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Dead or Alive 5 - message .bin/lnk

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:37 pm
by MJay
I am looking to extract files from 'message' .bin/.lnk for DoA5LR PC. The tools available to it does not work with this file. Can anyone help? Files below:

Re: Dead or Alive 5 - message .bin/lnk

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:52 pm
by MJay
A friend of mine managed to extract the master file and came out several files without extension (suspected to be a .LANG, but we are using .DAT as placeholder), we are now trying to understand the files to text unpack/repack.

What we know so far:

The pointers are above the texts and they are aligned in multiple of 16, not yet understand the beginning of the file.

Sample file below:
