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Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:41 pm
by asphyxiazation
shakotay2 wrote:
asphyxiazation wrote:so, out of curiosity, what are the other contents of the prefab file that its size reaches 1.829kb while the actual mesh is only 126kb
It's normals which I usually skip; and weight data, I guess; there's positions and rotations for the skeleton bones, and some other data that would require a deeper look.
thanks for the insight, shakotay2! 8)

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:57 am
by leyme
shakotay2 wrote:Scion of Fate, 101.YOM tested only (may fail on others, adding of unrecognized FI blocks to the source is required then).
yeah, that's not nice: all objects are clumped together. Maybe there's offsets in the 101.txt file to move them into correct positions (position in World Matrix is a candidate).
Also uvs of some objects seem to be missing.

You have the source, so don't complain, improve it.
Please help me.
Some files cause problems

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:42 am
by shakotay2
thanx for reporting, leyme! :)
Here's an update for the SuperHeroGeneration auto correction (which had a problem; checked hg009_0001_01_m01.mbg only!):
(no source update this time because ZoE source part is not ready for release and I'm too lazy to cut it from the actual source)

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:59 am
by leyme
shakotay2 wrote:thanx for reporting, leyme! :)
Here's an update for the SuperHeroGeneration auto correction (which had a strange bug; checked hg009_0001_01_m01.mbg only!):
(no source update this time because ZoE source part is not ready for release and I'm too lazy to cut it from the actual source)
Thanks shakotay2.
Other files are error. ...

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:02 pm
by shakotay2
well, too bad. The "bug" was not a bug, it worked as expected but I didn't get the real problem so far (need more time, next year, I assume (: )

I made a workaround (see updated zip in my previous post) so that you can load the meshes at least into blender for example. Then erase the spoiled submeshes (hopefully one intact one will remain):

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 4:48 am
by shakotay2
well, thing is, there's unrecognized vertex blocks:

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 12:59 am
by leyme
shakotay2 wrote:well, thing is, there's unrecognized vertex blocks:
wow.I salute you for your enthusiasm

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 3:18 pm
by shakotay2
yeah, I'm totally surprised, too. :D (made an update to the previous zip) But I really need a break here.

Still some spoiled meshes, with er045_0001_02_m01.mbg for example.
You may check out for yourself (using hex2obj for example) which correction might be false;
or maybe vBlock and FIblock pairs don't fit together.

(abbreviations: vCnt= vertex count; FIcnt= face indices count)
# start of vertices
#0 59e
# UV01 0x7859c (2574) (name is uv01, but appears to be a vertex block for me)
#1 b6517
#2 c30de
#3 d202d
#4 e933a
#5 13cd61
# UV01 0x1db03f (2574)
#6 233baa
#7 247c2c
#8 270d6e

# FIs at:
# 0x70819
# 0xb36c9
# 0xc1d74
# 0xc3783
# 0xd12d9
# 0xe8058
# 0x10a80d
# 0x1acfdc
# 0x21616c
# 0x23f407
# 0x25dc57
# 0x292241
# SubMesh count and FIs block count are different!
Some SM may be missing. 11 != 12
#0 vCnt: 7461 (at 0x496), FIcnt: 21738
correction counts: 4887 / 16002
#1 vCnt: 502 (at 0xb6413), FIcnt: 2292
corr: FIcnt 5736
#2 vCnt: 613 (at 0xc2fd6), FIcnt: 1557
corr: FIcnt 2292
#3 vCnt: 959 (at 0xd1f29), FIcnt: 2226
corr: FIcnt 42
#4 vCnt: 1451 (at 0xe9236), FIcnt: 6603
corr: FIcnt 1515
#5 vCnt: 7461 (at 0x13cc59), FIcnt: 21738
corr: 4887 / 2226
#6 vCnt: 502 (at 0x233aa6), FIcnt: 2292
corr: FIcnt 6603
#7 vCnt: 959 (at 0x247b28), FIcnt: 2226
corr: FIcnt 16002
#8 vCnt: 1451 (at 0x270c6a), FIcnt: 6603
corr: FIcnt 5736

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:18 pm
by wjj162446
Thanks sir,they are helpful

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:47 pm
by shakotay2
"One for all" pmd models, tested chr_body_rank_104_a_slender.pmd only!
(no source code update this time because the pmd2obj code is dead ugly :eek: )

last source code version (without .pmd support) to be found in the opening post:
shakotay2 wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:01 am

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:42 am
by wjj162446
Sir,I have a question,when I ues make_boj to extract kamen rider thouser from citywar,it has some trouble

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:48 am
by wjj162446
wjj162446 wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:42 am Sir,I have a question,when I ues make_boj to extract kamen rider thouser from citywar,it has some trouble ... sp=sharing

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:30 pm
by shakotay2
yeah, I see. It's the first submesh only - will take some time to patch the tool.

Feel free to do it for yourself - the 'C' source code is available here:
shakotay2 wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:01 am
(need to check the patch before releasing it..)

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:48 am
by wjj162446
shakotay2 wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:30 pm yeah, I see. It's the first submesh only - will take some time to patch the tool.

Feel free to do it for yourself - the 'C' source code is available here:
shakotay2 wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:01 am
(need to check the patch before releasing it..)
Will sir update the tool

Re: Make_obj (C source)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:45 pm
by shakotay2
This is the patch for KamenRider, submesh 2, very ugly but works for MDL__B00092_92.prefab (only tested model, so don't blame me).
Replace the function void SM_of_KR_CW_loop(HWND hwnd, char szPathname[], DWORD dwStart) in the source here:
shakotay2 wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:01 am

Code: Select all

void SM_of_KR_CW_loop(HWND hwnd, char szPathname[], DWORD dwStart)      //
{                                                                         // Kamen Rider City Wars
   char * pFBuf, *pTmp ;            // , szNo[4]
   BYTE cnt= 0 ;
   int nValue[16] ;
   //WORD wFaceIndCnt, wVertsCnt, wOffs2VBlock ;         //
   DWORD FIaddr_arr[9], FIcnt, FIcnt_arr[9], uvCnt, vCnt, UVaddr_arr[9], Vaddr_arr[9], vCnt_arr[9] ;  //
   DWORD minFaceInd = 16777215, maxFaceInd = 0, lastFaceInd=0 ;
   DWORD addrFI=0, addrUV, addrV, offs2 ;  //
   DWORD j=0 ;
   bool bUV ;

   pFBuf = (char *) lpFBuf ; pTmp= pFBuf ;
   //if ((*pFBuf!=0xww)&&(*(pFBuf+3)!=0xyy)) {
   //     chMB("This doesn't seem to be a Kamen Rider CW prefab file!") ; return ;
   dwStart = 0 ; pFBuf += dwStart ;            //Triangles 54 72 69 61 Positions  50 6F 73 69
   SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_LIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) " creating obj:") ;
   cnt= 0 ; lastJ= 0 ;
   nValue[0]= 0x54; nValue[1]= 0x72; nValue[2]= 0x69; nValue[3]= 0x61;          // Tria

        offs2 = FindBytes(lpFBuf, j, dwFileSize-j, nValue, 4) ;       // j is offset here
        if (offs2!=0) {
            pFBuf += offs2 ; j += offs2 ; fprintf( stream, "#") ;
            if (*(pFBuf+8)!= 0x73) {
                chMB("String 'Triangles' not found! - EXIT") ; return ;
            addrFI = j ;
            fprintf( stream, " Triangles string at %lx\n", j) ;
        else {
            chMB("String 'Triangles' not found! - EXIT") ; return ;

   nValue[0]= 0; nValue[1]= 0; nValue[2]= 1; nValue[3]= 0; nValue[4]= 2; nValue[5]= 0;          // 0000 0100 0200
   do {
        offs2 = FindBytes(lpFBuf, j, dwFileSize-j, nValue, 6) ;       // j is offset here
        if (offs2!=0) {
            pFBuf += offs2 ; j += offs2 ;
            addrFI = j ;
            fprintf( stream, "# 0000 0100 0200 at %lx\n", j) ;
            if (cnt==0) { chMB("0000 0100 0200 not found! - EXIT") ; return ; }
        FIaddr_arr[cnt]= j ; pFBuf -= 4 ; j -= 4 ;
        GetDW(pFBuf, j, FIcnt, false) ; FIcnt_arr[cnt]= FIcnt /2 ;
        fprintf( stream, "# FIs: %ld\n", FIcnt_arr[cnt]) ;
        log_FIs(stream, FIaddr_arr[cnt], minFaceInd, maxFaceInd, lastFaceInd, FIcnt_arr, cnt, false) ;
        pFBuf += 6 ; j += 6 ; if (cnt<7) cnt++ ; else {chMB("Too many submeshes!"); return ; }
        if (cnt==2) offs2= 0 ;  //break
   } while ((offs2!=0)&&(j<dwFileSize)) ;
   cnt= 0 ;
   nValue[0]= 7; nValue[1]= 0; nValue[2]= 0; nValue[3]= 0; nValue[4]= 3;    // Normals, BiNormals, Positions
   do {
        pFBuf = pTmp ; pFBuf += FIaddr_arr[cnt] ; j = FIaddr_arr[cnt] ;
        offs2 = FindBytes(lpFBuf, FIaddr_arr[cnt], dwFileSize-FIaddr_arr[cnt], nValue, 5) ;       // j is offset here
        if (offs2!=0) {
            pFBuf += offs2 ; j += offs2 ;
            if (*(pFBuf+8)==1) {
                    //fprintf( stream, "sig 07000000 at %lx\n", j) ;
                addrV= j + 17  ; Vaddr_arr[cnt]= addrV ;
                pFBuf += 8 + 5 ; j += 8 + 5 ;
                GetDW(pFBuf, j, vCnt, false) ;      //  size vBlock
                vCnt = vCnt/12 ; vCnt_arr[cnt]= vCnt ;
                fprintf( stream, "# verts at %lx, count: %ld\n", addrV, vCnt) ;
                cnt++ ; if (cnt==2) offs2= 0 ;
                //if (cnt==3) {             // we search behind FIS, so Normals/BiNorm sig is skipped
                //    offs2= 0 ; addrV= j + 17 ;
                //    fprintf( stream, "verts at %lx\n", addrV) ;
   } while ((offs2!=0)&&(j<dwFileSize)) ;
        //if (cnt!= 3) chMB("not all sigs for Norm/BiNorm/Pos found!\nModel will be faulty.") ;
   if (cnt==0) { chMB("Pos sig not found, no verts in model!\nExit.") ; return ; }
   log_Verts(Vaddr_arr[0], vCnt_arr[0], 12) ;
   fprintf( stream, "# SM 1 at %lx\n", Vaddr_arr[1]) ;
   log_Verts(Vaddr_arr[1], vCnt_arr[1], 12) ;

   pFBuf = (char *) lpFBuf ; j= 0 ; cnt=0 ;
   nValue[0]= 7; nValue[1]= 0; nValue[2]= 0; nValue[3]= 0; nValue[4]= 2;    // UVx
   do {
        offs2 = FindBytes(lpFBuf, j, dwFileSize-j, nValue, 5) ;       // j is offset here
        if (offs2!=0) {
            pFBuf += offs2 ; j += offs2 ; fprintf( stream, "#") ;
            if (*(pFBuf+8)==1) {
                bUV= true ;
                //fprintf( stream, "sig 07000000 at %lx\n", j) ;
                addrUV= j + 17 ; UVaddr_arr[cnt]= addrUV ;
                fprintf( stream, "uvs at %lx\n", addrUV) ;
            else bUV= false ;

           pFBuf += 13 ; j += 13 ;                  // advance to UVs blocksize, DWord
           GetDW(pFBuf, j, uvCnt, false) ; uvCnt = uvCnt/8 ;
           if (uvCnt!=vCnt_arr[cnt]) {
               chMB("uv cnt doesn't match vCnt!") ;
               fprintf( stream, "uvs_%d cnt: %d at %lx != %d\n", cnt, uvCnt, j-4, vCnt_arr[cnt]) ;
               if (vCnt_arr[cnt]>100000) vCnt_arr[cnt]= 11174 ;
           addrUV= UVaddr_arr[cnt] ;
           logUVs(addrUV, vCnt_arr[cnt], 8) ;
           if (cnt<1) cnt++ ; else offs2=0 ;        //break after submesh 2

    } while ((offs2!=0)&&(j<dwFileSize)) ;
(You'll need to patch this code again in case there's more than 2 submeshes!)