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Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:15 am
by Melkor
michalss wrote:
Taner038 wrote:
michalss wrote: I allready told you a few posts back..

Ok. I'm start localization.
and I understand it correctly
you give it the tools when your translation is finish, right?
Yes i will.. Might someone make some other loc tools sooner, you never know :) But you have all text allready. I can guarante this is all text in game + DLC include MUL file Cines..
Greatest news ever! Thank you! Then we will began translation and I am looking forward for you tools!
To what language you are translating the game? My language is so different from English so i definitely need to completely edit/change the game fonts, do you have a solution for that too?

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:21 am
by michalss
Melkor wrote:
Ok. I'm start localization.
and I understand it correctly
you give it the tools when your translation is finish, right?

Yes i will.. Might someone make some other loc tools sooner, you never know :) But you have all text allready. I can guarante this is all text in game + DLC include MUL file Cines..

Greatest news ever! Thank you! Then we will began translation and I am looking forward for you tools!
To what language you are translating the game? My language is so different from English so i definitely need to completely edit/change the game fonts, do you have a solution for that too?
Im replacing Polish Lang. I suggest do the same think.

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:34 am
by Taner038
michalss wrote: Im replacing Polish Lang. I suggest do the same think.
I'm a one questions mate,

MUL_Cine_EN.txt and Cine_EN.txt
There are the same lines
which translations?

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:55 am
by michalss
Taner038 wrote:
michalss wrote: Im replacing Polish Lang. I suggest do the same think.
I'm a one questions mate,

MUL_Cine_EN.txt and Cine_EN.txt
There are the same lines
which translations?
Same text different formating!

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:39 pm
by Blechpappen
Hey! I made a video showcasing the problem I have. Is that because of the DRM extractor? Is it because of the method I use to extract the mul files? Is it because of the tigger unpacker I don't know.

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:47 am
by moxxy
Does anybody know how textures are referenced in material files and materials in mesh files respectively?

I extracted the asset names from the .tr2pcd files, hashed them and brute forced the material files for values containing the hashed
name. Unfortunately it didn't yield any match.

For example:

Code: Select all

// Repeat for every texture asset name.
hash = HashName("assets\textures\environment\manmade\rh_hub_uniq_wood_pile_v01")
I also tried various asset name combinations like prepending "pcx64-w\" or appending ".tr2pcd", ".pcd", ".dds", ...
Does anybody have an idea?

By the way, I use the hash algorithm from is it still valid?

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:57 pm
by Gh0stBlade
moxxy wrote:Does anybody know how textures are referenced in material files and materials in mesh files respectively?

I extracted the asset names from the .tr2pcd files, hashed them and brute forced the material files for values containing the hashed
name. Unfortunately it didn't yield any match.

For example:

Code: Select all

// Repeat for every texture asset name.
hash = HashName("assets\textures\environment\manmade\rh_hub_uniq_wood_pile_v01")
I also tried various asset name combinations like prepending "pcx64-w\" or appending ".tr2pcd", ".pcd", ".dds", ...
Does anybody have an idea?

By the way, I use the hash algorithm from is it still valid?
This is pointless, I'll save you the trouble and explain why.

1. Each DRM section has it's own unique hash name which is a unsigned 16-bit integer. Ekey's unpacker does not extract the sections with their hash names.
2. Each meshInfo[] contains a 32-bit integer which is an index into the material list (stored else where in the mesh file). The material list is just an array of 16-bit hash names which match the material hash section it uses.
3. At the end of the material files you should see a struct array sized 0x10. These are the texture definitions, each array starts with a 16-bit hash identical to the corresponding texture section it is referring to.
4. It is almost impossible to implement auto-texturing. The materials specify all textures it utilises. Within the material file there is no flag which determines whether a texture definition is diffuse, normal, mask or specular textures. This is controlled directly by the shaders which are compiled so it's pretty much impossible. I have confirmed this information for Tomb Raider Underworld by modifying the material file itself. Modifying the other data stored in the texture definition struct does nothing in regards to what texture is diffuse etc. Replacing the shader proved that my initial concerns are correct. This may have changed since Tomb Raider: Underworld but it's highly unlikely.

You can take a look at my Tomb Raider: Underworld Noesis script which does load material files and partially auto texture the meshes but it's not accurate all the time.


Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:00 pm
by Paliha
A profound mistake...For example - Underworld.
I can say with certainty for models.
This mesh:

Code: Select all

FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF   00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00   10 00 00 00   E2 1F 00 00   E3 1F 00 00 
E4 1F 00 00   E5 1F 00 00   E6 1F 00 00   E7 1F 00 00 
E8 1F 00 00   E9 1F 00 00   EA 1F 00 00   EB 1F 00 00 
EC 1F 00 00   ED 1F 00 00   EE 1F 00 00   EF 1F 00 00 
F0 1F 00 00   F1 1F 00 00    00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00

10 00 00 00 < - This count Material (*.matd), next Material_ID.
Next Material (matd) In the beginning header, taking count graphic files.
Then reverse the array, and pick the graphics identifiers.

Code: Select all

1. 00001FE2 count : 11
 Name         Type    Flag    №
00000A82|00000003|0002 0100
00000A83|00000003|0002 0200
00000A84|00000005|0002 0300
00000A85|00000005|0002 0400
00000079|00000002|0002 0500
0000011E|00000003|0002 0600
00000079|00000002|0002 0700
00000A81|00000005|0002 0000
00000A86|00000007|0002 0800
000000FF|00000002|0002 0900
00000A87|00000001|0002 0A00
2. 00001FE3 count : 11
 Name     Type    Flag  №
We need at index 1.With this index is greater than one, and there are duds. Their skip. Of the remaining, is not critical. Usually the first. The second is for other situation in the game.

Code: Select all

 if ((type == 0x00000001)&(sector == false))
    { if ((name != 0x00000128) && (name != 0x00000138) && (name != 0x000000FF))
            { data += string.Format("{0:X4}", name);
              var Search = string.Format("{0:X8}", name);
               find = SearchNode(Search + " : RenderResource", entryTreeView.Nodes[0]);
                find.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed;
                sector = true; } }

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:50 pm
by Gh0stBlade
Paliha wrote:A profound mistake...For example - Underworld.
I can say with certainty for models.
This mesh:

Code: Select all

FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF   00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00   10 00 00 00   E2 1F 00 00   E3 1F 00 00 
E4 1F 00 00   E5 1F 00 00   E6 1F 00 00   E7 1F 00 00 
E8 1F 00 00   E9 1F 00 00   EA 1F 00 00   EB 1F 00 00 
EC 1F 00 00   ED 1F 00 00   EE 1F 00 00   EF 1F 00 00 
F0 1F 00 00   F1 1F 00 00    00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00

10 00 00 00 < - This count Material (*.matd), next Material_ID.
Next Material (matd) In the beginning header, taking count graphic files.
Then reverse the array, and pick the graphics identifiers.

Code: Select all

1. 00001FE2 count : 11
 Name         Type    Flag    №
00000A82|00000003|0002 0100
00000A83|00000003|0002 0200
00000A84|00000005|0002 0300
00000A85|00000005|0002 0400
00000079|00000002|0002 0500
0000011E|00000003|0002 0600
00000079|00000002|0002 0700
00000A81|00000005|0002 0000
00000A86|00000007|0002 0800
000000FF|00000002|0002 0900
00000A87|00000001|0002 0A00
2. 00001FE3 count : 11
 Name     Type    Flag  №
We need at index 1.With this index is greater than one, and there are duds. Their skip. Of the remaining, is not critical. Usually the first. The second is for other situation in the game.

Code: Select all

 if ((type == 0x00000001)&(sector == false))
    { if ((name != 0x00000128) && (name != 0x00000138) && (name != 0x000000FF))
            { data += string.Format("{0:X4}", name);
              var Search = string.Format("{0:X8}", name);
               find = SearchNode(Search + " : RenderResource", entryTreeView.Nodes[0]);
                find.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed;
                sector = true; } }

I don't understand what you mean. All that material info has been known for some time now.

If you are suggesting that type 0x1 is the correct texture for diffuse maps then you are wrong. There are several material files with multiple texture definitions with type 0x1. Either way, this is all controlled by the shaders, any other work around is nothing more than a hack and will never be stable/accurate enough. Looking into the materials is a waste of time.


Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:50 pm
by Paliha
to Gh0stBlade
Lara for example is in the mud, and sometimes came out of the water. Both of these files have one type = 1. File selection goes according to the game script . These files also has type 1,(128,138,ff) but their purpose I don't know yet. For the model they are not needed.
I tried your plugins, they just use the indexes of the graphics. Therefore concluded that before the end of you in this matter is not sorted out.

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:00 am
by T0M099
Does someone know how Lara's new hair - Pure Hair are stored ?

I know that they aren't made by polygons, probably they are curves/splines.

Also, would be possible to extract them ? Thanks for help.

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:57 pm
by Gh0stBlade
T0M099 wrote:Does someone know how Lara's new hair - Pure Hair are stored ?

I know that they aren't made by polygons, probably they are curves/splines.

Also, would be possible to extract them ? Thanks for help.
I have no idea, if you do find them let me know! 8D

Edit: lara_hair_all.drm It's most likely stored in Section 1.dtp custom mesh format it seems.

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:27 pm
by T0M099
Thank you Gh0stBlade, maybe another silly question, but I'm curious if whole level/scene could be exported (e.g. main menu scene) ?

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:37 pm
by Gh0stBlade
T0M099 wrote:Thank you Gh0stBlade, maybe another silly question, but I'm curious if whole level/scene could be exported (e.g. main menu scene) ?
Depends, scenes are just composed of terrain meshes and tons of statics. The only way to do that would be to load the data which states what parts of the scene/statics are needed and where they go. I have no idea where that's stored, I'm betting it's part of the DTPData and the format for that section type is completely unknown/inconsistent.

Re: [PC/X360] Rise of the Tomb Raider Bigfile.000.tiger

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:02 am
by nudifyher
Maybe this tool will aid you, texture replacer for Directx11 games, it will be updated this week so keep an eye on it. ... acer.8402/
and here ... tive.3088/