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Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:36 pm
by Harime Nui
I am trying to unpack and pack a Witcher 3 savefile, which is a archive containing multiple files.
Unpacking works pretty well, but with packing I have problems, because there seems to be a checksum which needs to be recalculated.
I tried several different algorithms, like adler and crc, but I just can't figure it out.
Maybe someone knows more about it?

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:10 pm
by RedEyeX32
The internal files seems to be compressed, I cannot see a checksum.

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:51 pm
by Harime Nui
Yes, my assumption with the checksum was wrong, it is just the file length in byte of the uncompressed file. It is also not an archive which holds multiple files, but it is one file which gets split into 1048576 byte long parts. Every part then gets compressed with lz4 (
I was actually able to "unpack" and "pack" a savefile, but i was not able to change much jet, the game breaks very easy:
Here is a image how the header of the savefile looks like:

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:44 am
by RedEyeX32
Harime Nui wrote:Yes, my assumption with the checksum was wrong, it is just the file length in byte of the uncompressed file. It is also not an archive which holds multiple files, but it is one file which gets split into 1048576 byte long parts. Every part then gets compressed with lz4 (
I was actually able to "unpack" and "pack" a savefile, but i was not able to change much jet, the game breaks very easy:
Here is a image how the header of the savefile looks like:
I was assuming that it was using LZO1X, but if it works, good job!

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:05 am
by Harime Nui
RedEyeX32 wrote:I was assuming that it was using LZO1X, but if it works, good job!
I just used this library on every part for uncompressing and compressing on default settings, and it worked without any problems. As far as I can see it calls itself LZ4, but there are so many of them it could be a modified version of LZO1X.
I think on it's base it is called Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression:

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:53 pm
by Harime Nui
Still trying to figure out the save file itself. To me it looks like some kind of binary XML file?

Maybe someone knows in which file format they are saved?

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:55 pm
by ner0
Nice work Harime Nui.
Although I don't really bring anything interesting and useful to the subject, I'm pretty anxious to see a working save editor.
Unfortunately we didn't see that with TW2, in fact I think that only the XBox360 community seems to have gotten a working editor for TW2, albeit very primitive in that it only allowed to change Money, XP, Upgrade Points, Level.

Anyway, I Googled for a little bit in hope of finding something that might be useful from past projects which never really made it.
I know that the probability of any of this information being useful is close to zero but nonetheless...

Witcher 1 (I know, didn't use REDEngine anyway):

Witcher 2 ... SaveFormat ... rmats/Save

Witcher 3 (unpacking seems to work too)

Best of luck, I hope more people join this effort.

Re: Witcher 3 save files

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:34 pm
by DanRom
So, whazzup, folks?
Is there any solution for Witcher 3?