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Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:28 pm
by Ecelon
Hey guys and girls, especially BC. Just wanted to let you all know that Lord Of The Rings: Rise To War meshes works with CyberConv.

Textures can be converted using PVRTexTool

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:06 am
by kotaxzz1
this game has file that contain file name list for .npk archive, is possible to extract with provided file name ?

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:41 am
by CybaShinobi
Wait, so how does this work? I want to get the Cyber Hunter Playermodel but all the files are .npk, adn the converter is asking for .mesh files, so how do I get a .npk to become a .mesh?

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:23 pm
by Drawing
Bigchillghost wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:22 pm
Get the npk decryptor for these two games here.

Here's a BMS script to handle the decrypted npk files. download/file.php?id=17365
First you need to unpack npk archive. After you got mesh files you can convert

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:51 am
by CybaShinobi
When I drag the file onto the EXPKDec.exe it does nothing, I had a look at this thing : but idk how to run it, is that required and if so how do I set it up? forgive my ignorance but I'm just a modeller not a code guy

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:19 pm
by Drawing
CybaShinobi wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:51 am When I drag the file onto the EXPKDec.exe it does nothing, I had a look at this thing : but idk how to run it, is that required and if so how do I set it up? forgive my ignorance but I'm just a modeller not a code guy
the EXPK works only for Onmyoji Arena (OA) and Marvel Super War , generally with game with EXPK signature.
For other NPK just use the bms script in the second link.
Which game are u trying to unpack?

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:57 pm
by themimegogo
Bigchillghost wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:28 pm Another tool for skin testing purpose of my binary FBX builder, which was intended to convert Cyber Hunter mesh files to FBX format with skeleton, skin info and material groups. With the tool being updated to v1.2.0, now it supports a couple more games, technically any NeoX mesh format of NetEase, skinned or static ones.

Double click on the executable and follow the leads, or use batch commands.

Supported Games: Examples from above Games:
Cyber Hunter



Crusaders of Light


Creative Destruction

Galactic Frontline

MARVEL Super War (Unreleased)

Onmyoji Arena

A BMS script for unpacking npk archives from Cyber Hunter, and one for unpacking unencrypted npk files containing nameless assets with extension filtering (of mesh, ktx, and png only) are also attached. For npk files contain encrypted assets (like Onmyoji Arena and MARVEL Super War), use this script.

Hi Hi total noob here.
I would like to learn how to do use this tool, for one of the games mentioned in this very post.

Where can I find beginner tutorials?


Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:29 am
by CybaShinobi
Drawing wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:19 pm
CybaShinobi wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:51 am When I drag the file onto the EXPKDec.exe it does nothing, I had a look at this thing : but idk how to run it, is that required and if so how do I set it up? forgive my ignorance but I'm just a modeller not a code guy
the EXPK works only for Onmyoji Arena (OA) and Marvel Super War , generally with game with EXPK signature.
For other NPK just use the bms script in the second link.
Which game are u trying to unpack?
I'm trying to get my playermodel from Cyber Hunter

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:27 pm
by Bigchillghost
themimegogo wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:57 pm Hi Hi total noob here.
I would like to learn how to do use this tool, for one of the games mentioned in this very post.

Where can I find beginner tutorials?
Please edit your post and remove the unnecessary part in the quote. As for how to use the tool, it's clearly stated in the first post:
Bigchillghost wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:28 pmDouble click on the executable and follow the leads, or use batch commands.
If you've done that, you'd notice the tool requires mesh files for inputs, like this fellow here:
CybaShinobi wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:41 am all the files are .npk, adn the converter is asking for .mesh files, so how do I get a .npk to become a .mesh?
Then again you can find the info about extracting mesh files from the npk archives in the main post:
Bigchillghost wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:28 pmA BMS script for unpacking npk archives from Cyber Hunter, and one for unpacking unencrypted npk files containing nameless assets with extension filtering (of mesh, ktx, and png only) are also attached. For npk files contain encrypted assets (like Onmyoji Arena and MARVEL Super War), use this script.
Depends on the game you're to extract, you'll find the proper script that's required. All you have to do is to read carefully the entire first post and the one specified by the extend link, and make use of every piece of info in the process. If you have no idea of what a BMS script is or how to use it, well, you have the key word already, just use the internet wisely.

Never expect any "beginner tutorials" to be served. You're more intelligent than that.

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm
by themimegogo
Bigchillghost wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:27 pm
themimegogo wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:57 pm Hi Hi total noob here.
I would like to learn how to do use this tool, for one of the games mentioned in this very post.

Where can I find beginner tutorials?
Please edit your post and remove the unnecessary part in the quote. As for how to use the tool, it's clearly stated in the first post:
Bigchillghost wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:28 pmDouble click on the executable and follow the leads, or use batch commands.
If you've done that, you'd notice the tool requires mesh files for inputs, like this fellow here:
CybaShinobi wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:41 am all the files are .npk, adn the converter is asking for .mesh files, so how do I get a .npk to become a .mesh?
Then again you can find the info about extracting mesh files from the npk archives in the main post:
Bigchillghost wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:28 pmA BMS script for unpacking npk archives from Cyber Hunter, and one for unpacking unencrypted npk files containing nameless assets with extension filtering (of mesh, ktx, and png only) are also attached. For npk files contain encrypted assets (like Onmyoji Arena and MARVEL Super War), use this script.
Depends on the game you're to extract, you'll find the proper script that's required. All you have to do is to read carefully the entire first post and the one specified by the extend link, and make use of every piece of info in the process. If you have no idea of what a BMS script is or how to use it, well, you have the key word already, just use the internet wisely.

Never expect any "beginner tutorials" to be served. You're more intelligent than that.
"Never expect any "beginner tutorials" to be served. You're more intelligent than that." --
That makes me not want to be thankful.
And frankly - this is the kind of attitude that quickly stomps enthusiasm out of people who beginners who aren't stone hearted enough, or have the experience to start off on the same foot as you.

I've been around around other forums involved with modding and dealing with 3D assets and such - and while I respect the fact that every forum is different - I was raised with the idea that "there's no harm in asking" - For example - the Resident Evil Modding forum, have entire boards dedicated to tutorials, something that's either pinned, or in someone's signature, or! if someone does the transgression of asking - is pointed by a mod or a good Samaritan who doesn't find it heavy on their heart to copy and paste a link. In your case - a simple "there are no tutorials" will do.

But for whatever reason - something in life must have jaded you to the point that asking not for a tutorial but to be directed to one if there is any - is something you consider an insulting act of laziness because you had to work hard to get to where you are.

I have subordinates where I work - imagine a new employee on day 1 - me telling them - go figure it out on your own. In my experience, it's been more fruitful help others - even if that help is - "the manual is in your drawer", or the on-boarding page is located here.

If you think your first post is user friendly Lets dissect it.

- you describe what the tool does. Alright - a couple of technical jargon that i dont immediately recognize
- Double click on the executable and follow the leads, or use batch commands. (ok I click on Say Marvel Super War)
It leads me to, what seems to be a place where I can download a game? What the hell are batch commands? Is it the same thing as batch rendering something?
- you have a script for unpacking - what I assume is the game's data once you have it.

I guess those are the 3 main segments of the post - whatever I'm missing - Is obviously because I lack a lot of important knowledge thatd provide proper context. Before I'd choose to invest time in doing research to build up a vocabulary to understand all these terms first - let me check by asking if there is a more unified source of information - like a manual (or in this case) a tutorial. Because in my experience with dealing with people (1) some people learn better by practice, when shown steps (2) there's usually no harm in asking. If you didn't feel the need to insult people - and simply said - "No there is no tutorial" - then yes, I'd go and do the searches.

Don't misunderstand - I didn't demand for one, nor am I obliging any of you vets to make one.
Also I understand - that you guys invested and put in hard work to create such magnificent tools. I am in no position to imagine how hard or how easy it must have been for you. But I do respect the fact that you are likely not paid to make those tools, that you made them out passion perhaps. As such you guys have no obligations to any of the people who come knocking - or asking. But if somehow you're sick and tired interacting with "people who cant figure things out", why bother replying at all? Not replying would have been better - because that would have really pushed newcomers into searching on their own.

But in replying with your nose held high like that, whether you care to admit it to yourself or not - you're doing more harm to people who weren't as hardened by life like you were. Shove it up your a$$ man, if you're jaded, or your passion has been snuffed out - try not to impart that negative mantra onto others. I'm outa here.

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:38 pm
by Bigchillghost
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm That makes me not want to be thankful...why bother replying at all?
Being "thankful", in fact, is the only reason that you're getting any reply.
Bigchillghost wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:27 pm Never expect any "beginner tutorials" to be served. You're more intelligent than that.
It's nothing more but simply an advice for people who tend to preconceive the thing they're dealing with is complicated.
Insulting? Why should I waste most of the space rephrasing the instructions only to insult someone? Sorry if you're such a snowflake that you felt this way.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm I was raised with the idea that "there's no harm in asking"
That, is a philosophy still open to questions. I never object people for asking questions, just don't come up with the first question as "where is the tutorial". Some people always tend to ask about something that they can easily solve by doing a couple of searching, or something already been instructed by the first post of a topic as if they don't see it, instead of at least trying to follow the instructions and then ask about the part they really don't understand. The first question they put up with is usually like "I'm a noob, point me right to the direction". That's the kind of manner I disapprove.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm But for whatever reason - something in life must have jaded you to the point that asking not for a tutorial but to be directed to one if there is any - is something you consider an insulting act of laziness because you had to work hard to get to where you are.
I don't see any difference between "asking for a tutorial" and "to be directed to one". I wouldn't consider it as "an insulting act of laziness", but doing so even if there's enough infomation in the 1st post do seem inappropriate to me.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm For example - the *** forum, have entire boards dedicated to tutorials, something that's either pinned, or in someone's signature, or! if someone does the transgression of asking - is pointed by a mod or a good Samaritan who doesn't find it heavy on their heart to copy and paste a link. In your case - a simple "there are no tutorials" will do.
Take a glance on the tutorial section on Xentax and the one through the 1st link in my signature, then we can have this conversation again. The "tutorials" are always there, and have been there for years. It's easily accessible, most of you just ignored it. In this particular situation, all you have to do is to unpack the archives with the provided scripts, and convert the mesh file with the tool. You don't need any tutorial for something that can be explained in a sentence!
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm I have subordinates where I work - imagine a new employee on day 1 - me telling them - go figure it out on your own. In my experience, it's been more fruitful help others - even if that help is - "the manual is in your drawer", or the on-boarding page is located here.
I respect your meticulous care to your subordinates, but explaining something that's already understandable in a "manual"/"on-boarding page", the way I see it, is a total waste of your time and that of others.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm If you think your first post is user friendly Lets dissect it.

- you describe what the tool does. Alright - a couple of technical jargon that i dont immediately recognize
- Double click on the executable and follow the leads, or use batch commands. (ok I click on Say Marvel Super War)
It leads me to, what seems to be a place where I can download a game? What the hell are batch commands? Is it the same thing as batch rendering something?
I never said it was user friendly. It's never meant to be. I prefer to provide simple yet sufficient info and leave the rest to the users themselves. In this way, those with patience to finish reading the entire post get what they came for, even if they left no trace of their user identities and never thanked the author for the tools. It's a strategy to maintain a balance between "sharing with the community" and "blocking out the leeches".

The "executable" means the .exe of the program. In a world where Windows OS has been widely used, it's really hard to imagine that you'll consider an "executable" as the same meaning of a "link" to the page containing the info of the game.
"Batch commands" is a term you can look up through the wiki or any searching engine. If you're too busy for that, just ignore it. It's not the only way to use the tool.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm let me check by asking if there is a more unified source of information - like a manual (or in this case) a tutorial.
If you'd asked that straightforward, i.e., "is there a more unified source of information?", you'd probably get the "No there is no tutorial" kind of reply as you wished.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm Don't misunderstand - I didn't demand for one
Asking with the word "where" means you're demanding for one.
themimegogo wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 pm But in replying with your nose held high like that, whether you care to admit it to yourself or not - you're doing more harm to people who weren't as hardened by life like you were. Shove it up your a$$ man, if you're jaded, or your passion has been snuffed out - try not to impart that negative mantra onto others. I'm outa here.
Since you felt yourself being so much insulted, I'll try to be tolerant with these outraged accusations you made here and ignore those "unpleasant" words.

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:31 am
by wansf
Bigchillghost release this tools and update it for FREE and he already write everything you need to do at the first post , i really dun see what upset you this much at all , since most of hand-made extractor dun even came with any lines like "simple, d&d mesh files onto the tool" and many people wont release them to public for free , i think you should be more thankful and using this tools w/o any problem , you could simply said "oh sry i didnt read" instead of 1000+ of meaningless words toward Bigchillghost

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:32 pm
by Vlalchinanya
Hi guys. Can anyone update the CyberConv program and add the Super Mecha Champions game? This game has archives in .npk format

For example: ... s.npk/file


Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:47 am
by speaker60
This new Netease game here has NPK files
Could we get support for this?

One of the NPK files ... q6NUp/view

Re: Cyber Hunter Mesh Convertor(CyberConv)

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:46 am
Hi RULES OF SURVIVAL Unpack Seems to have no name,but I found this :wink: ... sp=sharing