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Mafia2 font

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:06 am
Hello to eveyone...
I tried to edit mafia 2 font file (xml & dds) from text_default.sds
I saw xml files and i dont know wath type of glyph is there...
Who can tell me wath is mafia2 glyph font? Or tell me a tool to generation a font like that

Re: Mafia2 font

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 3:32 am
by delutto
GHOST DEAD wrote:Hello to eveyone...
I tried to edit mafia 2 font file (xml & dds) from text_default.sds
I saw xml files and i dont know wath type of glyph is there...
Who can tell me wath is mafia2 glyph font? Or tell me a tool to generation a font like that
Use the "Search", theres a lot of informations about this in this forum.

Re: Mafia2 font

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 3:58 am
i know... iknow...
but i have a big game and all int in this game is verry long (not like other games)
i need a tool for edit this test on table or somthing like that....

Re: Mafia2 font

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 2:24 am
by delutto
But this is a char mapping, not a font itself.
The font is probably a DDS image or something like that.
Or are you trying make ingame fonts smaller?

Re: Mafia2 font

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:34 am
delutto wrote:But this is a char mapping, not a font itself.
The font is probably a DDS image or something like that.
Or are you trying make ingame fonts smaller?
I can edit texture tool but i just cant edit this type of xml font
Help me for edit this xml... (texture not was a problem)

Re: Mafia2 font

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 12:57 am
by delutto
I'll repeat, this is not a font, this is a character mapping, this is used for characters coordinates in some texture file, you need find that texture file.
Forget about this char mapping, it's boring work with this and could cause many problems in game, just replace some useless chars on texture by your special ones(I don't know what is your language).
For example, in Brazilian Portuguese, we replace things like "ä" and "ö"(useless in Portuguese) by "ã" and "õ"(very used in Portuguese), after just needed replace all occurrences of "ã" and "õ" by "ä" and "ö" in translated texts.

Edit: The font texture file of this game is the "pc\sds_en\text\text_default\"

Re: Mafia2 font

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 3:41 am
Hey my friend... I know... I created a sds unpack/repack but... Like i said, i can edit texture but i cant edit glyph map (x & y m kerning. Offset... And other thing) becuse this is not a normaly chatacter
I tranlate games to germany, italy, afghan...
I need a font generator for that char map for edit postions of characters in dds...