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Automation:Car maker Tycoon

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:09 pm
by octaviousrex
I recently bought the game and was rooting around in the file system when I found the files for the cars. I looked it up through google and it has no idea what file format this is.
The sample below should have the 3d mesh for a car. any help on how to open this and how to convert this would be greatly appreciated. ...

Re: Automation:Car maker Tycoon

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:29 am
by Bigchillghost
Very interesting format:

Code: Select all

0x15-byte	Header
Byte		StringLength(Unicode)
String 	Name(null-terminated)
Long		Unknown

Long	vertexCount
for i = 0 < vertexCount
	Long	vPosition x
	Long	vPosition y
	Long	vPosition z
	Long	vNormal x
	Long	vNormal y
	Long	vNormal z
	Long	vTangent x
	Long	vTangent y
	Long	vTangent z
	Long	U
	Long	V
	Byte	BoneCount
	for j = 0 < BoneCount
		Byte	BoneIdx
	for j = 0 < BoneCount
		float	BoneWeight
	Long	Marker(0x15FFFFFF)

Long		SubmeshCount
for i = 0 < SubmeshCount
	Long	IndicesCount
	for j = 0 < IndicesCount
		Long	Index[j]
	Byte		StringLength(Unicode)
	String 	TextureName(null-terminated)
	Byte		Null
	Byte		StringLength2(Unicode)
	if(StringLength2 != 0)
		String 	TextureName(null-terminated)

for i = 0 < SubmeshCount
		float[4]	Rotations?
		float[3]	Translations?
		float[3]	Scales?
		Byte		StringLength(Unicode)
		String 	BoneName(null-terminated)
		Byte		0xFF
However there's no way to validate the mesh structure via Hex2Obj so it's just the result of my simple research. But it's not difficult to write a convertor though.

Re: Automation:Car maker Tycoon

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:19 pm
by Bigchillghost
Alright, exactly as I expected:


Here a simple obj convertor for the kjc model files:
Just drag and drop a kjc file on it and you'll get the converted obj file in the same folder. If you want to convert mutiple files, use batch command instead.

Didn't swap UVs as I don't know if they would match the textures or not.

Re: Automation:Car maker Tycoon

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:58 pm
by octaviousrex
Bigchillghost wrote:Alright, exactly as I expected:


Here a simple obj convertor for the kjc model files:
Just drag and drop a kjc file on it and you'll get the converted obj file in the same folder. If you want to convert mutiple files, use batch command instead.

Didn't swap UVs as I don't know if they would match the textures or not.
Thank you so much for the conversion this is mainly what I needed. I appreciate your hard work.