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Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:30 pm
by Police
Hello. I downloaded the file change that changes the private eye to police outfit and the main menu just freezes. Can someone help?

EDIT: By freeze, I mean the cinematic shows and everything, I just can't click on continue or any thing on the menu (i.e. the "continue" button).

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:10 pm
by Paul44
A gamer asked me recently about how to edit the 'items.lib' (see prev page). So I wrote him a little instruction set. I post it here as well as I can imagine that it could be helpful to others.

Watch Dogs 2 ~ modding

- preferably perform all actions in a (temporary) working folder
- ALWAYS make backups of the files you plan to overwrite !
- all actions are performed within a DOS box/window

* Un/pack fat/dat files: exe's found in this topic (pg 2 & 4)
-> find latest [filelist.txt] in this topic pg 7 ~ update 9)
* Un/pack lib files (and others): [;O=D ]
-> Remove 'GraphicKit_parts.binaryobjectfile.xml' & 'Items.binaryobjectfile.xml' from the [..\bin\projects\Watch Dogs\binary objects\files] subfolder (see this topic pg 6) !

A. extracting/editing/repacking 'items.lib'

1. extract [Patch.fat] (located in your game folder) using [WD2Extract.exe]
=> WD2Extract.exe "D:\Games\Watch Dogs 2\data_win64\patch.fat" Patch
(creates a 'Patch' subfolder within your working folder)
(this process can take some time 2-4 mins)

2. find [items.lib] in [.\Patch\generated\databases\generic]
-> copy this file in another working subfolder
(find location of 'items.lib' in [filelist.txt] ~ see above)

3. extract [items.lib] using the Gibbed Tools for Watch Dogs
=> .\WD2_Tools\Gibbed_Unpacker\bin\Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject" items.lib
(creates a 'items_converted' subfolder within your working folder)
(creates a 'items_converted.xml' file within your working folder)
(ps: you should get an error stating 'items' file definition missing ~ ignore: see above)

4. edit any XML file as you see fit: eg 'Clothing' category

5. repack [items.lib]:
=> .\WD2_Tools\Gibbed_Unpacker\bin\Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject" items_converted.xml
(creates a 'items_converted_converted.fcb' file within your working folder)
=> ren items_converted_converted.fcb items.lib

6. copy [items.lib] to [.\Patch\generated\databases\generic]
(see pt 2 ~ overwriting existing file)

7. Repack [Patch.fat]:
=> WD2Pack.exe Patch Patch.fat
(this creates 2 files: patch.fat & patch.dat)
(embedded files are not recompressed, so resulting dat_file will have become much bigger in size)
(this process can take some time 5-10 mins)

8. copy both [patch.*] files to your game folder
(make a backup first !)

That said:
I was not really aware about its contents; so I figured that perhaps I could 'unlock' the complete music set this way (not really cheating as these are "available" after all; one just need to have some luck to come across new songs).
Anways: if one checks [musiclibrary.lib], you'll find all the Music Player songs (and more) in there, categorized as follows:
RADIO_FINAL_DedSec_Pirate_Radio => Elec
RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge => Punk
RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge => Rock
RADIO_FINAL_KCE_Centuries => Clas
RADIO_FINAL_Bay_City_Pop => Pop
RADIO_FINAL_Radio_Bay_Nation => Rap
RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria => World

I did a comparison between a 'start' save (when first activating the media player, you'll get some "free" songs out of the box), and further down in game progress. Compairing these xml files, give some differences. But no matter what I changed, I was not able to add any 'new' songs to the list...

Any suggestions/tips would be appreciated to get them activated automatically.

ps: it goes without saying; all credits to authors/contributors of aforementioned tools/posts.

-EDIT- some more info:
Common.fat => musicgenres.lib:
Punk Rock.xml => <field hash="1FE8D41C" type="BinHex">2787B63B02000080</field> (which is the genre_ID you'll find back in the songs_xml file)
* RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge.Jawbreaker.xml => <field hash="4DB16FE4" type="BinHex">2787B63B02000080</field>

Common.fat => musicplaylists.lib (contains full radio_list of songs, referring to their song_ID)
RADIO_STATIONS_FINAL.Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.xml => <field hash="6F61FB50" type="BinHex">83C2C71F04000080</field>
* RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.10cc.xml => <field hash="1FE8D41C" type="BinHex">83C2C71F04000080</field> (which is their song_ID)

* initial [musicplaylists.lib] list
<field hash="6F61FB50" type="BinHex">14891AC103000080</field> RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.Anthony B.xml>
<field hash="6F61FB50" type="BinHex">16891AC103000080</field> RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.Daniela Mercury.xml
<field hash="6F61FB50" type="BinHex">13891AC103000080</field> RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.Jungle Fire.xml
<field hash="6F61FB50" type="BinHex">15891AC103000080</field> RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.Tony Rebel.xml
<field hash="6F61FB50" type="BinHex">83C2C71F04000080</field> RADIO_FINAL_Las_Ondas_De_La_Ria.10cc.xml

Example: inital playlist PunkRock:
* The Lookouts RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge.The_Lookouts.xml <field hash="1FE8D41C" type="BinHex">73D19D4207000080</field>
* Jawbreaker RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge.Jawbreaker.xml <field hash="1FE8D41C" type="BinHex">77D19D4207000080</field>
* NOFX RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge.NOFX.xml <field hash="1FE8D41C" type="BinHex">74D19D4207000080</field>
* Dead Kennedys RADIO_FINAL_Rock_The_Bridge.Dead Kennedys.xml <field hash="1FE8D41C" type="BinHex">21891AC103000080</field>
However: not all songs are present in a particular playlist (eg: Jawbreaker)

btw: the initial list gives one 42 songs. Another thing I did not know: select/play a radiostation, and it will "activate" any new songs detected (ie one still needs to 'tab' - open SneakSong - to get them registered)

ps: created some batchfiles to generate appropriate info (see attached). Better check what they do before running them...

Q: #CobraGamer mentioned earlier on that one can use [unluac] to decompile lua scripts. Anyone knows of a Win_exe that can do the job as well? (unluac needs java; which is not - will not be - installed on my pc). Tried all the ones I could find, but these returned errors...

Finished my research on the music part (got all of them now). Checkout [_MusicList_Cat_Sorted.txt] in the attached file for more info/detail.
ps: I did the test 'removing most ads & flashnews' for Bay Nation; had no probs with it. To make things more practical, I've added a [musiclibrary_converted_sorted.xml]...

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:54 am
by Police
The thing is, I suck at that and I will undoubtedly mess it up. Why can't someone just post the repacked patch.dat and .fat?

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:56 am
by Police
And also, when I downloaded it, it was a patch.dat and a patch.fat which was bigger than the original.

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:33 pm
by TSelman61X
watch dogs 2 I can open the .xbg file

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:24 pm
by machine4578
thanks alot for sharing Paul44!!

Re: Convert XBT to DDS (and vice versa)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:37 pm
by TSelman61X
Watch dogs how can i open .xbg file

Please Please Please Please

Re: Convert XBT to DDS (and vice versa)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:30 pm
by DigitalZky
TSelman61X wrote:Watch dogs how can i open .xbg file

Please Please Please Please
You can with a Blender plugin, check this thread viewtopic.php?p=127569#p127569

Re: Convert XBT to DDS (and vice versa)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:50 am
by TSelman61X
You can with a Blender plugin, check this thread viewtopic.php?p=127569#p127569[/quote]

Thx bro :wink: :]
But there's no skeleton on it :(

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:17 pm
by DigitalZky
Nope, just the model... but the skeleton should be in the files somewhere

Edit: So I had a problem with the extractor but I think it's all good now. Although I don't know if it's normal to get a million files with random numbers after extracting a .fat file. Can anyone tell me in which unextracted file the main characters models are located? I tried common.fat and there's no xbg/xbt files, just what I mentioned earlier.

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:38 pm
by Paul44
@DigitalZky :-> find latest [filelist.txt] in this topic pg 7 ~ update 9). dump it in same subfolder of wd2extract.

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:53 pm
by DigitalZky
Paul44 wrote:@DigitalZky :-> find latest [filelist.txt] in this topic pg 7 ~ update 9). dump it in same subfolder of wd2extract.
OMG, thank you so much! Such a small detail makes the whole difference haha

Question, though: Can the filelist be normally edited? There are some missing textures on some persons_of_interest folders, especially ultra res on pers03, pers07 and a few others. And even though I added the locations for xbt files they still weren't extracted :/

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:25 pm
by JimmyJ
can someone tell how to use WD2Extract??? I did all things with cmd but it still not work...

When I wrote:
WD2Extract "D:\Games\Watch Dogs 2\data_win64\patch.fat" "D:\Programs\WD2Extract\1"
is no internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.

When I wrote:
"D:\Programs\WD2Extract\WD2Extract.exe" "D:\Games\Watch Dogs 2\data_win64\patch.fat" "D:\Programs\WD2Extract\1"
nothing in cmd, and no files in a folder:(

My system is Windows 10.
Help me please...

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:23 pm
by Xecutioner
Hi Can somebody tel me where i can find Billboards texture ?

and how increase traffic cars ?

Re: watch dogs 2 .dat .fat archive?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:23 pm
by JimmyJ
I fix my problem.

Someone knows in which fat file placed pers5.xbg? In patch.fat?