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Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:45 am
by shakotay2
AceWell wrote: face indices (33858) * 2 = 67716 - 63096 (0xf678) = 4620 /2
so the last mat group would be assigned to the last 2310 faces out of the submesh total faces 8D
For the first submesh, yes, I'd say so.

(But I've made a stupid error with absolute/relative face indices, some + is required.
Submesh 6 should have 7 groups.)

well, it's not a simple '+', those crazy dev bastards might have used the same principles for building groups as the ones from FH3?
(Gosh, I really hope I don't have to work with median face indices and do a quicksorting which was a bad idea for early FH3 extractor versions.)

see this is so annoying:
f 2724/2724 2725/2725 2726/2726
f 2725/2725 2727/2727 2726/2726
f 742/742 744/744 743/743
f 741/741 742/742 743/743
f 743/743 752/752 741/741
f 750/750 741/741 752/752
f 750/750 752/752 751/751
f 749/749 750/750 751/751
f 745/745 746/746 747/747
f 748/748 747/747 746/746
f 747/747 748/748 741/741
f 750/750 747/747 741/741
f 2720/2720 2721/2721 2722/2722
f 2721/2721 2723/2723 2722/2722
f 2723/2723 2713/2713 2722/2722

Simple solutions looks good for some submesh but misses too many groups (reason see at end of post):
(seems I'll have to do a "per submesh" sorting at least)

edit: I did that sorting, it looked ok for the first submesh but not for the rest.

For the unsorted thingie it's weird:

There's this maximum faceindex, # 12. maxFI 27928 (might be wrong calculated, not sure)
and there's the values from the "FACE " tables:

# 27324
# ----------
# 27519 28186 < which don't make too much sense down from here
# ----------
# 28189
# ----------
# 28284 28725
# ----------
# 28755
# ----------
# 28764
# ----------
# 29178
# ----------
# 0

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:57 pm
by CZW

have you find a way to read the UVmap from the Shipyard ? and the Tributary ? it don't work with Unwrap3D pluggin ...

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:48 am
by Acewell
CZW wrote:have you find a way to read the UVmap from the Shipyard ? and the Tributary ? it don't work with Unwrap3D pluggin ...
no, not yet. i set this project aside for now, i will return to it some time this year though. :D

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:16 pm
by CZW
AceWell wrote:
CZW wrote:have you find a way to read the UVmap from the Shipyard ? and the Tributary ? it don't work with Unwrap3D pluggin ...
no, not yet. i set this project aside for now, i will return to it some time this year though. :D

Dont worry
I know you are able to do it ^^
I have the time ...
Just I need finally to see fixed those models, inside and outside, with the right textures ..
Bump me when you can work on it .. thks

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:28 pm
by CZW
Acewell, have you find a way to export the Shipyard and the tributary, with interiors ??
regards ... sp=sharing

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:09 pm
by shakotay2
uvs are hard to track, here's some of the easier ones:

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:20 am
by kboykboy
hey, i am very new to reverse engineering (this is the first time i ever tried) i have been working on trying to make a blender plugin to import the maps, i was able to make a tool that can import most of Tatooine and some meshes of a couple other maps, but i ran into an issue, most of the models for maps seem to be stored different then the normal models, doing a short with a FVF size of 16 works for normal models (24 FVF size for skeletal meshes) and it works for some of the map models but most don't work, i cant figure out how those meshes are stored, i was hoping someone here would have some information about that, thanks xD

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:11 am
by shakotay2
Without a map sample no one can tell, I guess.

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:53 am
by kboykboy
my bad lol, here is Tatooine, Coruscant and Cato Neimoidia ... s.rar/file Tatooine works for about 95% of the models, but Cato and Coruscant don't have any working models

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:52 pm
by shakotay2
yeah, it's a matter of finding the suiting face indices blocks:

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:17 pm
by kboykboy
Ayye you got it working, weird i cant even get the verts working, do you think you could show me how you have it set up in Hex2Obj? and thank you very much for your time.

the top was my attempt to get the verts from one of the coruscant meshes and the bottom i was trying Tatooine

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:12 pm
by shakotay2
Here you go:
(The uvs look a little bit strange - I tested a sub mesh, one of those center circle objects, and they looked ok to me.)

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:03 am
by kboykboy
Thank you so much, because of you i may actually get my plugin working so thank you again xD

Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:01 pm
by CZW

do you plan you share your plugin ?


Re: [X360] Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha (*.rax)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:17 pm
by kboykboy
CZW wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:01 pm hi

do you plan you share your plugin ?

most likely, I took a break from it for awhile but I should finish most of it soon, I for the most part got the meshes working, but now I need to set up material assigning and also find the positions of the models so they can be properly placed in the map