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Re: Rainbow Six: Siege AudioKinetic PCK container

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:37 am
by FatalBulletHit
Hey, I haven't worked on this for years as I couldn't and ultimately didn't want to invest the time needed for this to work in a way I'd be content with - not least because reliable sorting became impossible due to the removable of file names from the files itself (last I checked anyway).

What I ended up using to extract the .forge files was Ravioli Game Tools, this should give you .wem files which can be converted with vgmstream.

As I said, I haven't tested this in years, but this should hopefully get you somewhere.

For clarification: This project is (at least from my end) on hold indefinitely.

Re: Rainbow Six: Siege AudioKinetic PCK container

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:29 pm
by AgentMaine
Ravioli doesn't seem to support .forge files at all.

So far what I have been able to do is use a combination of Ravioli and Foobar2000 with vgmstream plugin to extract the.pck files in a build of Y5S2 (Steel Wave) and Y3S2 (Para Bellum)

These 2 build have very different file structures but everything is still in simple .pck containers.

There are MANY problems with this approach.
Ravioli can extract .wem, .wav, and .bnk files from the .pck containers.
It can also extract .wem and .wav files from .bnk containers. (and some files with no extension)
It can also convert some of the .wem files it extracts into usable .wav files.
The .wav files that it extracts (not converts) are unusable.
Some of the .wem files get converted into broken 1kb .wav files and some just completely fail.

Foobar2k with vgmstream can convert a lot of the .wem files that Ravioli can't but it seems to fail with some that Ravioli can.
It also seems like it's unable to open some of the .bnk files, while Ravioli can extract all of them.

About Y7S1... In this build the audio data is packed into 95 .forge files (total of 7.13GB).
I used this: tool to extract some of the .forge files.
It looks like there is just a bunch of .wem files in there but they are all unusable. I tried multiple ways to convert them but no luck. I don't know if they are encoded differently or this tool can't extract the audio files without corrupting them. (Although it is compatible with Y7S1, it was made for meshes and textures)

So at the moment I can extract and use a lot of the audio files but unfortunately a lot is still missing.
For example some weapon sounds are missing completely, some only have the supressed shot sound, some are missing the reload sounds etc...

All of the audio files are just a string of characters but I don't really mind it because I know the game well enough to be able to label the ones I want just by listening to them.

I don't know where to go from here. I can download any build of the game between Vanilla and Y7S1 (If someone wants to be able to do that join the Operation Throwback Discord server. People play old Siege there. Mostly White Noise and Para Bellum. There is a downloader that can download almost any version but you need to own a copy of Siege on steam to use it)

I still want to extract the audio files but I seem to be stuck at this point. Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: Rainbow Six: Siege AudioKinetic PCK container

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:49 am
by FatalBulletHit
Like I said, I haven't touched this in 2 years, there's a good chance I'm misremembering some things.

If you are interested in audio files prior to 5.2.2 (Operation Steel Wave) and have R6S on steam, you can use Steam DepotDownloader to download all the .bnk and .pck files, these are easy to extract, convert and sort with QuickBMS, ww2ogg and revorb (s. - this will probably not work as is, but you should be able to piece together the steps needed for extraction and conversion).

That's also what I used when trying to sort the .forge output by comparing it to the .bnk and .pck output. If I recall correctly, sorting the .forge files didn't work very well.

I've a table of all the depot ids (languages) and the needed manifest ids.

Alternatively you can go through e.g. Depot Sku WW yourself.

Re: Rainbow Six: Siege AudioKinetic PCK container

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:29 am
by Ayla658
To convert Rainbow Six: Siege AudioKinetic PCK containers to OGG Vorbis, you can use the following steps:

Download and install the ww2ogg tool.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the ww2ogg tool is located.
Enter the following command, replacing <input_file> with the path to the PCK container you want to convert:
ww2ogg <input_file>
For example, to convert the PCK container audio.pck to OGG Vorbis, you would enter the following command:

ww2ogg audio.pck
The ww2ogg tool will create a new directory named ogg containing the converted OGG Vorbis files.
Note: If the PCK container contains Wwise IMA ADPCM files, the ww2ogg tool will not be able to convert them. You can use the following steps to convert Wwise IMA ADPCM files to OGG Vorbis:

Download and install the SoX audio converter.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the SoX converter is located.
Enter the following command, replacing <input_file> with the path to the Wwise IMA ADPCM file you want to convert:
sox <input_file> -t vorbis <output_file>
For example, to convert the Wwise IMA ADPCM file voice.adpcm to OGG Vorbis, you would enter the following command:

sox voice.adpcm -t vorbis voice.ogg
Once you have converted the PCK container to OGG Vorbis, you can play the audio files in any media player that supports the OGG Vorbis format.

Re: Rainbow Six: Siege AudioKinetic PCK container

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:18 pm
by borntosowdeath
As far as I understand - the game doesn't check for the file integrity.
It just checks if the file is available (even empty file will work).

How would you repack this container with modified sounds?