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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:39 am
by CriticalError

Hello guys, well this time I come again with this game, Swordsman, for some reason the file is to big and when I try unpack them with old unpacker or script it say the file is to big and can't recognize pck, so my question is if possible help to unpack it... I know is possible got files with offzip, but ofc the files get out are wrong, why? well simple in theory the files was exported with random names and wrong extentions, a example .mox files they are not, because it use same format as perfect world, ski for models, stck for animatiosn, dds for textures and bon for bones, so well is possible check the format and try make a bms script for unpack them maybe? really this would be great because nobody do a release of this tool and with old tools you can't got files, many thanks to all community and have a nice day.

Download: ... 141219.rar ... L%20pck.7z

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:26 am
by island2008
:evil: here you can get it .......old game... i hate it

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:14 pm
by CriticalError
island2008 wrote::evil: here you can get it .......old game... i hate it
i'm registered there and all this unpackers no work.

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:36 pm
by bluearms
I modified original quickbms script by aluigi to make it work for models.pck+models.pkx

you must prepare combined file by
copy /b models.pck+models.pxk output.pck
then use quickbms_4gb_files output.pck .

Code: Select all

comtype unzip_dynamic
get bname basename

goto -8
get FILES long
print "FILES=%FILES|x%"
# -12 position = 0xa75dc142
goto -276

get INFO_OFF longlong
math INFO_OFF ^= 0x49ab7f1d33C3EDDB
print "INFO_OFF=%INFO_OFF|x%"
# for chinese models.pck this must be 0x110f470d5


print "INFO_OFF=%INFO_OFF|x%"
for i = 0 < FILES
    get HEAD long
    #print "HEAD at %i% = %HEAD|x%"
    math HEAD ^= 0x62A4F9E1
    #print "HEAD at %i% = %HEAD|x%"
    get FOOT long
    #print "FOOT at %i% = %FOOT|x%"
    math FOOT ^= 0x3520C3D5
    #print "FOOT at %i% = %FOOT|x%"
    savepos INFO_OFF
    math INFO_OFF += HEAD
    goto INFO_OFF

    getdstring NAME 260 MEMORY_FILE
    string OUTNAME = bname
    string OUTNAME P "%bname%\\%NAME%"

    print "NAME at %i% = %NAME%"

    get OFFSET longlong  MEMORY_FILE
    get SIZE long MEMORY_FILE
    get ZSIZE long MEMORY_FILE
    print "OFFSET = %OFFSET|x%, SIZE = %SIZE%, ZSIZE = %ZSIZE%"

    if ZSIZE == SIZE
next i
The tip for correct chines name output:
If your Os supports unicode (maybe utf8 file system)
use applocale with chinese simplified language selected with target application c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe.
In that console use this script.
Generated file names are incorrect in the console display but it is correctly converted in the file system in this way.
Do not do this in the path (where *.exe and *.pck is) which include non-english characters.
This script only works with normal *.pck with quickbms_4gb_files.exe.
quickbms.exe seems not work because longlong is fake.

- Original script is at

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 2:15 pm
by CriticalError
ummm what you update there? only changing locale in windows you got correct file names, is not necessary modify script, so again what you change there?

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:30 pm
by bluearms
CriticalError wrote:ummm what you update there? only changing locale in windows you got correct file names, is not necessary modify script, so again what you change there?
original script does not support models.pck.

Using applocale is more easier than changing windows locale and rebooting.

Why are you asking that obvious question?

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 5:39 pm
by CriticalError
bluearms wrote:
CriticalError wrote:ummm what you update there? only changing locale in windows you got correct file names, is not necessary modify script, so again what you change there?
original script does not support models.pck.

Using applocale is more easier than changing windows locale and rebooting.

Why are you asking that obvious question?
the obvious thing is you don't need update old script, only changing locale it's works, I tested myself so for this reason I told it :owned2:

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 11:50 am
by bluearms
CriticalError wrote:
bluearms wrote:
CriticalError wrote:ummm what you update there? only changing locale in windows you got correct file names, is not necessary modify script, so again what you change there?
original script does not support models.pck.

Using applocale is more easier than changing windows locale and rebooting.

Why are you asking that obvious question?
the obvious thing is you don't need update old script, only changing locale it's works, I tested myself so for this reason I told it :owned2:
I don't know which client you are using, but old script only deals with long xor key and it can not handle more than 4G files which obviously requires longlong xor key to be found. current models.pck is more than 4G. So it does not work obviously!
And "ONLY CHANGING LOCALE"? what are you talking about. script itself does not to do with locale. It was another comment about getting correct file names. Have you compared two script?

I know there's more than 3 versions of client, chinese, korean and english.
korean client's models.pck is smaller than 4G and old script works.
I can not get english client and I am not sure about it.
But current chinese client vesion is 1.4.60 now and is more than 4G.

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 5:44 pm
by CriticalError
I have CN version with 1.4.60 is latest, about models.pck and pkx when you build it get a models.pck of 4.60GB, and anyway I got all files with correct file names without problems when change locale only.


Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:02 am
by bluearms
CriticalError wrote:I have CN version with 1.4.60 is latest, about models.pck and pkx when you build it get a models.pck of 4.60GB, and anyway I got all files with correct file names without problems when change locale only.

You may have used another tools or you are joking. Original script can not do that "LOGICALLY"
Anyway I can see that you have another method.
As I have said before, it is not a matter of locale.
I am not talking about extracting correct name. I am talking about that you can not extract with original script.
Original script ->

And Now about locale...
Unfortunately my system locale has conflict with chinese locale. (It also uses two bytes. So I prefer to use applocale.)
(Basicall applicale's job is same as changing system locale locally within a program..)

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:22 pm
by Raylee
Hey guys :)

Was someone able to open the buildings files which you can find in buildings.pck??
File formats: pxd & .chf
The files are output files if you unpack the folder "building.pck" from Swordsman Online.
You can see some of the files I've unpacked.

I would be so glad if we can find an solution to this problem.

Game Engine used: Angelica
Studio: Perfect World Entertainment

Best regards

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:05 pm
by Drawing
this is the wrong section, you should post it in 3d model.

Re: 笑傲江湖OL

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:13 pm
by Raylee
Thank you,
I created a topic with my problem in 3D/2D models section.

Best regards