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Problem with TRE Archiver 1.0.3

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:04 pm
by Jetson
I downloaded TRE Archiver 1.0.3 in order to be able to open the new tre file format. I then tried to open one of the tre files which did not work with the old versions of tre archiver. But I get the message "no valid tre file". The logfile tells me that the error occured because the tre is version 0006. But I thought the new version is there because it actually CAN open those new files. What am I doing wrong?? :( ( I use MultiEX Commander v4.2)

Another question I have: How can I convert .sat model files from SWG to 3ds? I bought Ultimate Unwrap3d, but I have no idea how i can combine a msh with the appropriate dds texture. Could somebody with more experience help me? :(

Thanks in advance!

Come on...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:57 pm
by Jetson
I know that this topic has been discussed here already, but the things I found did not answer my question and I also did not understand everything. I really would appreciate if somebody could explain me the current situation of TRE archiver, why I get this error and how to apply dds-Textures to the msh-meshes I have. I really dont want to bother you.

Re: Problem with TRE Archiver 1.0.3

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:37 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Jetson wrote:Greetings,
I downloaded TRE Archiver 1.0.3 in order to be able to open the new tre file format. I then tried to open one of the tre files which did not work with the old versions of tre archiver. But I get the message "no valid tre file". The logfile tells me that the error occured because the tre is version 0006. But I thought the new version is there because it actually CAN open those new files. What am I doing wrong?? :( ( I use MultiEX Commander v4.2)

Another question I have: How can I convert .sat model files from SWG to 3ds? I bought Ultimate Unwrap3d, but I have no idea how i can combine a msh with the appropriate dds texture. Could somebody with more experience help me? :(

Thanks in advance!
Those that don't work you should open as referenced by a .TOC file. you can open a TRE or a TOC file. A TOC file lists a number of TRE files, which you can then select to open.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:13 am
by Jetson
Do I have to download these .toc files? I know they are tables of content, but the downloadable patches which cannot be opened come alone, as .tre-files. The only .toc-files I know of are located in the game installation path... Do they also link to the new patch.tre's ??

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:17 am
by Mr.Mouse
Well, as you may know (from the thread that started .TOC support) someone send me the TOCs he found. If you open the toc, you should see the list of TRE files it refers to. If it's not available it will say so (the archiver will try to find them in the same directory), but you can point to the correct file if you know where it is by double clicking on the filename. Alternatively, you might be able to copy the toc to the folder where the TRE´s are and then open it.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:59 pm
by Jetson
Thanks for your help. Now, where do I get he .toc's? Can I just use the ones that came with the game? Do the also list newer patches .tre's?

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:48 pm
by Mr.Mouse
I have no idea. I'd say just try to use those that you already have. You'll see the list and can then judge if the new ones are also listed. I honestly don't know where they got the TOCs from, I always assumed from the game. Perhaps you should ask them (check the thread about TOC) and ask the guy who uploaded the tocs. I don't have the game, so I can't check.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:42 pm
by NinjaMuffin
I can only speak for myself and using the trial version...but in my install the .toc file was in the installation dir of the game. I can only assume it's there in the full version as well.


Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:01 am
by Dinoguy1000
Just me throwing out an idea here, perhaps it would help quell future confusion, collating all the current TRE threads into one, and then redirecting them all to that single, new thread.

Thank you all

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:36 pm
by Jetson
Thanks for all the help! Meanwhile, I managed to extract a good load of stuff from the tre's. Everything worked out alright, and I will become a friend of MultiEx commander soon to be able to get my hands on the rest.

BTW, has somebody earned experience already in this field and could tell me about this strange issue: I searched all accessable textures for the starships, but they all seem to be this boring grey standard texture - where are the textures located that make a ship look like in the movies?
I just cannot find those (a-wing as an example): ... A-wing.jpg ... tterns.jpg
Does anybody know already and can help me?? :o Would be really great!