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Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:04 am
by Goomba
Cool. Coming along nicely I see.

When I imported RE1 models, someone converted for me, Maya automatically puts most textures in the right place after I assigned them to certain areas of the model.

But I had to adjust them, because the uv map was either a little too high or low or to the side of the texture.

I could make a tutorial for you to get started using maya PMData? :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:45 pm
by PmData
Ok, a bit more progress, now with some texturing. The remaining missing part is to link body parts. I need to learn how to do it in Blender (I found where they are stored in EMD file).

For information, RE games use .EMW or .PLD/.PLW, which nearly are the same format as .EMD (some have embedded .TIM file for texture for example).

Sorry Goomba, but if you want a Maya importer, you'll have to write it. I don't have time to do another one. Once finished, I'll post the Python script for Blender on my site.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:32 pm
by PmData

As I am busy with other stuff, atm, I decided to put 'as-is' import plugin for Blender on my web site (You know, the www button below the message :)).

So the EMD import script also tries to load the TIM file with same name and use it as a texture for the object.

The TMD import script, well, only import the meshes. Don't know if texture coordinates are correct or not though.

I don't know when I'll have time to improve them (the most important missing stuff is the bone/skeleton links in between EMD meshes).

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:31 pm
by Goomba
Thanks a lot PMData, But I have been trying to figure out how to make this script work! I am having trouble.

Please make a detailed Tutorial on how to use the script! I am using the latest version of Blender.

I have been searching on the web, but the tutorials that I found don't work.

By the way, this script is for RE2, and RE3 EMD file from the PC version? Can it be used for the PSX version too?


edit: I just figured out how to work it! In the bottom window , I opened the text window, then select the .py script and right clicked it and press the button that says "Open text", then in the file menu, select run script, then it says to select EMD file. :D

edit2: You better just put the tutorial, because I made the script run, but it would let me import the emd file? :(

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:22 pm
by ReeceMix
I have all of the Resident Evil 1 models in UV form


I really want to get hold of the RE2 & RE3 models (preferally UV mapped),
I only have the PSX versions of the games. I know that RE1 EMD models were originally TMDs with a different header file. But when the same process is applied for the RE2 EMDs the vertex data is messed up.

Does anyone have the RE2/RE3 Models or the EMDs , I downloaded the blender plugin that should open RE EMDs but it doesnt work with the PSX models, apparently only the PC versions

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:17 pm
by ReeceMix
Ive been trying to open files with the blender plugin posted here but I just cant get it to work, it seems that it needs the file.emd and a TIM file , but it wont open resident evil 2 PLD (the playable character files) which are the objects I really want.

Nevermind I got the original RE2 and all the EMD's and TIMs are there including the playable characters.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:49 pm
by ReeceMix
PmData, is the importer still in production?

I can rip most of the EMD's but some have bodyparts missing, I can even alter the TIM and texture them in blender.

From what I know about TMDs by looking at them in HEX is the first 12 or 16 numbers are the header and then each body part is 24 ( i think) numbers, because the EMDs are all different they all have different amounts of TIM texture pages, and probabally located in different places within the EMD so at the moment I think the Importer struggles with picking out all of the meshes

Its cool that they have texture support, but if the importer could just extract all the mesh data and not worry about the TIM texture file that would still be very useful for me.

And secondly, could the process be reversed and have a EMD Exporter, that way people could mod resident evil 2. (personally I just want the models extracted)

Are there any plans to include Resident Evil 1 & 3 in the importer? (I havent used the TMD importer, but I know for RE1 the EMD Headers just need changing to a TMD header to be opened in milkshape, surely it wouldnt be too difficult to have the importer recognise a RE1 EMD alter the header upon import)

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:59 pm
by PmData
ReeceMix wrote:I can rip most of the EMD's but some have bodyparts missing, I can even alter the TIM and texture them in blender.
These missing parts are the ones (arms, hands) which carry a weapon, and they are stored in a separate file.
because the EMDs are all different they all have different amounts of TIM texture pages, and probabally located in different places within the EMD so at the moment I think the Importer struggles with picking out all of the meshes
Yep it's like the EMD file is a kind of raw format, and the game engine must know where to pick what it needs.
Its cool that they have texture support, but if the importer could just extract all the mesh data and not worry about the TIM texture file that would still be very useful for me.
Unfortunately, if I don't know the size of the texture, the UV coordinates for each vertex can not be calculated (they must be converted from width,height image space to 1.0,1.0 normalized space). And more than mesh data, there is also the link between them (bones), needed to display a complete body with parts being correctly placed relative to each other. I found it, but I did not found a correct tutorial to make the importer build it for Blender.
And secondly, could the process be reversed and have a EMD Exporter, that way people could mod resident evil 2. (personally I just want the models extracted)
For an exporter, the whole format must be well know and understood, to create a correct file, or the game will surely crash when loading it.
Are there any plans to include Resident Evil 1 & 3 in the importer? (I havent used the TMD importer, but I know for RE1 the EMD Headers just need changing to a TMD header to be opened in milkshape, surely it wouldnt be too difficult to have the importer recognise a RE1 EMD alter the header upon import)
Well, I don't know about RE1 files, but RE3 ones seem to be very similar to RE2. As said in the mail I sent you, I'm busy atm.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:12 pm
by ReeceMix
PmData wrote:These missing parts are the ones (arms, hands) which carry a weapon, and they are stored in a separate file.
This isnt true for every EMD , when I open the Ada wong EMD she is just a torso with no legs, head or arms, the rest of her must be within the EMD
PmData wrote:Unfortunately, if I don't know the size of the texture, the UV coordinates for each vertex can not be calculated (they must be converted from width,height image space to 1.0,1.0 normalized space). And more than mesh data, there is also the link between them (bones), needed to display a complete body with parts being correctly placed relative to each other. I found it, but I did not found a correct tutorial to make the importer build it for Blender.
Im not sure what your saying here, Ive opened RE2 EMDs with the Importer and extracted the TIM image into BMP with Yu_Ri, I rotated that image 180* and added the UV to the Model

The Importer Keeps the UV texture location, Yu_Ri (Rips TIMs from any files with TIM inside) ripped the UV and I combined them.
It works great. I was suggesting that the importer ignored the TIM reference and just focused on picking out the meshes (but keeping the uv coords is a good thing).

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:55 pm
by PmData
PmData wrote:Unfortunately, if I don't know the size of the texture, the UV coordinates for each vertex can not be calculated (they must be converted from width,height image space to 1.0,1.0 normalized space). And more than mesh data, there is also the link between them (bones), needed to display a complete body with parts being correctly placed relative to each other. I found it, but I did not found a correct tutorial to make the importer build it for Blender.
Im not sure what your saying here, Ive opened RE2 EMDs with the Importer and extracted the TIM image into BMP with Yu_Ri, I rotated that image 180* and added the UV to the Model

The Importer Keeps the UV texture location, Yu_Ri (Rips TIMs from any files with TIM inside) ripped the UV and I combined them.
It works great. I was suggesting that the importer ignored the TIM reference and just focused on picking out the meshes (but keeping the uv coords is a good thing).
What I said is that in EMD file, you have x,y position in the TIM image (so x goes from 0 to width, y goes from 0 to height of image). And u,v texture coordinates of the mesh vertices must be in the range 0.0-1.0 instead. So you calculate u=x/width and v=y/height, it means you need the size of the image, to have correct coordinates.
It could either be possible to find the highest value for x and y used in the mesh, and try to guess an image size from this, or either ask the user at import time, the size of the image, or only use the TIM file to read its width and height.

Re: Resident Evil 2 PC, EMD model format

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:02 am
by Goomba
I decided to try the plug-in again and it worked for the Resident Evil 2 PC version. But I do not know how to get Blender to import the RE2 PSX version? Do I use the .emd python script or the .tmd script? I assume the .PLD format is the same as .EMD? :?:

Re: Resident Evil 2 PC, EMD model format

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:34 pm
by PmData
Goomba wrote:I decided to try the plug-in again and it worked for the Resident Evil 2 PC version. But I do not know how to get Blender to import the RE2 PSX version? Do I use the .emd python script or the .tmd script? I assume the .PLD format is the same as .EMD? :?:
For TMD files, you must use the TMD import script. For PLD files, the EMD script won't work as is, because the PLD files have less sections than EMD files, but the sections contain same data, so modifying the EMD script for PLD import should be easy.

I started writing an EMD loader for my viewer. As I already have background image, and camera position, I can display 3D stuff on it. I need some free time to work on it :).

Re: Resident Evil 2 PC, EMD model format

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:37 pm
by Goomba
I read that PLD has 4 sections and #3 is the same as section #7 in the Emd file. But I do not know how to rewrite it, I am a intermediate C programmer, so SOmeone Please rewrite the Python script for ME!!! :wink:

I appreciate anyone' s help.

Re: Resident Evil 2 PC, EMD model format

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:54 pm
by PmData
Goomba wrote:I read that PLD has 4 sections and #3 is the same as section #7 in the Emd file. But I do not know how to rewrite it, I am a intermediate C programmer, so SOmeone Please rewrite the Python script for ME!!! :wink:
Ok, I did it 'quick and dirty way'. I took the EMD import script, remove texture image loading, modified to get the proper sections, and it works, for both PLD and PLW files. PLD seem to contain body parts of the player (when it get hurt I think), and PLW contain the hand+weapon. A different PLW file for each weapon. It's on my site now. Note: there are some errors at the end of import, just click on error message, and the model should be displayed. Will have to deal with that later.

Re: Resident Evil 2 PC, EMD model format

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:25 am
by Goomba
If the pld files only have body parts on the psx disks, then where are the whole body parts?? Do you think pmdata that maybe if you work on the pld import code that you can get the whole body of the characters from the pld file? What can I do to figure this out if you are too busy? :?