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Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:06 pm
by manbig343
I'll have to sit down and learn how to use what you've shown/given here, this is a very big step forward I feel though I wish I had been educated in this sooner, since for a long time I myself have always worked with premade assets and models instead of creating them from the ground up or looking for data in games like this. Thanks for showing these things here.

By the way as well, every characters Eye model is separate from their body as well. So to get a full character there needs to be a search for their eyes.
The Shaman head you extracted from the data was missing his eyes, for example. So for future extraction of these models completely anyone who tries it will need to make sure they can find every piece if possible. Specifically for the brute force squad themselves from the common .ivd (I don't think brutus, tex or flint/hawk are in any other level file but they probably might be) this is important, since they are the main goal.

I hope some beta models still exist in the game. There are alot of weapons that had their models changed and Tex also used to look like a huge mech-suited soldier. The rocket launcher used to belong to the Ferals, and had a bigger design like the Halo rocket launcher. But then they changed it to be slightly smaller and more futuristic looking.

Here are brutus' vertices values on his head model when viewed in renderdoc (I think), I hope this is correct and use-able for your hex2obj program though i'm not sure.

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:35 pm
by shakotay2
Thanks. To get the vertex count one needs to count all vertex lines in the "v0 table". There's 16 to be seen only.
(I assume the highest value in the VTX column is identical to the vertex count.)

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:00 pm
by manbig343
shakotay2 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:35 pm Thanks. To get the vertex count one needs to count all vertex lines in the "v0 table". There's 16 to be seen only.
(I assume the highest value in the VTX column is identical to the vertex count.)
This is the .csv for his head. If opened in Excel, it will show the entire list.

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:11 pm
by shakotay2
3919 vertices for one head? Well, that's a lot.

I guess I found the data of arms and Helmet for the previous posted body, in updated objects-m01_b.xmb_570.h2o:

0x30F70 3098
32 16
0x180914 1204
0x0 255
(2 faces missing in the left arm, dunno why)

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:16 pm
by manbig343
shakotay2 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:11 pm 3919 vertices for one head? Well, that's a lot.

I guess I found the data of arms and Helmet for the previous posted body, in updated objects-m01_b.xmb_570.h2o:

0x30F70 3090
32 16
0x180914 1204
0x0 255

It isn't just the head though cause it has his torso. I can't extract it without that part.
I will look into putting together the model of the character you showed.

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:16 pm
by manbig343
shakotay2 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:11 pm 3919 vertices for one head? Well, that's a lot.

I guess I found the data of arms and Helmet for the previous posted body, in updated objects-m01_b.xmb_570.h2o:

0x30F70 3098
32 16
0x180914 1204
0x0 255
Whoever_Helmet.png(2 faces missing in the left arm, dunno why)

Can you send me his files?

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:19 pm
by shakotay2
objects-m01_b.xmb_570.h2o is in the zip file of the "crash course post", just replace 0x30f64 3 in its first line by 0x30F70 3098.

(yes, face indices start address corrected, that's the reason why a crash course was required :wink: )

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:39 pm
by manbig343
shakotay2 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:19 pm objects-m01_b.xmb_570.h2o is in the zip file of the "crash course post", just replace 0x30f64 3 in its first line by 0x30F70 3098.

(yes, face indices start address corrected, that's the reason why a crash course was required :wink: )
Thanks. I got it together, and I will be uploading him here once I find his textures.

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:22 pm
by manbig343
shakotay2 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:19 pm objects-m01_b.xmb_570.h2o is in the zip file of the "crash course post", just replace 0x30f64 3 in its first line by 0x30F70 3098.

(yes, face indices start address corrected, that's the reason why a crash course was required :wink: )
I can't seem to get the UV for the head and arms in hex2obj once I replaced the line in the hex data for 570 xmb.
How do I fix this?

Oh never mind. Found out why. I got it now

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:22 am
by manbig343 ... sp=sharing

I've put this asset pack together of everything useable so far from the game we got extracted up to 9/19/2021
There are a bunch of common textures from the game that were extracted through the use of a Noesis script someone made. These will be in a separate pack. Including the HUD, Icons, and more.

Appropriate credits and such are inside the folder itself in a text file I've made.

Anyone who browses/lurks amongst this thread and can see this, don't be a stranger. If you know anyone who potentially could help, post a message here. If you don't even have an account and you're seeing this - and you do know someone, make one and say something. It's simple. Let us know.
This game doesn't deserve to die off into the void. And a couple people in a little forum like this is definitely not enough to do everything.

"I've lived - and died my whole career for moments like these.
You'll probably get to die again on this rock -
The spirits will rejoice at the end of this day.
And we might get to see them..."
Final quote from Brute Force squad before the final mission takes place.

Models include:
Rigged Confed Marine

Rigged Feral Shaman (no proper neck bones)

Sweeper V rocket launcher Fully Intact

Cowboy Hat (no texture yet) Missing a couple pieces of model

Tex .csv broken model rip

Brutus .csv broken model rip

Confed Lazer Weapon

Bower 20 renderdoc ripped model (not 100% perfect, no UV map)


Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:02 am
by Pepsee
Loving the stuff, everyone! It means a lot to me that one of my childhood games is finally getting the attention it really needed. Using some of the assets from the pack I was able to create this alongside a couple new addons. I tried using Hex2Obj again and after several unsuccessful attempts I just accepted the fact that not everyone can use it.. :oops:

Anyways, here's some artwork using the ripped marines and their weapons, generated and upscaled a bumpmap and specular mask for them.

Looking forward to more content!

All the best!

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:14 pm
by shakotay2
Pepsee wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:02 amI tried using Hex2Obj again and after several unsuccessful attempts I just accepted the fact that not everyone can use it.. :oops:
Well, ok.
Maybe this tool might ease your mind?
Tested with objects-m01_b.xmb and objects-m01_b.ivd (and objects-common) only so might fail for others.
(Far from being perfect and all meshes clumped together.)
Some meshes are spoiled, crash course "how to fix 'em" included.

For some of them only a simple swap from 'Strip' to 'noStr' is required in hex2obj after loading an ivd file and a single H2O file.

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:18 pm
by shakotay2

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:09 pm
by manbig343
shakotay2 wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:18 pm clumpMe.png
Your whole process you created, Shako - works for any of the other files in the game as well it seems.
I got Brutus out of the common .ivd thanks to this whole thing, we're working on fixing the model.
If you could figure out why the models get these glitchy triangles or if you know why that would help.

Re: Brute Force (XBOX 2003) - Models

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:13 pm
by shakotay2
manbig343 wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:09 pmYour whole process you created, Shako - works for any of the other files in the game as well it seems.
Good to hear. :) (Are the uvs correct, too?)
If you could figure out why the models get these glitchy triangles or if you know why that would help.
Did you read Brute force FIs - howtoFix.txt in the crashCourseFIs folder in the zip file?
If that doesn't help, I have no idea.

Ah, well, the accompanying files m01_b FIs.txt and "m01b xmb, params-log.txt" apply to objects-m01_b only.
But with some basic understanding of 3D formats and hex2obj they shouldn't be needed.