned)]  # normal?
            self.binormal = [readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned),
                             readByte(f, unsigned)]  # tangent?
        elif type == 0x534B4932:  # 'SKI2' 32 Bytes
            self.weight = [readHalf(f), readHalf(f), readHalf(f), readHalf(f)]  # weight
            self.normal = [readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned),
                           readByte(f, unsigned)]  # normal?
            self.boneid = [readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned),
                           readByte(f, unsigned)]  # boneid
            self.binormal = [readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned), readByte(f, unsigned),
                             readByte(f, unsigned)]  # tangent?
            # round off the weights, theres some issues with the half float function
            for i in range(0, len(self.weight)): self.weight[i] = float(int(self.weight[i] * 1000)) / 1000.0
        return None

    def write(self, s=fopen()):
        for i in range(0, 3): writeHalf(s, self.position[i])
        self.texcorrd = [self.texcorrd[1], self.texcorrd[1], 0.0]
        for i in range(0, 2): writeHalf(s, self.texcorrd[i])
        #for i in range(0, 4): writeShort(s, self.unk009[i], unsigned)
        return None

class fmtSM2:  # 60 Bytes + n Bytes:Buffers
    type = 0x00534D32  # SM2, SKI2

    version = 0x0105011B

    num_verts = 0

    bb_min = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    bb_max = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    draw_dist = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    unk001 = 0  # Padding?

    unk002 = 0  # Padding?

    verts_addr = 0

    meshs_addr = 0

    bones_addr = 0

    verts = []

    meshs = fmtSM2_Object()

    bones = fmtSM2_Skeleton()

    def size(self, type=0):
        nsize = 52
        if self.type == 0x00534D32:
            nsize += 8 + len(self.verts) * 20 + self.meshs.size() + self.bones.size()
            nsize += 8 + len(self.verts) * 32 + self.meshs.size() + self.bones.size(self.type)
        return nsize

    def read(self, f=fopen(), skelfile=""):
        fsize = f.size
        result = False
        if fsize > 52:
            self.type = readLong(f, unsigned)
            if self.type == 0x00534D32 or self.type == 0x534B4932:
                self.version = readLong(f, unsigned)
                if self.type == 0x00534D32:
                    self.num_verts = readLong(f, unsigned)

                elif self.type == 0x534B4932:
                    self.num_verts = readShort(f, unsigned)
                    self.verts_addr = readShort(f, unsigned)

                self.bb_min = [readFloat(f), readFloat(f), readFloat(f)]
                self.bb_max = [readFloat(f), readFloat(f), readFloat(f)]
                self.draw_dist = readFloat(f)
                if self.type == 0x00534D32:
                    self.unk001 = readLong(f, unsigned)
                    self.unk002 = readLong(f, unsigned)
                    self.verts_addr = readLong(f, unsigned)

                self.meshs_addr = readLong(f, unsigned)
                self.bones_addr = readLong(f, unsigned)

                self.verts = []
                if self.verts_addr > 0 and self.num_verts > 0:
                    self.verts = [fmtSM2_Vertex] * self.num_verts
                    fseek(f, self.verts_addr, seek_set)
                    for i in range(0, self.num_verts):
                        self.verts[i] = fmtSM2_Vertex()
                        self.verts[i].read(f, self.type)

                if self.type == 0x534B4932: self.meshs_addr = ftell(f)

                self.meshs = []
                if self.meshs_addr > 0 and self.meshs_addr < fsize:
                    fseek(f, self.meshs_addr, seek_set)
                    self.meshs = fmtSM2_Object()
          , fsize)

                if self.type == 0x534B4932: self.bones_addr = ftell(f)

                self.bones = []
                if self.bones_addr > 0 and self.bones_addr < fsize:
                    fseek(f, self.bones_addr, seek_set)
                    self.bones = fmtSM2_Skeleton()
          , self.type)

                    if self.type == 0x534B4932 and skelfile != None and skelfile != "" and doesFileExist(
                            skelfile) == True:
                        if not
                            format("Warning: \tFailed to locate SKEL file\n")

                result = True
                format("Error: \tUnsupported File Type:0x\n", (self.type))
            format("Error: \tInvalid File Size {%}\n", (fsize))
        return result

    def write(self, s=fopen()):
        ptr = 60  # Vertex Buffer Position, Always 60
        self.num_self.verts = len(self.verts)
        writeLong(s, 0x00534D32, unsigned)  # 'SM2'
        writeLong(s, self.version, unsigned)
        writeLong(s, self.num_self.verts, unsigned)
        for i in range(0, 3): writeFloat(s, self.bb_min[i])
        for i in range(0, 3): writeFloat(s, self.bb_max[i])
        writeFloat(s, self.draw_dist)
        writeLong(s, self.unk001, unsigned)
        writeLong(s, self.unk002, unsigned)
        writeLong(s, ptr, unsigned)  # Vertices Address
        ptr += self.num_self.verts * 20
        writeLong(s, ptr, unsigned)  # Objects Address
        ptr += self.meshs.size()
        writeLong(s, ptr, unsigned)  # Bones Address
        for i in range(0, self.num_self.verts): self.verts[i].write(s)
        return None

    def build(self, texName="", mscale=0.00254, clear_scene=False, impSkin=True, skelName = "Skeleton", rotOff=(matrix3([-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]))):

        # ClearScene
        if clear_scene == True: deleteScene(['MESH', 'ARMATURE'])

        # Build Skeleton
        boneNames = []
        boneArray = boneSys(skelName)

        for i in range(0, len(self.bones.bones)):
            bname = self.bones.bones[i].name
            n =[i].boneid)
            if n != "": bname = n
                [self.bones.bones[i].position[0] * mscale, self.bones.bones[i].position[1] * mscale,
                 self.bones.bones[i].position[2] * mscale],
                [self.bones.bones[i].position[0] * mscale, (self.bones.bones[i].position[1] + 60) * mscale,
                 self.bones.bones[i].position[2] * mscale],
                [0, 1, 0]
            m = inverse(self.bones.bones[i].asMat4x3())
            m = m.multiply(rotOff)
            k = m.position()
            m.setPosition([-(k[0] * mscale), k[1] * mscale, k[2] * mscale])
            # -------------------------- B O N E  E D I T  M O D E  O P E N E D -------------------------- #
            boneArray.setTransform(bname, m.asMat4())
            # -------------------------- B O N E  E D I T  M O D E  C L O S E D -------------------------- #

            append(boneNames, bname)
        # -------------------------- B O N E  E D I T  M O D E  O P E N E D -------------------------- #
        for i in range(0, len(self.bones.bones)):
            p = self.bones.skel.parent(self.bones.bones[i].boneid)
            if p > -1:
                for j in range(0, len(self.bones.bones)):
                    if self.bones.bones[j].boneid == p:
                        boneArray.setParent(boneNames[i], boneNames[j])
        # -------------------------- B O N E  E D I T  M O D E  C L O S E D -------------------------- #

        # Build Meshes
        vertArray = []
        tvertArray = []
        if len(self.verts) > 0:
            vertArray = [[float] * 3] * self.num_verts
            tvertArray = [[float] * 3] * self.num_verts

            for i in range(0, len(self.verts)):
                vertArray[i] = [self.verts[i].position[0] * mscale, self.verts[i].position[2] * mscale,
                                self.verts[i].position[1] * mscale]
                tvertArray[i] = [self.verts[i].texcorrd[0], self.verts[i].texcorrd[1], 0.0]

        for i in range(0, len(self.meshs.faceBuf)):  # these appear to be Level of Details meshes
            if len(self.meshs.faceBuf[i].faces) == 0: continue
            mshName = "Mesh " + str(i)
            if != "": mshName = + " (" + str(i) + ")"
            mat = StandardMaterial()
            if texName != "" and doesFileExist(texName) == True:
            msh = mesh(
            if i > 0: hide(msh)
            # Import Weights
            if impSkin==True and len(self.bones.bones) > 0:

                weights = []
                boneids = []

                # Create Skin Modifier
                skinMod = skinOps(msh, boneArray.armature)

                # Add self.bones to modifier
                vi = 1
                bu = 0
                for vi in range(0, len(self.bones.bones)):
                    if vi + 1 == len(self.bones.bones): bu = 1
                    skinMod.addbone(boneNames[vi], bu)

                # Get Number of Bones in Skin Modifier
                boneListCount = skinMod.GetNumberBones()

                # Build Bone List Map
                boneMap = []
                nodeName = ""
                if boneListCount > 0:

                    # dimension bone map
                    boneMap = [int] * boneListCount

                    # Search for Bone Id in boneArray:Array with all the self.bones
                    for vi in range(0, boneListCount):
                        # Initialize Bone Map to 1st bone
                        boneMap[vi] = 0

                        # get bone name from skin modifier list
                        nodeName = skinMod.GetBoneName(vi, 0)

                        # search bonearray
                        for fi in range(0, len(self.bones.bones)):
                            # if bone name is found, assign to bone map

                            if boneNames[fi] == nodeName:
                                boneMap[vi] = fi

                # apply weights to skin modifier
                bi = []
                we = []
                for vi in range(0, len(self.verts)):
                    bi = []
                    we = []
                    for fi in range(0, len(self.verts[vi].weight)):
                        if self.verts[vi].weight[fi] > 0.0:
                            x = findItem(boneMap, self.verts[vi].boneid[fi])
                            if x > 0:
                                append(bi, x)
                                append(we, self.verts[vi].weight[fi])
                    if len(we) == 0:
                        we = [1.0]
                        bi = [0]
                    skinMod.ReplaceVertexWeights(vi, bi, we)
        return None

def read (file="", impSkin=True, mscale=0.00254, skelName = ""):
    if file != None and file != "":
        fext = getFilenameType(file)

        if matchPattern(fext, pattern=".sm") or matchPattern(fext, pattern=".skin"):
            f = fopen(file, "rb")
            if f != None:
                fpath = getFilenamePath(file)
                fname = getFilenameFile(file)
                skel_file = fpath + fname + ".skel"
                mapd_file = fpath + fname + ".dds"
                if not doesFileExist(skel_file):
                    file = ""
                    files = getFiles(fpath + "*.skel")
                    for file in files:
                        skel_file = file

                if not doesFileExist(mapd_file):
                    file = ""
                    files = getFiles(fpath + "*.dds")
                    for file in files:
                        mapd_file = file

                sm = fmtSM2()
      , skelfile=skel_file)
      , impSkin=impSkin, mscale=mscale, skelName=skelName)
                del sm
                format("failed to open file {%}\n", (file))
            format("file extension not supported {%}\n", (fext))
    return None

def write(sm = fmtSM2(), file=""):
    if file != None and file != "" and sm != None:
        fext = getFilenameType(file)
        if matchPattern(fext, pattern=".sm"):
            s = fopen(file, "wb")
            if s != None:

            else: format("failed to save file {%}\n", (file))
        else: format("file extension not supported {%}\n", (fext))
    return None

here's a python script that adds import to blender for *.sm and *.skin
download the zip attached and copy the contents of the script into blender's script tab and then press play that will temporarily install the import to the files > import menu until you restart blender.

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:08 pm
by moonpaladin
mariokart64n wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:47 am here's a python script that adds import to blender for *.sm and *.skin
download the zip attached and copy the contents of the script into blender's script tab and then press play that will temporarily install the import to the files > import menu until you restart blender.
Thanks mariokart64n! :D

Re: android - Goddess of Genesis '启源女神' file (.pvr .skin .vskin)

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:08 am
by neusi
can i ask what blender version you tested this. BC I test in most of them and I can load the scrip but not the mesh. Blender load go not responding for some min and next nothing change on viewport no new mesh load.