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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:06 pm
by George

im interrested on this programm is it possible to support freelancer ???
there are more then one fileformat but the game is one of the best spacesim
and it is easy to mod but there is no easy way to extract 3 meshes from the chars for creating new chars for ingame engine videos
i hope u understand me because my english is not the best ;)
if u interrested to help me i will send u alls things i know about game and filesystem of game
send me an email


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:46 pm
by Storm
Wrong forum.. they have a Game Requests forum.. or even Code Talk for that matter.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:18 pm
by Mr.Mouse
That's right. This topic will be moved when you reply here again, so you'll have read this message and know that it will be moved to the Game Request forum.

Freelancer is already supported in MexCom, I suppose you mean other file types than the one supported, eh? ;)

Can you tell us which exactly? And what it is that you request? Your english is fine :) So, which files need to be investigated? The FLM files are your basic Zip format. What other file do you mean?