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Help out with new language support in MexCom

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:01 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Dear all,

Those of you who have already downloaded the new version of MultiEx Commander will have noticed that users can now choose between an English and Dutch user-interface.

The implementation is a simple one, one that requires only editing of text files.

I have attached here the two text files that come with MexCom 4.3.

Any of you willing to participate in creating support for other languages (not specifically needing other non-Western characters) in MexCom, please post here!

If more than one of you wish to translate into the same language, the better of course, as the work load can be divided!

Here's an example from the text file:

Code: Select all

[File |1]
[File Menu|2]
[File Menu|3]
Open archive
[File Menu|4]
Table of contents
[File Menu|5]
[Table of contents|6]
Save the table of contents
[Edit |7]
[Edit Menu|8]
Search and select
Search criterium
Each word or sentence is preceded by an identifier in brackets []. The number is the most important one, as that determines where to use what sentence/word. This number always needs to be the last entry in a list of |-delimited entries. For instance, in [Log|11] there are two parts, delimited by the "|": Log and 11. The number is important, and you could fill in anything before that, but keep in mind that the text that's already there is informative of what type of senctence/word is expected.

The next line then is the actual text that will be used in the program! *THIS SHOULD BE TRANSLATED*! :)

Allright, Dinoguy has already volunteered for Spanish, but perhaps some of you can assist him with that. All that help out will be acknowledged in the About screen of the next MultiEx Commander AND earn a serial key for the next release ;)

To experiment yourself, copy an existing file, such as Nederlands.txt under a new name in the languages directory in the data folder of MexCom. Then you can choose that one in MexCom (Options). Then make alteration to the new text file and restart MexCom each time to test the results.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:30 pm
by lionheartuk
Il give it a go with JAPANESE text.
It shouldnt be hard ot do.
BUT i dont know IF MEXCOM will even read it, as its UNICODE and not normal text.
If you KNOW its not gonna work then say and i wont do it lol.
THo id like soem help with JAPANESE as I am a busy man lately lol.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:35 pm
by Mr.Mouse
lionheartuk wrote:Il give it a go with JAPANESE text.
It shouldnt be hard ot do.
BUT i dont know IF MEXCOM will even read it, as its UNICODE and not normal text.
If you KNOW its not gonna work then say and i wont do it lol.
THo id like soem help with JAPANESE as I am a busy man lately lol.
That will be possible in a future version of MexCom only. I first have to see what I can do to support those languages. So for now, we are left with Western languages-based characters. But you will be the first to be contacted when I do get the support for other characters in there. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:09 pm
by lionheartuk
Mr.Mouse wrote:
lionheartuk wrote:Il give it a go with JAPANESE text.
It shouldnt be hard ot do.
BUT i dont know IF MEXCOM will even read it, as its UNICODE and not normal text.
If you KNOW its not gonna work then say and i wont do it lol.
THo id like soem help with JAPANESE as I am a busy man lately lol.
That will be possible in a future version of MexCom only. I first have to see what I can do to support those languages. So for now, we are left with Western languages-based characters. But you will be the first to be contacted when I do get the support for other characters in there. :)
Yes ok then.
Thats god to hear.
BTW the Plugin for Brea of fire .EMI files works BUT it doesnt matter as the fiels INSIDE the archives STILL cannot be used with anything lol.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:43 pm
by BPh_Designs
I'll translate it in french, I'm belgian and my mother language is french, it's used in France, Switserland, Quebec, ~Africa, Luxemburg... :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:22 pm
by PXR
I'll start translating into Swedish.
Strobe, you wanna help me? :)

Tranlated !

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:50 pm
by BPh_Designs
Here it is... in french. Let me know if it's ok.

Re: Tranlated !

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:03 pm
by Mr.Mouse
BPh_Designs wrote:Here it is... in french. Let me know if it's ok.
:eek: That's FAST!!! I do read a little French, so it looks okay to me. Perhaps another native speaker could beta-test it. :)

There are a few problems with the spacing in which you can put text, I noticed. For instance, if you start Options, or MRF manager, you see that some text does not have enough space to fit in the Buttons etc. Do you think you could shorten that so it looks a little better? I will see what I can do in next releases to give more room for text. But would be nice if you could fit most of the text in the space provided at this time.

Anyway, it's really awesome you've done this so far, at this rate we can already release the French language file this week! :D :D

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:40 pm
by Savage
I'm going to translate to spanish as well

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:37 pm
by Deniz Oezmen
Oh, why not ...

Here's a preliminary german translation. Some of the texts will probably be too long; I'll correct this tomorrow while doing the spelling and sanity checks.

Meanwhile, I have a few questions/comments on the English source.

- Some lines ended with blanks. I tried to preserve this, but was it intentional?
- Some lines contained just a "*". I didn't translate those. :D
- line 10: "criterion", not "criterium". As least as far as my dictionary knows.
- line 45: There were brackets around this line. I removed them for the translation ...
- line 207: What does "selecteer" mean? I assumed "select".
- line 264: "analyzing", not "analizing". I really don't want to know what the latter means. ;-)

Good night everybody.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:46 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Excellent, and thanks for pointing out some errors in the original English script. I see some Dutch words slipped in there during the process. Might be an idea to have a native English speaker correct/change the English.txt.

I eagerly await your final Deutsche version. You can save it as Deutsch.txt, just like the Nederlands.txt. I'll see about those other errors you mention. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:59 pm
by lionheartuk
Mr.Mouse wrote:Excellent, and thanks for pointing out some errors in the original English script. I see some Dutch words slipped in there during the process. Might be an idea to have a native English speaker correct/change the English.txt.
Ima NATIVE inelgish Speaker, Japanese is only my 2ND language so If anyone tells me what file im supposed to look at to correct then il do it INSTANTLY.
Fixed errors with TEXT in the original english one.

- Some lines ended with blanks. Im not sure if this was intentional so i have left it as it was (i see Deniz also noticed this)

- Certain lines contianed this ie line 153 "[Info for developers|DialogTitle|153]" contained *, Im not sure if those need to be translated or not so i left them sorry.

- line 10: "criterion", not "criterium". As least as far as my dictionary knows.
line 45: There were brackets around this line. I removed them for the translation ...
Ditto my friend.
- line 207: What does "selecteer" mean? I assumed "select".
I changed it to Selected
- line 264: "analyzing", not "analizing", the latter doesnt exist in my dictionary

- Line 39 correct en to "an"

- Line 334 "Naye" fixed to "No"

- Line 333 "Aye" foxed to "Yes"

- Line 332 Fixed "Aye" and "Naye" once again :D

- Other lines I just added Capitals and stuff to make the formatting look nicer.

Those were all that needed changing, the lines with naye in STILL say naye as the COMMAND but not as the text, I simply chose to ignore the COMAND as i figured itd mess with the code.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:43 pm
by Deniz Oezmen
Mr.Mouse wrote:I see some Dutch words slipped in there during the process.
Ah, that makes sense. In contrast to most Dutch people I know (who have quite a firm grip on the German language), my knowledge of the Dutch language relies heavily on guessing. ;-)
Mr.Mouse wrote:I eagerly await your final Deutsche version. You can save it as Deutsch.txt, just like the Nederlands.txt.
Good idea. The attached version is not yet final, but I couldn't sleep before at least fixing the worst bugs. :-)

By the way: Not all labels in the program seem to have an equivalent in the language file and are therefore not translated. Is this known or should I make up a list as I notice them?
lionheartuk wrote:- Line 332 Fixed "Aye" and "Naye" once again
Let them be. They're funny; I stopped there to choose some fine translations. :-)

[Edit: New version attached.]
[Edit #2: Even newer version attached.]

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:22 am
by Dinoguy1000
Savage wrote:I'm going to translate to spanish as well
Alright, thanks for the help, Savage! Would you like to split it 50/50?

As to the English translation, I'll look through it myself, and (when I get the chance) also check into the lines that Deniz said don't have a language file equivalent.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:12 am
by Mr.Mouse
Answer to all:

- Please do note down those lines that are not in the text file, but still need to be translated. I can have missed some, so you're right to point them out.

- Line 45: It has brackets around because it will be put in the textbox where people can enter a new folder name, so they'd notice that it is there that they should put the new text. But I guess its allright to remove them.
- Line 10: "Criterium"is Dutch, so yeah, it should be criterion in English
- Line 207: "selecteer" is "select" in Dutch
- Line 264: WOOPS! Funny typo (Final analisis :P )
- Lines with an asterix do not need to be translated at this time.
- Lines that end with blanks : this was intentional as they represent snippets of a whole sentence and some value in the program will be inserted in the sentence, like "MexCom supports "<insert number> " archive formats".

"Aye" and"Naye" were intentional, like Deniz said: just a humorous note. :D

In the next executable I will add more lines to make sure non-translated lines/commands in this version are also translated. Please point them out.

The next step would be to have also the MexCom download site translated, and how about the manual? LOL That would take considerable time! Well, if you feel up to it, go ahead and I can send you a RTF file of the manual. If not, that's also okay. ;)