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Re: Mr Bean PC Game (.3df and .plf)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:41 am
by Bigchillghost
OK, one after another:
yohanc wrote:I have read the tutorial like multiple times but I'm still confuse
Yeah, so was I at the first place. The only thing I even understood by that time was to look at the ascii part of a binary file in the hex editor.
yohanc wrote:I want to learn it but the tools is kinda advance for new user like me
That depends on whether you know how things work. Then you'll find everything quite simple.
yohanc wrote:what software should i use to get the h2o file? hxd?
Hex2Obj of course.
yohanc wrote:Can you give me step by step on how to get h2o until the final 3d model .obj (not just the vertices (point clouds), but full the .obj with full faces and the uv map)?
I did plan on writting a easy tutorial for beginners before. But considering that there're many people who can already help themselves, while the others who don't just keep pouring new requests whereas there're a lot of references available showing them how to do it, plus writting a tutorial is a time consuming job, I just gave up.
Is it still in need? :D

Re: Mr Bean PC Game (.3df and .plf)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 2:09 pm
by yohanc
Is it still in need? :D
I've received your pm, thanks.

If you have a little spare time to write a tutorial that can be easy to understand for newbies that would be great and life saver for newbs like me.

I found this video about hex2obj

step1. start/ending of the face indices list (how come you know from the weird text in hex editor wheter it is the start/ending of the face indicies, in the video min 01:55 the guy didn't explain why it is 0000010002)

step2. vertex block (in the video min 03:23, he didn't explain why it is 40).

step3. finding the uv/vertices start address, I understand how he get the count min 03:28, but the guy forgot to get the uv/vertices start address.

Re: Mr Bean PC Game (.3df and .plf)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:11 pm
by akderebur
I think you need to understand what you are looking for first. Hex2obj just lets you visualize the model data that you have found. To find it you need to know how it should look like.

0000 0100 0200 is a pretty common start for indices. It is the first triangle with the vertices 0,1,2. If it is followed by integers with small increments (generally) you would assume it is the index data. It might even look like an alphabet in ASCII view like A.B.C.D. For example if you see a set of floats all in range of 0.0 - 1.0, you might assume they are the uv coordinates.

Note that the data you are looking for may be represented differently depending on the format used. Still I believe that searching for some values/patterns that are generally used is better than staring at the hex editor with nothing in mind, and it might possibly save you some time.

So have a general idea of what you are searching and look for it in the hex editor. When you think that you have found it try visualizing it in hex2obj to see if you got it right. With some trial and error you will hopefully find the right data.

Re: Mr Bean PC Game (.3df and .plf)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:09 pm
by Bigchillghost
yohanc wrote: If you have a little spare time to write a tutorial that can be easy to understand for newbies that would be great and life saver for newbs like me.
Unfortunately I don't think I'll have much free time in the following three weeks. Got a personal project to work with.
But still I'll try to answer your question as soon as I can.
yohanc wrote:I found this video about hex2obj
I actually don't think it a good idea to use hex2obj before you truely know what you're doing. So I won't introduce it as the first step in
my tutorial. Instead, start from setting up the basic concepts here:

Before your attempt on dealing with binary data, read this: