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CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:03 am
by godskin
Some one know tihs ploblem or help


Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:45 pm
by godskin

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:18 pm
by Acewell
search for FF FF FF FF and that will take you to where the models are
the byte after that is the mesh ID
the 2 bytes after that are the number of vertices
the 2 bytes after that you must multiply by 3 to get face count
2 bytes after that are padding and then the vertex block starts

have you tried the cabal scripts here?

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:24 pm
by shakotay2
@godskin: use a hexeditor to look into that EBM, you'll find the strings 'DDS' and 'DXT1'

delete everything before 'DDS' and save the rest as as

as simple as that:
(There's another two dds contained (DXT3) - but I'll leave that task to be solved by you. :) )

edit: upps, seems AceWell was active during my typing :D

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:38 pm
by godskin
AceWell wrote:
search for FF FF FF FF and that will take you to where the models are
the byte after that is the mesh ID
the 2 bytes after that are the number of vertices
the 2 bytes after that you must multiply by 3 to get face count
2 bytes after that are padding and then the vertex block starts

have you tried the cabal scripts here?
thx but don't work

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:42 pm
by godskin
shakotay2 wrote:@godskin: use a hexeditor to look into that EBM, you'll find the strings 'DDS' and 'DXT1'

delete everything before 'DDS' and save the rest as as

as simple as that:
(There's another two dds contained (DXT3) - but I'll leave that task to be solved by you. :) )

edit: upps, seems AceWell was active during my typing :D
this old ebm work on noesis mdf_mamuo.ebm

cabal korea have protection some .ebm file ??

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:49 pm
by godskin
godskin wrote:
shakotay2 wrote:@godskin: use a hexeditor to look into that EBM, you'll find the strings 'DDS' and 'DXT1'

delete everything before 'DDS' and save the rest as as

as simple as that:
(There's another two dds contained (DXT3) - but I'll leave that task to be solved by you. :) )

edit: upps, seems AceWell was active during my typing :D
this old ebm work on noesis mdf_mamuo.ebm

cabal korea have protection some .ebm file ??
i need new .ebm can open in noesis only pls share how to fix

shakotay2 / Acwell
don't fixed

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:59 am
by shakotay2
in function noepyCheckType(data) in add a further idstring:

Code: Select all

        if idstring not in [0x0003ED03, 0x0003EE03, 0x0003EF03, 0x0003F003, 0x0003F103]:
But you won't get too far - the script freezes Noesis then with DeathKnight_boss.EBM because finale00's script can't handle ebms of type 0x0003F103.

So if you want the textures you should try out my method.

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:28 am
by godskin
shakotay2 wrote:in function noepyCheckType(data) in add a further idstring:

Code: Select all

        if idstring not in [0x0003ED03, 0x0003EE03, 0x0003EF03, 0x0003F003, 0x0003F103]:
But you won't get too far - the script freezes Noesis then with DeathKnight_boss.EBM because finale00's script can't handle ebms of type 0x0003F103.

So if you want the textures you should try out my method.
i added u code
don't work bro
noesis freezy and not reponding after open Deatking

i do not need Texture
i need model + Skeletion + bone

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:25 am
by shakotay2
godskin wrote:noesis freezy and not reponding after open Deatking
you don't read what other people write, do you?
Yes, it freezes - that's what I wrote.

Also WHY didn't you write that you don't need textures?
I really hate it when people waste my time.

This is the model:
Try out hex2obj or let it be.

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:39 am
by godskin
shakotay2 wrote:
godskin wrote:noesis freezy and not reponding after open Deatking
you don't read what other people write, do you?
Yes, it freezes - that's what I wrote.

Also WHY didn't you write that you don't need textures?
I really hate it when people waste my time.

This is the model:
Try out hex2obj or let it be.
Ok thank you Sorry
can share DeathKnight.obj

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:56 am
by shakotay2
hex2obj can create obj files from models using H2O files.
In hex2obj:
File open (ebm file)
Open H2O
File SaveAs Mesh

Here's the H2O for the horse - save as txt file and rename it to DN_Horse.H2O for example:

0x236D81 23208
32 24
0x209FA1 5743
0x0 255

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:30 am
by Szkaradek123
Noesis plugin new line: 160 -

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:49 am
by godskin
Szkaradek123 wrote:Noesis plugin new line: 160 -
thx very much work !!

pls fix 010 Scrtip can't load new ebm

Code: Select all

// Game: CABAL Online
// File Format: EBM/ECH
// Description: Template for CABAL's model files
// Author: Yamachi
// Team: The Divinity Project
// Website:

#include ""


local string estType = "EBM";

local int tex_offsets[256], tex_lengths[256], dds_offsets[256];
local int index = 0;


typedef enum <uint32> {
    MATERIAL         = 0x41470201,
    MESH             = 0x41470202,
    ARMATURE         = 0x41470203,
    ANIMATION        = 0x41470204,
    INFLUENCE        = 0x41470205,
} CID;      // Chunk ID's

typedef enum <int32> {
    MULTIPLY                = 0x04,
    GRAIN_MERGE             = 0x08,
    HARD_LIGHT              = 0x09,
    ODD_FLICKER_EFFECT      = 0x0E,
    BELOW                   = 0x10,
    SCREEN                  = 0x12,
    CHROME                  = 0x18,
} RenderFlag;    // 2nd layer render flag


typedef struct {
	uint magic <format=hex>;
	ushort unkus;
	byte model_flag <format=hex>;
    byte alpha_threshold;
    ushort unkus;
	Vector3 bound_min;          // Bounding box lower vertex
	Vector3 bound_max;          // Bounding box upper vertex
	uint scale_percentage;      // Scale of model (default = 100%)
	CID chunk_id <format=hex>;  // ID for the next chunk
} Header;

typedef struct {
    float r, g, b, a;
} RGBA <read=RGBARead, write=RGBAWrite>;

typedef struct {
    RGBA r <hidden=true>;
    RGBA ambient;

    RGBA r <hidden=true>;
    RGBA diffuse;

	RGBA r <hidden=true>;
    RGBA specular;

    RGBA r <hidden=true>;
    RGBA emissive;

	float power;
} MatProps;     // Material properties

typedef struct {
    ubyte unkba[9];
    int material_index <read=MaterialIndexReadI>;
    Bool is_faceted;
    Vector2 speed;
    RenderFlag render_flags;
} Layer;

typedef struct {
	Text id;
    tex_lengths[index] = id.length;
    tex_offsets[index] = FTell() - id.length;
	uint size;
    dds_offsets[index] = FTell();
	ubyte data[size];
} IndexedTexture;

typedef struct {
    MatProps material_properties;
    IndexedTexture texture;
    Layer layer;
} Material;

typedef struct {
    uint count;
    if (count != 0) {
        uint vertex_index[count];
        float weight[count]; }
} InfluenceBone;

typedef struct {
    InfluenceBone influence_for_bone[skeleton.count] <optimize=false>;
} Influence;

typedef struct {
    Text id;
    Matrix world_matrix;
    Matrix local_matrix;
    int root_bone_id;   // Bone to attach mesh to.  Causes entire mesh to "stick" to that bone, moving when it does.
    ubyte material_index <read=MaterialIndexRead>;
    ushort vertex_count;
    ushort face_count;
    Vertex vertices[vertex_count];
    Face faces[face_count];

    /*CID chunk_id;   // INFLUENCE
    if (chunk_id == INFLUENCE) {
        ushort influence_count;
        if (influence_count != 0)
            Influence influences[influence_count] <optimize=false>; }
    else {FSeek(FTell() - 4) ; }*/
    // Hopefully this works for all models.  It should do.
    if (vertex_count > 0) {
        CID chunk_id;
        ushort influence_count;
        if (influence_count != 0)
            Influence influences[influence_count] <optimize=false>; }
} Mesh;

typedef struct {
    Text id;
    int parent_bone_index;
    Matrix bone_space_matrix;
    Matrix parent_bone_space_matrix;
} Bone <read=BoneRead>;

typedef struct {
    Text id;
    uint translation_count;
    Translation translations[translation_count] <optimize=false>;
    uint rotation_count;
    Rotation rotations[rotation_count] <optimize=false>;
} Transformation <read=TransformationRead>;

typedef struct {
    Text id;
    ushort count;
    Transformation transformations[count] <optimize=false>;
} Animation <read=AnimationRead>;

typedef struct {
    ushort count;
    local ushort tex_name_lengths[count];
    local short i = 0;
	Material materials[count] <optimize=false>;
    CID chunk_id <format=hex>;
} MT <read=CommentMT>;

typedef struct {
    ushort count;
    Mesh meshes[count] <optimize=false>;
    CID chunk_id <format=hex>;
} GE <read=CommentGE>;

typedef struct {
    ushort count;
    if (count != 0)
        Bone bones[count] <optimize=false>;
    CID chunk_id <format=hex>;
} SK <read=CommentSK>;

typedef struct {
    ushort count;
    if (count != 0)
        Animation animations[count] <optimize=false>;
} AN <read=CommentAN>;

typedef struct {
    local int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 210; i++)
        Colour c <hidden=true>;
        Colour glow_colour;

} GL;



Header model_header <read=CommentHDR>;

local CID chunk_id = model_header.chunk_id;
local ushort x = 0;

while (x < 4) {
    if (chunk_id == MATERIAL) {
        MT materials_and_textures;
        chunk_id = materials_and_textures.chunk_id;
    else if (chunk_id == MESH) {
        GE geometry;
        chunk_id = geometry.chunk_id;
    else if (chunk_id == ARMATURE) {
        SK skeleton;
        chunk_id = skeleton.chunk_id;
    else if (chunk_id == ANIMATION) {
        AN animations;
    else { x = 4; }

if (FileSize() - FTell() > 4)
    GL glows;


void ParseRGBA(RGBA &r) {
    FSeek(FTell() - 16);
    local float blue = (r.b * 255.0f);
    local float green = (r.g * 255.0f);
    local float red = (r.r * 255.0f);
    local int bc = (int)blue * 0x10000 + (int)green * 0x100 + (int)red;


string CommentHDR(Header &voi) {
    return ("Unknown values, model flag, bounding box, and following chunk ID.");

string CommentMT(MT &voi) {
    return ("Materials and textures.");

string CommentGE(GE &voi) {
    return ("Meshes.");

string CommentSK(SK &voi) {
    return ("Bones.");

string CommentAN(AN &voi) {
    return ("Animation sequences.");


string MaterialIndexRead(ubyte i) {
    string name = ReadString(tex_offsets[i]);
    name = SubStr(name, 0, tex_lengths[i]);
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "%i ( %s )", i, name);
    return s;

string MaterialIndexReadI(int i) {
    string name;
    if (i == -1)
        name = "NULL";
    else {
        name = ReadString(tex_offsets[i]);
        name = SubStr(name, 0, tex_lengths[i]); }
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "%i ( %s )", i, name);
    return s;

string AnimationRead(Animation &a) {
    return (;

string TransformationRead(Transformation &t) {
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "%s: %s", "Bones",;
    return s;

string RGBARead(RGBA &r) {
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "(%f %f %f %f)", r.r, r.g, r.b, r.a);
    return s;
void RGBAWrite(RGBA &r, string s ) {
    SScanf(s, "(%f %f %f %f)", r.r, r.g, r.b, r.a);

string BoneRead(Bone &b) {
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "%s",;
    return s;

Re: CABAL .EBM Can't Open 3D model

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:39 pm
by Szkaradek123
Hi godskin
I see your purpose here is only testing scripts. Nice.

What is this ? From which software is it from ? And how it use ?

// Game: CABAL Online
// File Format: EBM/ECH
// Description: Template for CABAL's model files
// Author: Yamachi
// Team: The Divinity Project
// Website: