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Help RE4 PS2 GFX format

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:35 pm
by Abkarino
Help any one here can encode RE4 for PS2 file formats i just wanna to edit some GFX for this game the Cube version is editable esly but i think that capcom used another format in this version
I can edit sound and video files easly since it's Dreamcast format *SFD *ADX

put please i wanna to make an editors-ripper for this game so is there any one can help me in this

Hi there!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:00 am
by Strobe
The textures are 8bit indexed pictured in raw format. i would need
more images to make comparisons between them in order to make
a converter somehow as both these are just fonts (japanese fonts). =)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:31 am
by Abkarino
:) Thanx Strobe for reply

i hope if u can decode or exiplane the GFX format so i can write my own tool for ripping and converting it

i will attach the updateed file wich contain alot of fnt file


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:43 am
by Strobe
The format itself is simply 8bit per pixel, and at the end
seems to be the palette data. however, i have not found anywere in the
header which says the resolution of the image or how many colors there is. when reading it through photoshop raw reader it looks good
with an X of 512. this is most probably a custom format, i have not seen it before =o

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:05 am
by Abkarino
Thankx for ur help
but i hope that can find the header data to help me handling this image
i think that capcom used a custom format to make this texture

So it my be acustom version of TIM2 formt
if u please have any info about TIM2 sepecification then plz send it 2 me

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:27 am
by friendsofwatto
TIM2 is a standard PS2 image format - I think there are some specs around somewhere for it. Try searching for it on some general PS2 editing/modding websites, and I think there is a program on SourceForge that reads them or something.

[email protected]

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:37 pm
by Abkarino
ThanX Watto
but i cann't find any info about TIM2 format i found it just in imagestudio for PS2 site but it's nota avilable for download till be a licensed devloper from Sony® so please help me to find it i know that ur great app can handel it so please if u have any documents about it please mail me or till me where i can find it please
i need any info about any PS2 formats because i need to collect this info to help me to edit alot of PS2 games to be translated to my native language so please help me to do that

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:04 am
by friendsofwatto
The main info on TIM2 I found in some source code on the net - i think the program was called ezSwizzle. You can try goolging for the specific source code file tim2.cpp too if that helps.

[email protected]

ThanX Watto

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:01 am
by Abkarino
ThanX Watto for ur help :wink:
my be i need more info about this format i get this file before but theres some thing i want to know about convertion algorithm coz i want to make a ripper converter for TIM2 and my be viewer also
i hope that w can start a project to build a Special PS2 Games Ripper Converter to help all ppl to edit there own games
i hope u can help me doing that and i hope all ppl here can do also
so we can make a special program for PS2 games only
thanX :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:25 pm
by jasmine
Here's the source code for a TIM2 Photoshop plug-in. It may help.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:08 pm
by Abkarino
:) thanx man for ur help
i'll try my best with this souce code :wink:
but i also hope to start the project that let us collect some usefull info about PS2 game file formats so we can make a special ripper editor may be passed on MulitEx or wattos one
so plz any one can help me to start this project contact me :?:
[email protected] :|