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Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:32 pm
by daemon1
Alright, skeleton is working. Just need a little more testing and its all done.


Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:10 am
by daemon1
Tool requires only 1 parameter: name of .36 file.

It will extract all resources from there, converting static and skeletal models to SMD, textures to DDS or TGA (for paletted textures which are usually diffuse/spec maps)

You need to rotate model 180deg and bones will not have correct angles, I may correct that later. There are no face bones, facial animations are done with morphs.


Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:53 am
by Rutabaga
Awesome,thanks you!
But i have a problem..after drag and dropping .36 file to your programm exe i got a some .smd,mat and .anim files,how i can open them?
if i remember correctly smd is valve format,but what about .anim and etc.?

P.S Also,you mentioned paletted textures,are this texture paletted?
If yes,how i can edit this texture to give it normal look?

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:39 am
by daemon1
.anim is game format, you can't open them. I extract them so maybe someone will like to research them.

I'm only converting models and textures, all other files are just game files.

That texture is combined specular and other masks. Spec is blue channel i think.

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:12 am
by Rutabaga
I tried to import smd to 3ds max using smd plugin,this is what i got:
also i tried to use milkshape but it have no Fbx output..
any suggestions?

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:33 am
by daemon1
Rutabaga wrote:Ok,thanks.
I tried to import smd to 3ds max using smd plugin,this is what i got:
also i tried to use milkshape but it have no Fbx output..
any suggestions?
no, i dont have 3dmax. Ask people who used that plugin. Also try converting it with noesis to other format.

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:00 pm
by Rutabaga
Oh,i almost forgot about Noesis..
Thank you,now everything works perfect!

Edit: After exporting model using Noesis and importing it to 3ds max,i assigned all materials,and rendered..
rendered model looks strange..normals problem?

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:35 pm
by Tosyk
Rutabaga wrote:Oh,i almost forgot about Noesis..
Thank you,now everything works perfect!

Edit: After exporting model using Noesis and importing it to 3ds max,i assigned all materials,and rendered..
rendered model looks strange..normals problem?
the polygons of this model probably inverted so you have to invert them back.

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:52 pm
by Rutabaga
Thanks now everything looks better
Btw,i can't find Peter's Jacket diffuse map,what i should to do? this jacket (upper body) have only bump,ao and spec maps..

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:42 pm
by daemon1
Rutabaga wrote:Thanks now everything looks better
Btw,i can't find Peter's Jacket diffuse map,what i should to do? this jacket (upper body) have only bump,ao and spec maps..
peter's costume has no diffuse map. Its made with solid colors. Can't you see it by looking at his model?

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:35 am
by Rutabaga
Today i tried to extract a few models from BROCK_BEATDOWN.PCPACK file.I imported smd models into 3ds max and applied materials but can't find Jameson eye diffuse map,what i'm doing wrong?

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:52 am
by Tosyk
Rutabaga wrote:Ok,tnx.
Today i tried to extract a few models from BROCK_BEATDOWN.PCPACK file.I imported smd models into 3ds max and applied materials but can't find Jameson eye diffuse map,what i'm doing wrong?
seems like characters sharing eye texture. try to look at another archive. sometimes archive with chared textures are called 'common', 'cmn' or just 'shared'.

p.s.: btw daemon is not the person you should addressed that kind of questions to, so don't wait his response on this — he's doing the format reversing and leaves resource researching on users shoulders :wink:

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:37 pm
by Rutabaga
Now i extracted every .36 file from pcpack files (397 files in total) how i can drag and drop them into Apkf tool executable? when i drag and drop 10-20 files (for example) the tool extracts only 1 file.
Does tool have batch support or something like this? if yes,what i need to write in command line?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:50 pm
by Marvey
it is possible to rip buildings/city models too?

Re: Spider-Man 3 PC

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:02 pm
by shakotay2
Rutabaga wrote:Does tool have batch support or something like this? if yes,what i need to write in command line?
you could try out this

Code: Select all

@echo off
for %%f in (*.36) do Spiderman3_APKF.exe %%f
in a test.cmd file.

Use it in a folder where Spiderman3_APKF.exe and some *.36 files reside.

But start with two *.36 only; if there's more than 2 *.36 files in the folder: have fun with sorting all the produced files. :D