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Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:12 am
by iambosh
CarLuver69 wrote:Posting my research here in case anyone can put it to good use. I'll probably make my own tools eventually, but I don't have an ETA on that :P

Thanks to aluigi for his Mafia .SDS (PS3) script, it helped point me in the right direction.

NOTE: I'm probably wrong on a lot of this, so please feel free to make corrections. I'm most likely off on the chunkCount being used to determine how many SDSChunkData's there are.

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struct SDSFile {
    int magic; // 0x534453 ('SDS\0')
    int version; // 0x14 (v20 / v1.4?)
    enum SDSType : int {
        PC = 0x4350,
        /* These are ASSUMED, I only have the PC version */
        PS4 = 0x345350,
        XB1 = 0x314258,
    } type;
    int unk_0C; // 0x5DE53FDE
    int dataInfoOffset;
    int dataOffset;
    int unk_18; // always zero?
    int unk_1C; // offset / size of something?
    int unk_20; // always zero?
    int unk_24; // offset / size of something?
    int unk_28; // always zero?
    int unk_2C; // 1
    int unk_30; // always zero?
    int unk_34; // always zero?
    int unk_38; // always zero?
    int unk_3C; // always zero?
    int chunkCount; // how many data chunks? (educated guess)
    int reserved; // checksum, hash, or key of some sort?
    /* @ dataInfoOffset */
    struct SDSDataInfo {
        int count; // how many data types there are
        struct SDSDataType {
            int typeIndex; // local index to reference this type
            int strLen;
            char typeName[strLen]; // no null-terminator
            int reserved; // possibly a guard? (always zero?)
        } dataTypes[count];
    } dataInfo;
    /* @ dataOffset */
    struct SDSData {
        int magic; // 0x6C7A4555 ('UEzl')
        int unk_04; // 0x10000? (never seems to change)
        char unk_05; // 4?
        struct SDSChunkData {
            int dataSize; // size of SDSChunkData
            char dataType; // reference to SDSDataInfo.dataType
            struct SDSChunkData {
                int memorySize; // size in memory? (e.g. uncompressed size)
                int bufferOffset; // offset to start of data
                int memorySize_2; // SDSData.unk_04 again?
                short unk_0A; // number of something? (this format is confusing)
                short unk_0C; // 0x80F?
                short bufferSize; // this might be an int, but unlikely
                    <<< Data padding >>>
                /* @ bufferOffset */
                char buffer[bufferSize];
            } data;
        } chunks[chunkCount];
hey man do you have a compiled version? it wont compile for me for some reason in visual studio

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:15 pm
by BitEmE
Ekey wrote:
BitEmE wrote: Also the content seems to be encrypted, I've tried to open an encrypted DDS file -> exception.
They not encrypted, chunks are compressed with Zlib. About XML toc > not exist anymore. Content filenames hashed (fnv64a).

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uint64 m3_gethash(unsigned char *m_String, int dwLength)
   uint64 dwHash = 0xCBF29CE484222325;
   for(int i = 0; i < dwLength; i++)
      dwHash *= 0x00000100000001B3;
      dwHash ^= m_String[i];
  return dwHash;
Some names

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For DDS you need skip additional header with 0x2F bytes after decompress. You can do it here in TextureViewer:

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		private void UpdatePreview()
Try set to 0x2F for code (memory.Position = 0L;) and this will be enought i guess :)
Ok the thing with zlib, I get it.
But i have the following problem at the moment:

My .SDS File has 9 chunks, the alignment is 0x10000 (65335)
The first file has a size of 699239 bytes (682kb)

Of course I can't read the file, because there are too less chunks (at least I'm getting exceptions thrown in my face)
9 Chunks a. 65335 bytes alignment = 588015 bytes

So I will always fail to read that file.

Am I doing something with zlib wrong?
I think the TypeID and Version are correct? Maybe the file sizes too?

I am confused right now. Would be great if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong or at least giving me a clue :-)

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:34 pm
by chipsman
BitEmE wrote:...
Zlib decompression is exactly the same as was in the M2

About files.. It looks like now the file header has bigger size than was before (36 bytes instead of 30, I have such assumption because there was extra 11 bytes between file header and DDS file magic in M2, if we follow the same logic - the header size has increased by 6 bytes)

here is my 010 Editor Templates for sds files and decompressed memory blocks
may be it will help you somehow

p.s.: anybody knows where radio music is located? here Mafia III\sds_retail\audio or here Mafia III\edit\audio\packages ?

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:03 pm

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:36 pm
by BitEmE
Alright, thanks to your help guys, really apprechiate it!

I'm now able to extract/show DDS files. Unfortunately DDs file in Mafia 3 can have the compression types ATI and DXT10, I'm not quite sure how to fix those decompressions with the texture viewer, but that's just a minor problem. (Also extracting is kind of a problem as there are +4 bytes infront of the magic DDs identifier of the file, so external DDs viewer will fail to load the image)

Also I've modified the XML reading and get now 'readable' XML content. Again, unfortunately, the format has changed in Mafia 3. The Problem right now is that I'm not able to say that the next node in memory is an attribute of a node, is a value, a child, or another node.
For example, with this file it's working because the values are only numeric (I'm using a hack at the moment to detect values inside nodes -> TryDouble)

With this file, it's not working because there are node attributes (see xsi:type is a node instead of attribute)

The structure is weird because it looks like this:

node type = 4
6 bytes = 0
String (length is not written in memory, you have to check for null terminator)
String Terminator
node type = 4
6 bytes = 0
String (length is not written in memory, you have to check for null terminator)
... and so on and so on..

So basically there's always a 4 between all nodes (maybe seperator? idk)
I don't know how I should figure out what's a child node, what's an attribute etc..

Again, here's the source (Just based of Rick's Mafia 2 tool) (in case someone of you wants to try it out etc.)

Thanks for you help guys, really apprechiate it. I'm used to reverse engineer and mod games, this is the first time I'm trying to 'reverse' the files format and create a tool for it :-)

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:33 am
by Ekey
Some new names :)

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Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:28 am
by Skrillex
BitEmE wrote:Alright, thanks to your help guys, really apprechiate it!

Thanks for you help guys, really apprechiate it. I'm used to reverse engineer and mod games, this is the first time I'm trying to 'reverse' the files format and create a tool for it :-)
We owe you bro, thanks. Can you share compiled version of this script? And i want a question, this tool does it work to subtitles.sds files, can you extract and repack clearly?

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:52 pm
by Ekey
Info for PCKG archives

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struct PCKGHeader
   uint32_t   dwID; // Always PCKG (0x50434B47)
   uint32_t   dwVersion; // 1
   uint32_t   dwTotalFiles;
   uint32_t   dwFlag; // 0xFFFFFFFF

struct PCKGEntry
   uint64_t   dwHash; // Hash of filename?
   uint32_t   dwOffset;
   uint32_t   dwSize;
   uint32_t   dwZSize;

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:41 pm
by Godxon1
BitEmE wrote:Alright, thanks to your help guys, really apprechiate it!

I'm now able to extract/show DDS files. Unfortunately DDs file in Mafia 3 can have the compression types ATI and DXT10, I'm not quite sure how to fix those decompressions with the texture viewer, but that's just a minor problem. (Also extracting is kind of a problem as there are +4 bytes infront of the magic DDs identifier of the file, so external DDs viewer will fail to load the image)

Also I've modified the XML reading and get now 'readable' XML content. Again, unfortunately, the format has changed in Mafia 3. The Problem right now is that I'm not able to say that the next node in memory is an attribute of a node, is a value, a child, or another node.
For example, with this file it's working because the values are only numeric (I'm using a hack at the moment to detect values inside nodes -> TryDouble)

With this file, it's not working because there are node attributes (see xsi:type is a node instead of attribute)

The structure is weird because it looks like this:

node type = 4
6 bytes = 0
String (length is not written in memory, you have to check for null terminator)
String Terminator
node type = 4
6 bytes = 0
String (length is not written in memory, you have to check for null terminator)
... and so on and so on..

So basically there's always a 4 between all nodes (maybe seperator? idk)
I don't know how I should figure out what's a child node, what's an attribute etc..

Again, here's the source (Just based of Rick's Mafia 2 tool) (in case someone of you wants to try it out etc.)

Thanks for you help guys, really apprechiate it. I'm used to reverse engineer and mod games, this is the first time I'm trying to 'reverse' the files format and create a tool for it :-)
Can you please post here builded version of your tool? Thx ;)

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:17 am
by chipsman
Audio packages format info (AKPK)

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struct Header
    char    dwMagic[4];   // AKPK (0x4B504B41h)
    DWORD   dwHeaderSize; // +0x4
    DWORD   _f8;
    DWORD   _fC;
    DWORD   _f10;
    DWORD   _f14;
    DWORD   _f18;
    DWORD   _f1C;
    DWORD   _f20;
    DWORD   _f24;
    DWORD   _f28;
    DWORD   _f2C;
    DWORD   _f30;
    DWORD   dwFileCount;    //+0x34

struct FileEntry
    DWORD   dwHash;     // +0x0
    DWORD   _f4;        // always 16,  block size ? or aligment ?
    DWORD   dwSize;     // +0x8
    DWORD   dwOffsetInBlocks; //+0xC // block size == 16
    DWORD   _f10;       // always 0, // or dwOffsetInBlocks is QWORD
Audio is stored in .wav container but the format/codec inside is unknown

here is 010 template ... /

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:44 pm
by iambosh
any progress on decrypting the dat files?

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:55 pm
by Skrillex
Skrillex wrote:
BitEmE wrote:Alright, thanks to your help guys, really apprechiate it!

Thanks for you help guys, really apprechiate it. I'm used to reverse engineer and mod games, this is the first time I'm trying to 'reverse' the files format and create a tool for it :-)
We owe you bro, thanks. Can you share compiled version of this script? And i want a question, this tool does it work to subtitles.sds files, can you extract and repack clearly?

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:28 pm
by trexjones
I just wanted to add my support for anyone thinking of putting tools together for this game! Love it! Great character models, and vehicles, too! Would love to be able to get in and take a proper look at some of them...!

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:19 pm
by daemon1
iambosh wrote:any progress on decrypting the dat files?
they are not encrypted

Re: Mafia 3 - .SDS

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:49 am
by iambosh
daemon1 wrote:
iambosh wrote:any progress on decrypting the dat files?
they are not encrypted
yeah when decrypted with the tool the results from the sds are dat files with random names and they are encrypted. so no actual assets